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originally posted in: Fireteam November (RP)
1/7/2016 5:51:46 AM
[b]secondary planet[/b] [i]to take her mind of things kara took a mission on planet x-88I. A simple data retrieval mission gone wrong.[/i] She runs as the bullets hit behind her [i]shit[/i] she thinks to her self as one grazes her arm. She turns a corner and throws an orb of light into the street blinding her assailants. Three hours she had been running, but her ship was no where to be found in the public hangar. [i]looks like they didn't want a representative of the fn[/i] she goes into an alley and sees it: the sigh of an fn safehouse. She gets in the sewer tunnel and feels a wall, to anyone else she might have looked crazy but she new what she was looking for. Click! She presses a button and the wall opens allowing her entrance. [i]"ai designation x-88I fn member kara recognized"[/i] The weapons systems shut down and the second door opens while the first closes. She steps in and starts booting up the computer. [i]"boot up will commence in 1 minute"[/i] She plugged the usb in and began looking around for medical supplies- some bandages at least. She finally finds the med kit and starts patching her bullet wounds up, using a magnet to pull the bullet out. The screen turns on and she finds her ship... "Shit" Her ship sits in the impound warehouse of the city. She looks more into detail and finds the info she needs. A twenty four seven watch was placed on her ship, twenty soldiers at all times. To make matters worse the ship was held down by a 100 ton magnetized lock. She began refilling her supply of knives but the she saw her arm and the faint out line of a sword. She feels it slide down her arm and form into a blade wings sprout from her back. It had been a long time since she flew last. The air flows past her as she shoots gracefully above the city. No one had noticed her yet, because she was so high up she may have just been a bird flying through the blue afternoon sky. She finally lands on the warehouse an hour later, with her sword at the ready. She opens the skylight carefully and slips inside rappelling down. It was oddly quiet inside and she could barely hear the guards talking about a ship- her ship. Twenty guards was a lot for one woman but the leaders of the planet new her very well and had ordered it anyway. However they drew straws and ten left for a day at the bar thinking it would be fine. In fact if this were a normal woman it would have been fine, but this was no ordinary woman. A few minutes later they see her walking towards them with no armour or weapons, just civilian clothes and a dull tattoo on her arm. "Ma'am this is a restricted area" The first one to see her says as he walks toward her. He reaches out and two seconds later is on his back being gagged and hancuffed. Slowly but surely each of the ten gets the same treatment and gets in her ship. "Gonna have to fry my main engines" She fires her ship up and it hums to life. She puts the thrusters on full power and slowly but surely the ship slides of the magnet. The engines sputter out but the backup engines cut in and she flys up and out of the city. [b]a few hours later[/b] Kara sits in the mess hall patching her wounds up as many crew members watch the recording of her mission. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Fixer ends the recording[/b] "Learned a few tricks from that one"

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  • Edited by Redmaplewizard: 1/7/2016 2:04:18 PM
    [spoiler]its on a loop on a projector[/spoiler] Kara sits down beside him "Glad to hear it

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  • [b]he cleans his pistol, though it's so heavily modded you can't make out the make and model[/b]

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  • [b]Raidriar sits beside her, a look of worry on his face. He's already watched the recording. Twice. When he first heard of her leaving, he was immediately panicked, he didn't want to lose any more family. His red cloak hangs half off the chair, and his mask and hood are pulled back, for the first time ever in public. He turns to her.[/b] "What the hell were you thinking?! You could've been killed! You may think you'd have been fine, but do you not know what's out there now?! Do you wonder why me and Sawyer don't send our troops on missions?!" [b]He seems to calm down.[/b] "Point is, with all the crap that's out there right now, it's way too dangerous to go on interplanetary missions. And, Kara, I've lost so many family members to this damn conflict, I'd rather not lose my wife too."

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  • "I am okay raidriar" She hugs him "It was supposed to be a democratic arrangement, they shot first" She pulls a particularly stuck bullet out of her leg and puts it in a bucket then wipes it off with an alcohol swab. "I wad messy with it though" She watches the recording then feels the place on her arm where the bullet grazed her.

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  • "Kara... I just... Really don't want to lose you. I've lost so much in this godforsaken war... I guess I'm just taking precautions." [b]He takes his mask from his shoulders, looking down at the slits where his eyes would be, if he were wearing it. A tear runs down his cheek.[/b]

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  • She wraps her arms around him "Don't worry about me, i can handle myself" She puts her head on his shoulder and whispers "And i know you can too"

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  • "I'm not worried about you not being able to handle yourself. I'm worried about what would happen if someone like the IF came with their full force... Almost no one could handle that... I could just leave, but... You'd stay here and... You'd die. I'm also worried about what would happen to me if something happened to you... Probably that last little thread of self control I have left would waste away, and... Well... Neither of us would like what I'd do then. I'm asking you, Kara. Please don't go on any more missions."

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  • "What else would i do?" She closes her eyes

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  • "Stay with me. Take a break. You said you wanted to settle down one day, think of it as practice. You can do without some missions for a little while. Just a few days, Kara. Until things get safer."

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  • "Okay, ill practise settling down then" She sits up and closes her box of medical supplies

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  • [b]He looks her in the eyes, and smiles.[/b] "Thank you. So much."

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  • [b]a wisp runs into the mess hall. Brandishing a glock 17, he precisely nails two chasing guards and impales the other with fingers similar to large spider legs. He takes the heart of the impaled man, attaches an envelope, and throws it out of the door before it seals[/b] "Well.... That was interesting.... And fun." [b]he sits down, breathing heavily. Multiple guards bang on the door behind him, yet he pays them no mind[/b]

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  • All of the soldiers look at him then looks back at the video. Kara sits down beside him whilst bandaging her arm from her graze "Hey short stop" The banging on the door stops and gun shots ring out behind the door a few seconds later the door opens and the guards walk past them limping with holes in their knees.

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  • "Sup... I got some sick new magics now..." [b]he proccedes to blink around the room and sucker punch the most important looking guy in the room with a synthetic arm[/b]

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  • The man looks down at him and grabs his synthetic arm disassembling it in three seconds flat.

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  • [b]he blinks behind him and drives a clawed hand deep into the back of his neck[/b] "I took that arm from your fallen guards friend. You think I can't find more? I'm going to say your sadly, sadly mistaken" [b]he pulls the claw out of his neck with a strong pull backward, sending him to the ground[/b]

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  • The man doesn't fall over but grabs the whisp and holds him in front of him Kara walks over and takes you "Im sorry james" The man puts his hand to the back of his neck and walks away "If they aren't harming you don't harm them"

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  • Edited by Cosmic: 1/7/2016 6:28:29 AM
    "I- but... Sorry... I hold a grudge.. Crap, I was looking foreword to being able to unleash azazel and decimate him"

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  • "Please don't, not on us please"

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  • [b]he smirks[/b] "what you mean like THIIIIIIS?! [b]as he speaks, he turns to a large, black spider with no visible eyes or mandibles. It holds three of its legs out, ready to impale you. He laughs in a demonic voice The whole time, until he turns back [/b]

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  • The lights in the room seem to warp towards her as she grows. A grey scale shade of her shadows its movements. [b]"you have no clue what power is"[/b] [i]"you have no clue what power is"[/i] The words echo eerily as she speeks. She then shrinks back down to regular size and the shade goes away

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  • [b]still in spider form[/b] "..... How's the room containing you if you got that huge..."

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  • "The mess hall has a tall ceiling" She shrugs

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  • "Huh.... I'm kinda creeped out, not being murdered by these guys... Not having to murder these guys.... It's like being In one of those weird dreams where your surrounded by evil stuff, but none seem to notice you? Am I the only one that dreams stuff like that? Yeah? Okay then."

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