[b]a single shadowy figure, a child, walks up to the walls. He wears a ripped up hoodie and jeans, along with a comically oversized backpack, he doesn't seem to have a mouth, but speaks in a slight Irish accent [/b]
"H-hello! Hello there! One of your people, told me you are reliable people.. Which I don't know if k believe, but I'm gonna take that chance. I have a group of refugees. We are starving and hungry, some in need of desperate medical attention. We need to be let in"
"Alright, bring them in. But if you're staying here, you need to work. Or at least the adults do, as guards"
"Don't underestimate us, we can work, all of us" [b]hundreds of these shadowy children run for the gate, some carrying others, some with their mouths stitched shut [/b] "What needs doing?"