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12/18/2015 9:17:14 AM
***Sidenote: Before I jump into this, I want to point out I'm a pretty sick PVP player (mainly FPS) and I'm THAT GUY that'll dominate lobby after lobby, most likely making you find excuses as to why you died at my hands ([b]no e-brag, srs[/b]). I'm only saying this as to provide reliability of whatever I have to say. Now onto my point. When I read threads like this and see ppl complaining about lag/connection in PVP, I take a quick glance at how long they've been playing the game and their KD. That [i]usually[/i] serves as an indicator if the person is accredited in making a legit case or if they suck balls and just won't admit it. Normally, it's the latter that stands correct. [b]HOWEVER[/b], this is probably one of the few times where I have to reside with the "majority" on this issue, and DEFINITELY reside w/ OP. Almost everything I read from OP has happened to me. Not 1, 2, or 3 things; almost EVERYTHING. And it's happened ever since update 2.1.0 dropped. I just wanna note that It's eerily weird to have read that list of problems bc I honestly thought I wrote that and just didn't know it lol. I have never really complained about PVP in Destiny ever since I started this game a while ago. Sure, there were a few problems in isolated matches, but it sure as hell wasn't as frequent and consistent as it is NOW. Before update 2.1.0, I was hitting so many streaks of 30+ kills per game, 10-15 games straight. I did it during the era of handcannons, I did it during the previous patch as well. But now for the past week, the only sense of accomplishment I would get is getting a 5 kill streak in a single match and hoping to hit close to a 2.0. Oh how I missed Shaxx's voice when he bellows out, "I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING", or "THIS IS AMAZING". Hell, I miss my favorite caption when it pops up on the bottom of the screen: "Someone should do something about Why U Mirin...". [b]BUNGIE[/b], I really hope you read this. This is a bold statement, and this is a very very seldom thing I'm about to say. I normally don't do this, but I [b]110% VOUCH [/b] for what people had to say in this thread. I love Destiny's PVP. I mainly play PVP, only doing PVE to farm good stuff for PVP lol. But recently, this update screwed up something and PVP players, no matter trash or awesome, have become highly discouraged and distraught. How do I know this? Because if I have become discouraged and distraught, match after match, then the casual player probably had their fist thru their tv screen. I have a feeling that if yall can correct the lag/connection stuff and either augment it OR return it before the 2.1.0 update, most of these reoccurring problems will go away and the bad and good players can resume their roles. Please, Bungie, allocate more time into correcting it. As aforementioned, I don't really agree w/ mostly "not good" players when it comes to the PVP experience, but they have a point. And this point should be highly prioritized and addressed.

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  • i couldnt care less of your arrogant disregard for my opinion, but even us scrubs can perceive tthe dramatic change in crucible post patch. why be such an asshat?

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  • I agree with your statements. I would love to play you in crucible once I get back to original form

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  • Wow. You have to be the biggest asshole I have seen on the forums. And that is saying a lot.

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  • I agree 100% and I have better stats than u :-)

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  • Back to an original post I was reading. There isn't as many people playing crucible now, me being one of them. The new patch really pissed me off with the nerfs and shitty buffs that I really don't want to even try. I hate having to change my play style every -blam!-ing month. So with that said, less people playing means you will be auto-matched with whatever is out there. Not guaranteed a good connection anymore but just anything that's available. So that's why there isn't a consistent good connection.

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  • ***sidenote Before i jump in to this, I want to point out that im a -blam!-ing beast in crucible. i have a higher k/d than you and more kills/ higher ranking and all this while playing competitive destiny which brings all your stats down. i know top people in the game and i am in the top EU clan of destiny. now that's clear i want to actually make my point. this shit above doesn't -blam!-ing matter. k/d can be a playstyle. personally i play both agressive with sniper and shotgun and you are a true shotty player. (more than 2 times shotgun kills than sniper.) it doesn't matter. win% is based on if you play with good people and the gamemodes you play. the connections are bad. and the system has changed to skill based, A few days ago i went on a new acc. i -blam!- people with blue guns and i went 28-1 on different games. but after ~10 games i got put into 2 k/d lobbies again. the problem is the new matchmaking and saying you agreed was enough. pointing out how "good" you are couldn't bother me less.

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  • So I take it for granted that you agree with me? :D

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  • I've noticed that the matchmaking is messed up now. Usually I get put into matches with all sweeties all sporting their challenge mode Oryx emblems. Yet I'm over here trying to get over how much fun shade step is with Lord of Wolves.

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  • So basically a post full of lies about how good you are!

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  • Stats/numbers don't lie. My DTR and profile are public if you ever feel so inclined ;)

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  • Your stats are average especially since destiny is not competive due to lack of competition tools, if you are that God then the +3 k/d are alliens? Lol your highest 2.2 and I think of myself below average while I have 2.4. Side note : ppl can boost their stats easily in non competive game.

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  • Oh really. Just stop!! If your over 1.8 kd your the best of the best. Btw KD isn't everything. I can go 23-5 & wreck anytime I want to play conservative & sweaty. I'm a1.2 b/c I like to use pvp to test weapons , techniques or just go around shoulder Charging bitches. Get off ur high horse & quit inflating the skill bar with your exaggerated statements.

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  • Lol wut r u talking about, I myself saying high k/d like op stating is nothing since I have higher k/d and I know how it goes.

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  • My point is. 2.4 kd is not avg it's exceptional. An avg player is 1 kd

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  • Lol convince yourself, "exceptional" in non competive game, Kjhovey has 3.8 and himself says it is not true Cuz game not competive, his k/d in Halo around 1.7 and 3.8 in Destiny, I have 2.4 and I'm average in other games, I play Vs high k/d players in sweaties (now I did quit this game) and they average 1 or below 1 k/d.

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  • His stats are good. If you like his personality is another question :P

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  • Edited by Killlerschaf: 12/18/2015 9:33:35 AM
    I only play 6vs6 objective game based modes,without a fireteam. And I wouldn't say that my stats are meaningfully worse, compared to yours (except for KD. I try to play the objective, and KD is of secondary nature to me in such cases). Thanks for agreeing with me though. It's a really weird state the Crucible is in right now. Just a question: why use Rodeo on the Spear? Given the RoF, I don't really see the point. But then again, I play with shotguns 95% of the time. I also only played PvP from lvl 5-20 on my first char, and started to play the PvE when my weapons and armory simply weren't good enough.

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  • Objective players still carry an important role. I can respect that. It's just weird seeing how the things you listed were my EXACT experiences. For a minute, I honestly thought Bungie nerfed ME lol. And this Spear is just something I was experimenting with. After every patch, I like to pull out all different kinds of weapons, new and old, to test them out and have fun with stuff I hardly use anymore. I think it's been a while since I pulled this one outta the ol' vault and I can't remember exactly why it had Rodeo on. My initial thought is for quick recovery for any follow up shot. If the 1st bullet barely misses their head, I know the next shot will hit its mark

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  • Edited by Killlerschaf: 12/18/2015 10:25:26 AM
    Tactically speaking, I see the value on something like the NM Violator or the Low Grade Humility, where the RoF allows you to actually use the high stability to have a glorified Scout Rifle with a OHK option. It just confused me on the Spear (I have outlaw on mine because of the mag size. It's debatable as well I guess). I also like to check out older guns after heavy meta shifts. I personally went back to Thorn for a lot of maps, on which I can't successfully use my Jade Rabbit (I know you're an Xbox user, so sorry for mentioning that one^^). Also dusted off my Matador and rerolled it with Rangefinder and Battle Runner (always used the latter, but with the movement nerfs to shotguns, I would describe it as the best shotgun perk around nowadays) When I say I play the objective, you shouldn't take it too literally. I also mean pushing enemies back to C/A, keeping certain paths clear, or simply killing everything so that my team has breathing room. I usually don't pick up heavy either. I Novabomb/Shadowshot the enemy's heavy and steal that one (while usually dying on the way out) or proceed to lmao when the 2 remaining people who survived the initial blast (and I died to team shooting), die to my Novabomb Vortex when they try to pick up the heavy in the aftermath. I think I have 16.5 kills per game average, so there's that. And 1503 Elo in Rift, the last time I checked. It's reassuring that the issue is universal though. Something broke with the newest patch.

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  • I know what you mean. I meant players like you are a breath of fresh air to play w/. If you check out my DTR stats, I'm mostly top 1-2%, EXCEPT my win%. It's bc when I jump into pubs (normally by myself), I find myself as the only one on the team killing or capping. Several 40+ kill games I've had, the 2nd best on my team would usually have less than 10 kills. That just shows how I have to do all the heavy lifting for my team, but it usually ends w/ a loss. Therefore my win% takes a hit. Every team needs at least an awesome complement to win matches so I respect you for being someone dependable. Kudos to you. I guess all this is rendered irrelevant tho due to the current PVP issues w/ the patch. Only time will tell if you will look into it and correct it

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  • Edited by Killlerschaf: 12/18/2015 10:33:44 AM
    That was always my biggest gripe with the matchmaking of old. Teams had a certain average ELO, and the matchmaking would usually put teams together who combined, have a similar ELO. In reality what happened was that one team got a hard carrying player, while the rest of his/her team were underwhelming players. Whereas the enemy team wouldn't have one hard carry, but the average ELO of all players would be closer together, meaning that 6 players in the enemy team had a noticeably higher ELO than my 5 teammates, while I have a noticeably higher ELO than the 6 enemies. And thus the game basically expected you to "win alone", and overcompensate for the lack of skill the others had. Something that tanks W/L ratios, if YOU (a general you, not you in particular) are the one expected to carry the others. I don't want to say that I preferred that way of getting matchmade, but at least it didn't lag half as much...

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