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1/19/2016 2:05:23 AM

Why does Bungie keep hurting fusion rifles in every patch?

Fusion rifles are in a bad place right now, and they haven't been as good as shotguns or sniper rifles for a while now. It just seems like I give myself a handicap every time I want to use one in either crucible or PVE content. Telesto is good, but that's basically the only one. The raid fusion is an absolute joke, I had bullets flying off at 90 degree angles into space from where I was aiming. So I started looking at patch notes and it seems in every patch Bungie just hits those things hard. The recent patch describes less accuracy while firing from the hip, but that accuracy is supposed to improve as you aim down sights. Now I've used Plan C since month 1 of the game releasing and I can tell you that aiming down sights is not improved, it is far far worse. My question is, what in the Sam Hill is going on with fusion rifles Bungie? What are you all doing with them? They should be the mid range answer for shotguns and snipers; but seriously they are so bad right now. It's clear that if you all want more variety in the crucible then more weapons need to challenge the current meta, please give fusion rifles some love.

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