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12/15/2015 8:20:13 PM
Hmmmm... I think weapons get nerfed because Bungie (or Jon Wisnewski) feels it needs to destroy whatever weapon class is used most. Auto rifles were destroyed long before Trials existed and I can't remember anyone asking for it (only to nerf SUROS). Bungie just saw that everyone used auto rifles and felt a need to destroy AND to give pulse rifles and hand cannons a HUGE buff at the same time. And that's what they've been doing wrong ever since. DON'T ever buff and nerf weapon classes at the same time. If one class is good but not TOO good, LEAVE it alone. Just buff the other classes. Pulse rifles got a huge buff (around 10%) at the end of 2014 or early 2015 (can't remember). Now they're getting a huge nerf (again around 10%). So which one was the right call Bungie? Or can you finally admit you people are insane? Why can't you ever try the middle ground, ever? Why not buff a weapon type with 5% that is not used a lot or nerf a weapon type with 5% when it's the only thing people want to use? Why always the insane buffs and nerfs? Sorry Sols, got carried away. ;-)

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