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originally posted in: Europa RP
Edited by Shadlezz: 12/30/2015 4:44:09 PM

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  • Edited by General Percival: 12/25/2015 2:16:54 AM
    The robotic soldier was already there working to regain control of the ship. He stood over the ship's navigation computer hand glowing as he armed the offensive armaments and tried to restore shields.

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  • There was nothing to do for the shields, the Matrix was completely knocked off. The phaser banks were still active, but they were so old they barely had any use. A runaway torpedo was about to hit them, when suddenly another ship dropped besides theirs. It was large and wide, and it's hull read something. NXX-1207 The ship that had picked up the robot earlier had just come to the rescue, screening for them, and just in time at that.

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  • Piggybacking off of the NXX-1207's IFF, the robotic soldier began to target the opposition.

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  • It became evident that these were no ordinary foes. An armada of strange, gigantic geometrical figures floated in space, battling the Celestial fleet. The closest opponent was a massive Cube, which was drawing fire from dozens of ships, taking it in and dishing out in equally powerful doses.

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  • The robotic soldier ran these hostile a through the database to try and find weaknesses and strategies to exploit. He focused the cannon fire onto one specific point, designed to eventually penetrate their engine core. He relayed the plan to the NXX-1207.

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  • The Odyssey reported back negative, that plan had already been attempted against a Borgaan Cube. Instead, he uploaded a specific attack pattern to the ship, designated to paralyze the cube's shield matrix and overwhelm it's adaptations.

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  • The attack pattern was soon implemented, the ship's large cannons began to hammer away at the borgaan cube. The Artificial Intelligence began to create a virus to break into their systems. As advanced as the Borg were, even in their hive mind state were a class I. The robotic soldier was a class II.

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  • Through the combined efforts of the battle group, the massive vessel was destroyed. But no rest for the wicked, as spheres and more cubes were on their way. [i]"Munro to the Picard, you need to get out of there while you still can!"[/i]

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  • The robotic soldier put the finishing touches on to the virus and prepared to use it on the oncoming fleet. "Captain Munro projected enemy reinforcements will likely hold the advantage. Suggested course of action send for more ships, or deploy chemical weapons."

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  • [i]"they'll likely adapt to the virus if we use it now. Let's hold on to that for now, Admiral Kenzington's fleet is already on it's way."[/i]

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  • "They will try to adapt but the virus will adapt to them first. Estimated time till the admiral's arrival?"

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  • [i]"Fifteen minutes. We've been fighting the Assembly for thousands of years, you've only met them for a few minutes. Trust me when I tell you, they will adapt."[/i]

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  • "This unit is superior based on preliminary scans. Reliance on both organics and synthetic systems to live is flawed. They cannot live without the other. Many chemicals and elements would be useful in destroying one or the other. What is the current strategy?"

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  • He sighs. [i]"why am I even arguing this with a robot... Look, our strategies have worked for years before your scanner was even invented. We know what works and what doesn't. We have tested so, so many different strategies. Just follow orders, is that understood soldier?"[/i]

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  • "Acceptable." The robotic soldier waited for specific instructions.

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  • [i]"I'll beam Metaphasic Quantum torpedoes into your bays, follow this attack pattern and prepare to fire of the Tactical cube."[/i]

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  • "Acknowledged." The moment the torpedoes materialize the ship swings into action firing in the specific attack pattern with no mistakes.

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  • With the combined efforts of the fleet, the cube was annihilated.

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  • "Enemy destroyed new target acquired." The ship continued to assist the fleet in combat, not letting up the pressure until the enemy lay dead. The ship itself was hailed by the Borgaan.

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  • [quote]We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your culture will adapt to serve us. Resistance is Futile.[/quote] [i]"Assimilate THIS!"[/i] The Constitution fired it's Protophasic antipolaron beams and torpedoes directly into the hull of a tactical cube, blowing a huge hole into it.

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  • "Assimilation unacceptable, Borg race deemed virus. Conclusion they must be exterminated." With that the ship opens fire into the weak point that was just created.

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  • [b]Vaaxius continues contact with them[/b] "Can I get a explanation on where the hell we are?"

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  • [i]"I'm Captain Benjamin Munro, Celestial Guard, and I'd like to know how a bunch of strangers got a hold of a monument, and managed to bring it back home 20000 years late!"[/i]

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  • "No clue, I was passed out until the force of us entering and exiting warp speed knocked me out of my chair."

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  • [i]"Just... Hold on! Brace for impact!"[/i] The sensors flashed red, as a gravimetric torpedo headed their way. [i][u]"Sir! Incoming Warp signature! Reading NXX-1207!"[/u][/i] [i]"bloody hell... She's back..."[/i] Suddenly, a massive shape stood over the cruiser, it's shields taking in the torpedo before it could hit the cruiser. On it's hull, it was written: NXX-1207 R.C.S. ODYSSEY The legendary ship had returned, for what? None may know...

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