"The promise I make to my friends. If you kill yourself, I'll go straight to hell and drag you back up here."
"If they even go to hell"
"I don't care if it's heaven, hell or anywhere else."
[b]He rubs his back[/b] "Could you take a look at these two stumps on my back?"
"I'm no medic, but sure
[b]He gets up and turns around[/b]
[b][i]He looks at them, Grey sleeping in the sun.[/i][/b]
[b]they're two stumps, one on each side of his spine, each looks like the base of a wing[/b]
"They look like wings were there. Mind explaining?"
"Never had wings" [b]He shudders[/b] "Guess I'm growing wings then'
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Probably not"
"I mean, you get to fly and they look badass."
"And I'll get kidnapped and experimented on"
"If they can catch you. Il make sure they don't."
"Hey, we all need to have each other's backs
"Indeed we do"