"How about we just forget about what happened in Gamma Asteria, okay?"
"Probably." Sawyer extends his hand. "I'm Aaron Sawyer. You?"
"Not that part. The bad parts."
"Oh. Okay then. What were the bad parts?"
"I can't think of any, but if you can, forget it, I guess."
"Would there be a way to enlist with the DM?"
"You'd just have to ask me or Raidriar to join."
"Okay; can I enlist with the DM?"
"Sure. Once we radio in evac, we'll get you your Trainee gear."
"Okay then."
"You'll need to work your way up in the ranks. Being friends with us will give you an advantage though."
"I'm fine with it. Done that many times before."
"Wait, so your leading one thing, and you're a newbie in the other? Won't they interfere with each other?"
"I can make it work."
"Okay. If you say so. Okay, since you're in the DM now, you have to know the rules. Under no circumstances kill innocents. Never, and I mean never, sexually or regularly assualt someone. No not break the laws of Deus Machina when you are there. That's it."
"Did you expect me to do that?"
"No. It's protocol. My own protocol. I personally tell every new recruit the rules."
"Okay then."
"It gets tedious."