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Edited by Lost Sols: 12/15/2015 6:02:42 AM

Petition to remove Trials of Osiris from the game (not #satire)

Let me start by saying that I have absolutely nothing against the game mode itself other than its lack of matchmaking, but unfortunately the players who participate in Trials continually destroy the game for everyone else. I know it's a radical suggestion to remove an entire game type because of player behavior, but I'm not sure anyone is going to want to keep playing the shell of a game that Trials players leave the rest of us. The problem is and always will be nerfs. Since Trials inception, it has easily been the single biggest contributor to nerf posts on these forums. - Thorn was essentially erased from this game because of Trials. - Hand Cannons were AR'd because of Trials. - Pulse Rifles just got boned [i]because of Trials[/i]. - Sunbreakers were probably doomed anyway, but the loudest cries for nerfs... Trials. And as bad as all those were, now I'm seeing posts crying that Trials matches aren't fair because of MIDA and Truth. Seriously go find a Chinese hell to burn in if you're going to cry about MIDA and Truth. The point of this game was supposed to be becoming more powerful and finding more powerful and awesome weapons. MIDA has [i]always[/i] been a great counter to any "God weapon" in this game, not because it's OP, but because it's so well balanced and versatile from mid to long range. But rather than find counters like MIDA, rather than grind for your own "God weapons" if you feel you can't compete, rather than get fracking good, we've systematically destroyed every weapon and class that was ever fun in this game. Go shoot a goddamn Fusion Rifle. They're complete garbage. Collateral damage from the constant dicking over of weapons, all to "balance" one stupid PvP mode that almost no one plays. Someone post those pathetic numbers they put up a month or so ago about how few players actually compete in ToO and the infinitesimal number that have actually gone to the Lighthouse. So we're going to have all our weapons ruined in not only PvP, but PvE as well so probably less than 5% of the player base don't cry? I just don't get your thought process here Bungie. I can tell you this though, there's not one reasonable or remotely valid reason to nerf Truth, MIDA or Scouts and if that unbelievably stupid thought crosses Jon Wisnewski's mind then it's time to pull the plug on Trials. And to anyone who enjoys Trials, I'm sorry but there would be no one to blame but yourselves. Better you lose your game mode than be allowed to keep dragging the rest of this game down with your incessant crying for nerfs. EDIT: Just to clarify because I'm being accused of having put up nerf posts [url=]#realbalanceisnotbalanced[/url]

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  • The problem with this post is that by suggesting that removing trials will solve the nerf problem, you're essentially saying that before May, nerfs weren't a problem. Which is untrue. The auto rifle nerf that spawned the blink/ shotgun and Thorn/Last Word Meta happened in the first quarter of 2015, before trials was even thought. Update 1.1.1 The original fusion rifle nerf that brought them down came before trials. Most of the balancing in this game occured before trials. Sunbreakers weren't nerfed because of trials. Sunbreakers weren't shit in trials. Mayhem and public play is where the Sunbreaker shined because the general population didn't know how to deal with them. Pulses weren't nerfed because of trials, Everyone used pulses in every playlist. Thorn wasn't nerfed because of trials, it was just as played in the banner. And hand cannons fell with Thorn and the other exotics. No one was using other hand cannons during that meta because the exotics were outshining them. Well the Fulcrum was good one but only if perfectly rolled. I also find it problematic that you lump the folks who enjoy trials in with the players crying for nerfs. Trust me, if you're crying for a nerf, you're probably not having fun. If you were having fun, you wouldn't be asking for a change. If they remove trials, Banner will retake its throne as the place to use the Meta, so when that happens should Banner be removed too? Nerfing has nothing to do with what gametypes are in place and who they cater to, but it has everything to do with what type of players ask for nerfs. It's the players who refuse to learn from their losses, and those players will continue to exist whether trials is in the game or not. This game has way too many weapons in it for them to perfectly balance it. It's never going to balanced. And even if they do get it right by some miracle, there's still going to be the vocal minority saying something is over powered, and Bungie will inevitably rebalance the game again. That's the nature of the beast. Once you come to accept that, you'll do what I've been doing since the game came out, riding the waves of rebalances and learning how to play different Metas. There's nothing wrong with that and it makes you a more adaptive player, in both PvE and PvP. And once you figure that out, you'll find it much easier to play outside the meta and continue to succeed. This isn't like you. You're smarter than this Sols.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by nature-dragon: 12/15/2015 10:29:57 AM
      This is such a bad idea IMO. I only keep playing for trials. So do many others to remove it would kill the player base.

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      2 Replies
      • While I agree that trials is completely worthless, didn't you just have a post last week talking about how we need to stop ripping this game apart because of the astronomical possibilities that Destiny has? I'm just confused how you go from all Destiny lovey-dovey and "enough with the negativity/ripping the game" to "this entire game mode needs to be removed" within a week or two.

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        1 Reply
        • The only thing I want rid of is sparrow racing. This is a FPS, not a racing game. Ps. Stop with the click bait already.

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        • Edited by Hoops: 12/15/2015 10:27:29 AM
          It would be really nice to choose weapon because I feel like using it rather than what will best get the job done. I wish every weapon type had its place but sadly after every patch we loose more than we gain. I miss my grim citizen. It was my first legendary weapon now it collects dust. I think trials has its place but perhaps they need to make it more interesting by locking out certain weapons each week and encouraging variety from what you usually would use. Imagine if you could only use auto rifles, fusions and swords one week then scouts, shotguns and machine guns the next week. Just a thought. No more nerfs in Destiny.

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        • Bump I agree.

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        • Trials of Osiris is like a burning infected urethra

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          6 Replies
          • At first I was just going to talk shit, but I agree with you 100%

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          • Wow marvelous post bro bump and signed

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            1 Reply
            • One thing I'll admit about trials; the matchmaking system is worse then ever. Most of the time you're getting paired up with people with insane KDs. I was trying to help some people get bounties done and were playing people who are all above 2.0s. How is that improved matchmaking?

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            • My thoughts on this is they should just make a separate game for the destiny crucible and call it trials of osiris that way when the crucibabies bitch it will only affect them and the pve game

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            • It's not trials, it's those sweaty kids who think it's a gun's fault they got killed and not the opponent just being better. Sometimes I really wish we could see the age of players crying for nerfs. I bet the huge majority is teenagers who simply aren't used to getting their ass handed here and there. Crying for nerfs on a forum for me personally is showing a lack of maturity.

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              1 Reply
              • Edited by TheKungLao: 12/15/2015 6:33:10 AM
                I don't think they should remove trials, but if the thought of nerfing Mida and Truth crosses Jon Weisnewski's mind, he should be bitch slapped.

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                2 Replies
                • Signed. Who in the love of everything heavenly and satanic wants MIDA nerfed to shreds.

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                  • I think the problem isnt trials, its all the damn wanna be mlg types...they think they are soo damn good that it couldnt possibly be their own skills, it just has to be an op gun killing them..

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                    3 Replies
                    • The problem is not Trials itself, the problem is not even nerfing a.k.a. Weapon balancing. The problem is Bungie have [u][b]ABSOLUTELY NO DAMN IDEA[/b][/u] how to balance. They use a sledgehammer then smash the living daylights out of the exactly wrong stat to fix their problem. Let's look at the original AR nerf. The problem with ARs was they are a gentle skill curve weapon that is forgiving to low skill players. The problem with this is that the excessive range and accuracy made them utterly dominant in the hands of a semi-decent player. Real solution: increase spread and decrease accuracy at mid-long range so skilled players can't use them as auto-snipers but unskilled players can still spray n pray at closer ranges Bungie solution: Nerf damage into the ground so it becomes useless in both PVP and PVE (high range accuracy means little in PVE). WTF did damage have to do with anything? Retarded. It just hurt the gun in total but especially in PVE where they weren't a problem. If Bungie had of tweaked far range spread on ARs non of the PVE player base would have noticed. A similar example can be found in their ADS/turn speed nerf for shotguns, sheer stupidity, again nerfing the wrong aspect of the weapon. Shotguns need balance but absolutely not the way Bungie has done it. The problem is not balancing, the problem is Bungie suck at it.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Well they pulled the plug on trials until quiver perk was fixed so id have no problem with this happening again. People dont want to find what work for them and find their own aystem for weapon usage. They are sheep they follow. This will happen until the end of time in pvp. The only significant thing they can do is make weapon layouts specific to each match. One weapon type in primary only and one in secondary only. Youd see fusion rifles get used a bit more if this happened.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Keep the try hards in trials. So the rest of us can enjoy some crucible

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                        • I like trials but I agree people need to calm down also eat a pine cone

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                          2 Replies
                          • Is it time for your weekly ban already? What day is it?

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                          • Troll or just really really stupid? Can't tell..

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                            9 Replies
                            • Just lose the goddamned racing shit already.

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                            • I agree the trials has been the main source of crying Nerf however I doubt very highly that bungee would get rid of an entire game mode.

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                            • Its not the crying for nerfs that get guns nerfed im convinced of that now. They nerf guns based on numbers/stats. With that being said i agree the numbers they use to nerf weapons come solely from trials which is a terrible way to decide whether or not a gun needs a nerf. Imo no gun should ever be nerfed.

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                              4 Replies
                              • The only thing I hate about trials is the lack of fcking loot. Going to the lighthouse is so pointless. I went 15+ times in year one and 6/7 times in year two. I NEVER got a weapon or armour piece above 312 and a weapon above 314. It's so stupid when you get to higher levels. Anyway - bungie are just dumb in general. It was thorn and last word that were op as fck in trials - NOT hand guns in general......

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                              • Edited by Zurreal: 12/15/2015 7:11:45 AM
                                Well - In Bungies defense though, they're as of now pretty close to a balanced PvP. Personally I see no given weapon of choice (I'm the kind of player that will always use whichever weapon that gives me that little edge, I will always be looking for that - but now I just can't find that given choice). I find myself varying between most of the primary types. Bungie aren't stupid though - They will not (and have never) blindly nerf something just because someone on the forum cries about it. I do honestly agree with the [I]direction[/I] of every single adjustment they've made so far (some of them have been too much though, upwards or downwars - but the direction has been right). Removing Trials is a bad idea though - the reason people from Trials is heard most is because Trials is the only crucible mode were winning / losing actually matters.

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