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1/5/2016 11:18:10 PM

Fix Destiny already, or at least show us that you want to fix it.

Don't get me wrong Destiny is a fun game, but there is so much wrong with this game. And I'm not talking about the lack of story, the lag, weapon balancing or the non excisting matchmaking for some pve content. Before I begin with naming the stuff I think are wrong in this game, let me tell you how I see Destiny. In my eyes Destiny is in the first and foremost place a first person shooter and in the second place it should be a RPG (you could call it a mmo, but since 6 player co-op is the most you can do in this game calling it a mmo is a bit of a stretch in my book.) Weapon/armor leveling and the light system Every single time I look at it I want to kill it with fire. Who the hell came up with the idea that a better weapon should also boost your defense? Your weapon is light level 320? That's nice but since your armor is only 280 light it does less damage. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Also infusing? Why would you do that? Instead of people having multiple weapons they can choose from, this system basically makes it so that once you started infusing a weapons you have to stick with it, because you put all your other weapons into that one. Why wouldn't you make it so that you level weapons/armor with experience? Everytime you kill an enemy, complete an activity etc. you gain experience. The more you use a weapon the stronger it gets, that's how you make your character unique. And as we look at the leveling how should it be level based or light based? I think it should be level based. Light makes everything a lot more complicated. Now we have lots of level 40 weapons with different light levels, and based on that they deal damage accordingly. I rather have a system that tells me at first glance if my weapons is up for the task. You want to kill a level 40 enemy with a level 30 weapon? Well good luck with that. Now a level 30 weapon could deal more damage than a level 40 weapon if it has more light. To me this seams off, and makes it more difficult than it should be. On a side note in my opinion we should be able to level up every single weapon/armor piece even year 1 stuff. Stat wise most off those items aren't even more powerfull than TTK stuff, only the perks are sometimes better. Level 40 Fatebringer ftw. (If I'm honest I think that elemental primairies should be exotic weapons, with the option to turn off the elemental damage so you can use it as a Legendary.) Weapon perks Weapons should feel powerfull, in year one some of the perks were too powerfull. Like "Send it", you got way more range with hardly any drawback. But some of the perks we have now are just useless. Just look at "Last resort" it increases reload speed and weapon handling when you are the last remaining guardian in your fireteam. Seriously? I'm not going to save the hard mode raid or a year one nightfall with that perk, hell I think it will hardly make a difference. Or look at "Underdog" it increases range and handling when your health is low. Wtf, why would I want that? I rather have more damage to kill the -blam!-ers or more speed to get the -blam!- out of there. What I'm trying to say is that some perks we have now aren't worth having on your weapons. I understand that not every perk can be as good as the other, but some of these perks feel useless as if they are just fillers to get more perks. If I have to make a powerfull perk it would be something like this: "Vampire" When low on health, dealing critical damage recharges a small portion of health. That perk would be usefull in my eyes. It wouldn't be overpowerd, but still it would give you an advantage in a siuation that is seemingly hopeless. The Economy I've seen motes of light, strange coins, crucible/vanguard marks, commendations, legendary marks and glimmer. The economy in this game doesn't make any sence. Is it so hard to make glimmer the main currency in the game? And piss off glimmer cap. You want a new weapon? certainly sir/madam that would be X glimmer, you want a new ship/sparrow? X glimmer. And how do you earn it? By using a power up before you kill enemies? Hell no, just shoot the -blam!-ers and you'll make it rain glimmer. Completed a patrol mission? Thanks for the trouble, have yourself a nice bag of glimmer. Completed a bounty? Here take this and go on a shopping spree. You found a chest? Glimmer, [url=]-blam!- yeah[/url]. Also make it so that you can buy and sell planetairy materials. Now we can buy some stuff, but if you want to sell let's say Helium filaments you're out of luck. I have about 2000 of those sitting in my vault and I can't sell them. I see no reason why we can't have a functioning economy with just glimmer (maybe motes of light for the speaker and strange coins for Xur). You want to buy a weapon? That would be 25,000 glimmer, depending on the weapon. Hell, maybe you could even buy perks for your weapons, the better the perk the more glimmer you have to pay for it offcourse, and not all perks are available to buy, some you have to find/or get as a reward. But that way people could make their own weapons and become a real legend and not some guardian just like the others. I could come up with more than this, but these are in my eyes some of the major flaws in Destiny. Let me know what you think about this or what you think are some major flaws in Destiny. If I come up with something else, some more detailed things or some interesting ideas in the replies I'll post them here.

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