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Edited by VertheAlt: 1/5/2016 4:53:00 PM

Fireteam November (RP)

The Serpent Hyperes Galaxy has always been at the center of the universe, which means the fight between what is right and what is wrong has always been constant. Our leaders, such as the president of the SHG (Serpent Hyperes Government), Colonel Decessare has enlisted the most powerful and expert soldiers from all around the Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy Seals and brought them all together to form an incredibly lethal team known as Fireteam November, who are dispatched in the darkest hours to vanquish the greatest evils known to man. "We're willing to put our golashes in murky waters and when we pull them out, both our golashes are clean, and so is the water. Any sumabitch to look down the barrels of our guns will never see another thing when the mission is all said and done. That's a promise." ~Colonel Decessare [b]Locations[/b] [spoiler]ISS Avalon- The main warship of the SHG and Fireteam November. It's layout can be found [url=]here.[/url] [url=]Corra-[/url] An extremely hot and dense jungle planet that is overrun by small packs of bandits who live in the trees and horrific creatures. It is devoid of major colonization and is a good spot to find rare metals. At night, it is said a creature known as the Horned Raxomajump jaunts across the forests, it's horns the sharpest things you'll ever see. It is said to be able to run at 80 MPH, to be as wide as an elephant and as tall as a giraffe. More on it can be found [url=]here[/url]. Ashuna - A dry, arid and barren wasteland planet that is actually said to be the home of many buried treasures and valuable minerals and ores. Many Sandworms, writhing, grossly mutated worms who dwell in the crust of Ashuna live there and will devour just about anything. The water on the planet is extremely scarce, the mornings will literally melt people and the nights are strangely peaceful but very cold. The planet is the oldest in Serpent Hyperes. Thabolia - Thabolia is a giant planet with tremendous storms and incessant meteorite showers. It is the largest known planet in Serpent Hyperes and one of the most dangerous. There is a promote cave dwelling race that live inside the planet. They have an advanced social hierarchy but that is all that is known of them.[/spoiler] [b]Character Creator:[/b] [b]Rules:[/b] [b]Join our Group:[/b]

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by EmpireORome: 1/13/2016 1:08:23 AM
      [i]The pilot walks through the desert, dying. He's out of food, water, and fuel. He lies on the ground staring up at the stars. This was the end for him. As he lay alone in the desert he cried out, hoping to be heard. [/i] [spoiler]closed. [/spoiler]

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      20 Replies
      • 1
        [b]Frost, Fire and Jack can be seen talking to eachother[/b] Fr: "Her neck was crushed?" J: "Yep" Fr: "And you fixed her?" Fi: "Yep" Fr: "But you also killed her?" J: "That wasn't me...." Fr: "Right"

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        33 Replies
        • [b]shepard falls through a portal into hell, looking for anyone he can save[/b] [spoiler]open to dead characters, possibility of bringing them back.[/spoiler]

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          • [i]Emma and Flynt[/i] [i]A strange noise is heard near the Avalon; a dimensional rift. Fūcking time travellers. A strange portal opens from the sky, and out fall Emma and Flynt; Flynt in a vest and suit, without the full jacket, and a flintlock pistol in his hand, and Emma in her green, poofy dress and bonnet, her gun concealed in her right sleeve, a small dagger in the left[/i] Flynt: "good show old chap, we've managed to destroy the time device and now we're stuck here!" Emma: "oh, shut up, you dolt" ((Open))

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            36 Replies
            • [i]Zenith sits in his dorm, holding one of his swords vertically while looking at it, his door open[/i] [b]I spent too long on you[/b] [i]He thinks to himself[/i] ((Open))

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              35 Replies
              • [i]At night, Nox wanders away from the camp and over to the crashed Avalon. She circles it multiple times, inspecting it[/i] [spoiler]opne[/spoiler]

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                14 Replies
                • [b]A teen wanders through the desert, his clothes ripped and his hair unkempt. He trips and falls, and struggles to get back up.[/b] [spoiler]Open to anyone I haven't RP'ed with. Looking to meet new people.[/spoiler]

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                  • [b][u]The Equinox[/u][/b] [i]In the small encampment, a rune begins to appear at the point of the equinox, the run burns into the ground turning it to glass. As the large and elaborate rune is finished it glows, pulling energy from both the Moon and Sun. The rune glows brighter and brighter, until, it just disappears. Just then, a massive pillar of light appears from the sky, knocking back anything and anyone around it. The pillar starts to shrink until it reveals a strange figure sitting in place of the pillar. The figure has a calming, yet powerful presence as he stands and looks around at all of the figures looking at the scene[/i] "Be calm." [i]And there was silence[/i] [spoiler]open duh[/spoiler]

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                    78 Replies
                    • Edited by PyrrhasGhost: 1/12/2016 5:01:10 PM
                      Tara is standing near the encampment, practicing magic. Roger, Luka and Granberia stand nearby. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                      75 Replies
                      • [b]Scarlett is walking around, she looks really really happy[/b]

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                        31 Replies
                        • [b]rebuilding[/b] Tears stream from her eyes as she watches her aunt. She can feel the pain radiating off of her, kara wasn't strong enough to do this. She wasn't strong enough for this, but she couldn't stop, not now. She grits her teeth and continues chanting as loud as she can. Her face contorted in pain. She watches kara, her face contorted in pain. It had all been sixes fault she was attempting this. She had to do something, even though she had no physical embodiment. It felt as if she had no physical embodiment as runes appeared in her skin. The spread over and her eyes glow. A bright flash of light fills the desert. Slowly the carrier lifts into the air and begins rebuilding itself as great landing gear extend from it. Slwoly but surely it repairs and lands on the ground. The light all slowly fades away and the runes disappear from her body. Kara falls down into the sand in front of the fixed carrier. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                          43 Replies
                          • Edited by Redmaplewizard: 1/12/2016 1:59:14 AM
                            James stands overseeing the loading of the repaired cruiser smiling. They were about to get off this damned planet. He gets out of his mech and begins tinkering with a drone [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                            38 Replies
                            • Edited by elijah: 1/12/2016 12:43:14 AM
                              [b]The wedding begins to start, and the bride begins walking down, escorted by Ember, the best man, Coco is the bridesmaid. They say there vows, go through the ritual, and Luna leans in for a kiss.[/b] [spoiler]This is an open to all post, people other than the author can reply to other people.[/spoiler]

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                              103 Replies
                              • Edited by Nox: 1/12/2016 8:43:16 AM
                                [b]The Escapee can be seen in the middle of a field, battling for consciousness[/b] [b][i]"I WILL PREVAIL!"[/i][/b] "No, you will not!" [b][i]"YOU MIGHT HAVE KILLED ME BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I CANNOT RETURN!"[/i][/b] "GET OUT OF MY GODDAMN HEAD! I BANISH THY!" [b][i]"BANISH ME? SATAN? HAHAHA, PETTY MORTAL, YOU CAN'T BANISH ME!"[/i][/b] "" [b]He takes a very deep breath[/b] "Zu'u Fustir Hi, Bein Gein! Lif Daar Joor Suleyksejun! Fah Zu'u Fustir Hi!" [b][i]"WHAT DO YOU THINK YO-"[/i][/b] "Zu'u Fustir Hi, Bein Gein! Lif Daar Joor Suleyksejun! Fah Zu'u Fustir Hi! Zu'u Fustir Hi, Bein Gein! Lif Daar Joor Suleyksejun! Fah Zu'u Fustir Hi! Zu'u Fustir Hi, Bein Gein! Lif Daar Joor Suleyksejun! Fah Zu'u Fustir Hi!" [b]He screams in agony and falls over, blood streaming out of his ears, nose, and eyes[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                91 Replies
                                • Edited by elijah: 1/11/2016 10:48:39 PM
                                  [b]Luna struggles to put her lil dress she made up out of leaves on, forgetting how huge her stomach was, she had sent out invitations to all members of the FN. There are chairs made up of trees, along with some decorative leaves.[/b] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                  • I have no clue what's going on because I didn't read the thing

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                                  • Edited by JayTea: 1/11/2016 9:48:09 PM
                                    [i]Hunter walks the dunes, the saddest he's ever been. All his friends are gone; Sig is God knows where, pavel is leading his galaxies Russia, Mandalore AND Varn are dead, mother is God knows where, and the legion is ended. And Jack, dying in front of him, by the same man who shot Mandalore. The general, them man who ended the legion; one of these two who had a soldier, a brother, betray you. [/i] ((Open, mainly for those who were in A New Home, but open to all))

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                                    34 Replies
                                    • Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 1/11/2016 11:06:16 PM
                                      *Fenrir exits the bar, his recruitment failed. However, he still required someone with the skills to stealthily pull off an assassination without causing a sector war.*[spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                      8 Replies
                                      • [b]The monster inside of me[/b] [b]Cyra runs away from Locust naked. There is sand plastered to her bear sweaty skin as she runs. Her hair is sandy and untidy, and she is bleeding from several woulda, leaving a Blood red road for Locust to follow[/b] [b]Suddenly Cyra keels over and falls onto the floor. She holds her stomach as her spines shifts and changes, her shoulder blades move further apart which tears at the skin covering her spine. Her fingernails form claws as fur grows out of her hand. She reaches for the torn skin over her spine and tears at it, revealing a white, furry coat. She pulls and pulls at the remaining pieces of skin until her entire body is covered by fur. Four of her teeth, two on the top row and two on the bottom, fall into the sand. She winces in pain as more teeth tear through her gums. She lies motionless on the floor, with the trail of blood leading anyone to her exact location[/b] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                        48 Replies
                                        • [i]Antilles can't believe his eyes. He landed his starfighter in front of an old half buried hangar and inside of it he finds a stealth bomber. He takes a look at it noting the cloaking device. Massive payload of bombs and other explosives and the sleek shape. It was still usable and in pristine condition. He went inside thinking of all the mayhem he could create with it. [/i]

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                                        • Stan is looking at his watch. “[i]I need to go back to my Wreckage to get my stuff.[/i]“ He builds a sign at his house “[i]Bring me to the dunes near a Wreckage, you will get paid greatly[/i]“ He sits down and cleans his Bow. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                          18 Replies
                                          • Edited by xEpicShadow117x: 1/11/2016 8:22:41 PM
                                            Shadow: *sits back in chair and cleans his knife* another day gone by. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                          • Edited by Nox: 1/11/2016 5:28:11 PM
                                            [b]A strange man is talking to Frost[/b] "You should fear my power..." [b][i]"AND YOU, YOU SHOULD FEAR THE DEVIL"[/i][/b] "Petty excuse for a devil" [b]The stranger snarls and rips Frost's head clean off[/b] [b][i]"Should've been more careful.."[/i][/b] [b]He starts to chant[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                            76 Replies
                                            • [b]Scarlett is sitting on the ground, crying. Her hand is bleeding, the bones in her arm are shattered and there are wounds all over her body.[/b] [spoiler]Open, best to use a girl[/spoiler]

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                                              239 Replies
                                              • "Radriar may have stopped me before, but your punishment has been long awaited..." [b]shepard stands in the desert, about to throw the soon to be corpse into the same ditch three of his kin died in. The king tries to run, but that only earns him the loss of all of his joins. Removing his finger joins using a switchblade, and his wrists, elbows, and shoulder are cut with a fire axe. Shepard stitches the fückers mouth and eyes shut with barbed wire, emptied a bag of rats at his feet, which eat there way upwards as he shoots him with epinephrine, he wants this dude to suffer. He smashes the dudes crotch with a hammer until he's damn sure all that's left is a red mush. Someone is approaching...[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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