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Edited by KrishnaDaBeast: 1/26/2016 2:59:15 AM


This is killing PvP for me and a lot of players in the Destiny community. [b](TL;DR is down below)[/b] Skill based match making is matching people with "Equal" skill even if it's across continents and that just put lag on a whole new level. There should be ranked playlist and dedicated servers if they want to introduce skill-based matchmaking, so, for now, they should reintroduce connection based match making. Crucible is so sweaty, and it requires you to give the game 100% percent concentration if you want to win a match, which just ruins the fun in playing it in the first place. If you are in the higher ranks and want to use any other guns than the meta=RIP If you play with play with some of your friends who aren't as good=RIP Bungie the last two COD games tried skill based match making and have failed miserably (For example Advanced Warfare) [b][u] [i]TL; DR= Replace skill based matchmaking with connection based matchmaking before it's too late.[/u] [/i][/b] Bungie needs to listen to the community and go back to connection based matchmaking because of the Lag and crucible feeling more of a chore than it being fun. This is a casual game, and if you want it to be competitive then you got to introduce Private matches, dedicated servers and ranked playlist. [u][b]Guys please if you agree please sign and upvote this so people can see. Leave a comment about why you also hate SBMM. If you disagree with this post or some parts of this post please leave me a detailed comment explaining why. [/b][/u] If we want Destiny to be saved then we got to start somewhere important. Let your voices be heard! (Also, tell me if there are any grammatical mistakes or any spelling mistakes) [b]EDIT: Wow you guys are awesome! Keep signing and bumping so hopefully Bungie could see this and the many other posts out there.[/b] [b]EDIT: Please also do not forget to Upvote or click the like button on this post so more people can see this, thank you.[/b] [b] EDIT: 550+ Upvotes? Damn guys keep doing what you are doing. Bungie will have to see this. [/b] For the people that are saying "Oh now it's competitive, wow the horror." Then this is what I personally have to say to you [quote] Have you seen the crucible lately? It's latency issues are on a whole new level because of SBMM. A game like this with no dedicated servers should just stick to P2P connections which you clearly can't comprehend. I could play competitively when I want to feel like it. I organize scrims against competitive people all the time. But when I want to win matches.and have fun, I do not want to sweat and concentrate 100% for the whole watch just to have a chance at winning. It's funny if you actually think Destiny with no crucible balance, no dedicated servers, no ranked playlist, and no private matches could be competitive. [/quote] This is gold [quote] The pure idiocy is they've removed the fun of occasionally having an easier or harder match. It's sweaty all the time, especially if you improve. And further proof of the idiocy is this: where is the reward system that matches the SBMM? So you're going to give people more difficult matches, but reward them with a mote of light? Pull your head out of your ass Bungie,[/quote] By IronChalice For the "special people" that think SBMM is fine and you the top tier players or any players should be forced into laggy games so they don't play against people close to them. Please I challenge you to go read this great post [u][i][b]EDIT: We have around 1600+ Signatures and Bumps. Let's hope Bungie sees this. Tweet this at them. Anything. Just keep Upvoting, bumping, and signing. If you disagree, please don't be ignorant because you post. Read what I and the people in this post are saying before speaking out. I would love to hear everyone's opinion but make it detailed. [/b][/i][/u] A video I found on Reddit. It's an SBMM Lagtage Best comment IMO [quote]I'm not against skilled based matchmaking. Especially if it was clear what skill was rated on. Halo 3, in my opinion, had the best skilled based matchmaking, I'm all for it if it can be replicated. In order for this to work, though, casual needs to be separated from ranked play. Casual players don't want to play hard and ranked players don't want to be sweaty all the time. I chose when I want to go hard, and I believe the majority of the player base does the same.[/quote] [u][b]By The Medic44[/b][/u] [i][u][b] EDIT: Keep on Upvoting, bumping, sharing, commenting, tweeting, anything. Bungo needs to see this clear flaw with PvP and how this alone could kill Destiny. I don't care about the content shortage if it means I can have fun in PvP but now I can't even do that. Bungie, you are killing your own game by not listening to us![/b][/u][/i] [i][u][b] EDIT: OMG 900+ Upvotes and no Bungie. BUNGO SAY SOMETHING. ANYTHING. GET RID OF SBMM. The majority wants it. Guys keep doing what you are doing. We need to get 1000 Upvotes so hopefully BUNGIE can see people don't want SBMM[/b][/u][/i] [quote] HUGE EDIT:Guys, an update about matchmaking! Matchmaking will have more emphasis on connection starting WEDNESDAY. ONLY in Iron Banner. They will analyze that and then roll the matchmaking changes out to more Crucible playlists over time. We have yet to see if these changes will fix the issues, but this looks like a partial win with a full win incoming at an unspecified date. People, PLAY the EFF out if IB after Wednesday's update goes live. Let's let them know with our play time that we want the matchmaking to be CONNECTION based first, skill second.[/quote] [u][b]By Irivingjohn 1985[/b][/u] [i][b] 1000+ Signatures and Bungie finally said something. But it's a beta test, or it would feel like it so please PLAY THE EFF OUT OF IT AND TELL BUNGIE YOU LIKE IT. THIS PETITION HAS ACCOMPLISHED WHAT IT WAS MADE FOR SO THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SIGNING, BUMPING, AND COMMENTING. Tell Bungie you like the new matchmaking, if you like it, please. Someone else should make a petition asking for Bungie to keep the matchmaking if it's good. As for now I have done my job.[/b][/i] [b]WE -blam!-ING WON BOYS AND GIRLS. LET'S GO[/b]

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  • Agreed. Consistency is the goal bungie should be striving for now. Because rng loot is bad enough but rng hit detection is unbearable.

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  • Let's assume bungie can isolate latency issues from sbmm Why shouldn't crucible be more difficult ? If latency isn't an issue than you should be matched with people around your skill level. Forces you to get better. If you don't want sbmm that has no latency issues then you're just looking to stomp randoms

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    31 Replies
    • Signed bump all of them I want connection not this bullshit

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    • Signed

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    • Bump signed faxed morse coded carrier pigeon whatever let this be heard

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    • Signed

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    • The SBMM is a complete sham and put plainely, just doesn't work. The connections are so awful now it calls literally everything into question now INCLUDING THE PERCEIVED PERCEPTIONS OF SKILL. It's entirely possible for people to get matched up against others who are actually far below their own skill level, but due to the shenanigans that happen as a result of overwhelming lag have an annaturally high/inflated skill & win rate. The end result is good players getting beaten by scrubs who have no business doing so and/or the really good players who happen to luck out on host just go on an unstopable rampage which only serves to further skew the SBMM. I for one, am beyond sick of running into people from Europe & South America (among other places) that literally get away with murder repeatedly and there's nothing I can do about it. I'd rather have the occsional match up against someone who's better than me and get my ass handed to me LEGITIMATELY than be constantly wallbanged by snipers, have supers and other lethal attacks frequently miss and just generally being screwed over by latency and the absurd lack of host migration. Besides how are you supposed to improve at Crucible if you never face anyone who's better than you? Why the -blam!- are private matches still not a thing so people can do little tournaments or sparring matches to practice? And then there's the whole mess with balancing patches but that's for another thread - Tl;DR Crucible is completley and utterly broken and it's unacceptable that Bungie has let it devolve into the unmitigated disaster it's become.

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    • Bump

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    • Signed. I float right around 1.2 kd. Not terrible but a valuable team mate. The past month in the crucible has been the most frustrating gaming experience of my life. The lag plus the sniper meta has made the game horrible.

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    • Signed - Over 3,200 hours into Destiny so I love this game, even bought a bunch on the Bungie Store. However, even I can't wait for The Division. I know I roll with a solid crew of around 15-20 and I'm sad to say we all pre-purchased The Division. Destiny brought our crew together so I thank you for the great memories and some of us will come back for periodic events until Destiny 2 if you don't make us wait years and allow us to lose interest. What you are trying to do I like...just poor execution and hiding it from your community. I've been in management for the majority of my working career and I can't understand some of the decisions made by the leadership in your company. You really need to be honest and up front with your loyal community because lets face it, the people playing still are the loyal ones. There wasn't a major complain in the forums about PVP before this other than some weapon balancing (this will never go away) and character class nit-picky things. A couple too many times you've had to back track. If you wanted to try this it should've been in a weekly update and create a one time vote per account for the PSN/XBL networks based onto get a real pole from your community. You track things by just an account so this could've been done.

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    • Bump

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    • I've been doing a lot better in crucible

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    • Signed. 1.67 K/D here and i live in Australia.. finding a game without SBMM which has good connection is hard enough let alone being top 4%. We cant have SBMM without a connection based search as well.

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      1 Reply
      • Petitions don't do much here, but. I'm in anyway.

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      • signed

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      • Signed. You summed up my thoughts exactly.

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      • Signed. Save that stuff for ToO

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      • Signed

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      • Edited by Gage: 1/24/2016 10:59:04 PM
        Signed - but the reality is, they will not give us what we want. They said in their update they're just going to "improve" the skilled based matchmaking. They rely on unreliable "data" instead of the community's obvious popular opinion. There was a massive petition to remove Rift from Iron Banner and the vote to remove it was like 80+% or so amongst more than 1,000+ people. It trended so much that DeeJ replied only to pretty much tell everybody to f*ck off. The harsh truth is that Bungie does not care. They will do things their way and only their way based off their falsified "data" they retrieve. They will never give us what we want, let's face that fact head on. They're just baiting us with these silly updates once every 3 months teasing us with the idea of giving us what we want only to give us what we never even wanted. [b]Bungie does not care about what we want.[/b] There is no argument to deny that.

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        1 Reply
        • Signed.

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        • Signed

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        • The only think SBMM accomplishes is lower every player in the game to a 1.0 kd and 1.0 win loss

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        • Yep. I played today and left because of the lag... Lag on my team and not just the opposing team. Three red bars at all times.

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        • Edited by KaidaYuuki: 1/24/2016 11:51:23 PM
          Bung0 pls fix. Signed. My KD went from average 1.xx to.89 in a month. I'M HORRIBLE AT THIS GAME, STOP MAKING ME WORSE.

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          • Signed, and if I get another ghost under 315 I will leave destiny forever!

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          • Agreed. I have been enjoying pvp a lot less now it has been very frustrating. The only thing that is still fun is trials and that is because you have a team and they don't use the SBMM in trials.

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