A [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=cool+guy+with+swords&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS661US661&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjept_m24fKAhVENz4KHf6eApYQ_AUICCgB#imgrc=EMyAxn1oM1LfMM%3A]man[/url] in a giant black and orange warship lands in the hangar and gets out, looking around.
"So many people to kill."
[spoiler]New villain?[/spoiler]
[i]Heinrich smiles as he see's the man. Another 'test subject' for him to use in his 'experiments'[/i]
Paxton shoots daggers at him. "Enjoying the view, shitstain?"
*charges Paxton*
Paxton tackles her and pushes his fingers into her eyes, making them bleed and crushing them. "The name is Paxton. We might have got off on the wrong foot."
[i]He sighs throwing a syringe filled with a strange liquid at his arm[/i]
It bounces off of his armor.
Edited by BlindSwift: 1/1/2016 5:49:20 AM[i]He throws another syringe at his neck[/i]
He catches and crushes it in midair.
[i]He sighs loading a nalpalm bullet and firing at him[/i]
Edited by Dougie: 1/1/2016 5:45:47 AM"F[b]u[/b]ck you" [spoiler]im hurt, not blind[/spoiler]
"Hmm Shitstain I've been called worse. Oh yeou'pl be interesting to slice."
"Autopsy? Count me in."
*walks up to Heinrich with katanas drawn* "You here for the party to?"
[i]He looks at her[/i] "Maybe who knows."
"Well the party's here. Let's go" *charges Paxton*
[b]A soldier in full black, metal, armor leans against a wall, talking to another soldier. Her auburn hair shimmers, as does her eyes. She looks at the man.[/b] [spoiler]This is Josie from GA.[/spoiler]
"I have an inverted penis, little lady, I'm having sex with myself every second. So, no, I don't want to fūck your brains out. I can blow your brains out, though."
"Who the hell are you?"
"Paxton Sawyer, Sawyer Space Corps. LLC."
"I doubt Sawyer would let a psychopath in here."
"His psycho son."
"Huh. Whatever. I'm having a really crappy day, so I honestly don't care who you are."
"Can I help with that?"