"Thanks bro" [b]they begin climbing up[/b]
"Yeah yeah, don't mention it....don't expect any hides though!"
"We don't expect anything else from you haha" [b]They reach your branch[/b]
"Yeah okay, good night" [b]he sticks his machete in his hide sheath and rolls on his side[/b]
"Night" [b]He finds a good position and slips away[/b] [i]"So, Naut..."[/i]
[i]"Could i uh...lay there with you?"[/i]
[b]He gets up and looks at you[/b] "You want to do what?"
[i]"Never mind, it was a dumb idea"[/i]
"No, no, it's fine, as long as you just lay there"
[i]"Alright, thanks Naut"[/i] [b]she slowly moves over[/b]
"Don't worry about it" [b]he roll on his side again and slips away[/b]
[b]She lays on her back and underneath the hides[/b]