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originally posted in: Awkward moments with strangers?
Edited by ClusiveC: 1/9/2016 11:47:32 PM
Damn, that's awkward as hell. I accidentally went into the wrong bathroom once, but I've never used the bathroom in there. I don't think I've ever seen a woman in the men's bathroom. Remember back when everyone was still playing Halo PC and Halo CE (Custom Edition)? And Xfire was the shit? Back when you had to aim like 2 inches in front of everyone to shoot them, and the host had ridiculous advantages? I had this really idosyncratic-stupid moment once with this chick in this clan I'd joined on this old... I wanna say "clanwars" website, but I can't remember the name. It had a bunch of clans on it with rankigs and stuff. It's a long story, but bottomline is that I ducked, dodged and dipped my way out of this awkward conversation

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