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Edited by Lost Sols: 12/15/2015 6:02:42 AM

Petition to remove Trials of Osiris from the game (not #satire)

Let me start by saying that I have absolutely nothing against the game mode itself other than its lack of matchmaking, but unfortunately the players who participate in Trials continually destroy the game for everyone else. I know it's a radical suggestion to remove an entire game type because of player behavior, but I'm not sure anyone is going to want to keep playing the shell of a game that Trials players leave the rest of us. The problem is and always will be nerfs. Since Trials inception, it has easily been the single biggest contributor to nerf posts on these forums. - Thorn was essentially erased from this game because of Trials. - Hand Cannons were AR'd because of Trials. - Pulse Rifles just got boned [i]because of Trials[/i]. - Sunbreakers were probably doomed anyway, but the loudest cries for nerfs... Trials. And as bad as all those were, now I'm seeing posts crying that Trials matches aren't fair because of MIDA and Truth. Seriously go find a Chinese hell to burn in if you're going to cry about MIDA and Truth. The point of this game was supposed to be becoming more powerful and finding more powerful and awesome weapons. MIDA has [i]always[/i] been a great counter to any "God weapon" in this game, not because it's OP, but because it's so well balanced and versatile from mid to long range. But rather than find counters like MIDA, rather than grind for your own "God weapons" if you feel you can't compete, rather than get fracking good, we've systematically destroyed every weapon and class that was ever fun in this game. Go shoot a goddamn Fusion Rifle. They're complete garbage. Collateral damage from the constant dicking over of weapons, all to "balance" one stupid PvP mode that almost no one plays. Someone post those pathetic numbers they put up a month or so ago about how few players actually compete in ToO and the infinitesimal number that have actually gone to the Lighthouse. So we're going to have all our weapons ruined in not only PvP, but PvE as well so probably less than 5% of the player base don't cry? I just don't get your thought process here Bungie. I can tell you this though, there's not one reasonable or remotely valid reason to nerf Truth, MIDA or Scouts and if that unbelievably stupid thought crosses Jon Wisnewski's mind then it's time to pull the plug on Trials. And to anyone who enjoys Trials, I'm sorry but there would be no one to blame but yourselves. Better you lose your game mode than be allowed to keep dragging the rest of this game down with your incessant crying for nerfs. EDIT: Just to clarify because I'm being accused of having put up nerf posts [url=]#realbalanceisnotbalanced[/url]

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  • The problem isn't trials. Give us something other than straight 3v3. give us an objective game.

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  • Don't poke the bear, man.

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  • I agree but would like to add it's also the general PvP-ers that have cried this game into a lot of worthless cool looking weapons that struggle on low level patrols and strikes . Omnigul strike any level under heroic , it should not take a clip of anything to take out knights or the yellow bar vandels. That God they haven't cried about the exotic swords bcus at this point those are about the only logical choice to deal with the shielded yellow bars and news flash pulse rifles were trash in PvE, now just use and word lower than trash to describe them all bcus of PVP complaining. I will stop there bcus that should be enough without talking about hand cannons .

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  • Edited by Lil Durk: 12/15/2015 2:07:20 PM
    Let's not forget Bungie completely lied about the weapon patches.

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  • Won't happen. Trials is basically Bungie's proving ground. Hence why the majority of nerfs stem from pissed off Trials players. The problem isn't the game modes. The problem isn't the weapons. It's the players. Plain and simple. Everyone THINKS they should be able to go flawless and get the best loot, but the fact is, they can't. Instead of simply accepting they got beat and moving on or trying again, they search desperately for a common denominator upon which to place the blame. I agree, the newest wave of nerf posts are all totally unfounded, but removing the game mode is not going to solve the problem either. Instead it will be Iron Banner players complaining. Then when that's gone, it'll be the Control players, the clash players, or the Rift players, etc... As I've said from the beginning, bungie just needs to get over their habit of: 1- Nerfing entire weapon classes instead of the problem weapons 2- Going overboard with the severity of the nerfs implemented 3- Nerfing without taking into account the PvE consequences

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    1 Reply
    • That's the dumbest thing I ever read from you. You regularly complain about lack of content, and you want to take some ? What kind of reasoning is that ?

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      3 Replies
      • The thorn is really good now and pulse rifles were barely touched don't see why you want to take away a big part of PvP because you think a gun is bad

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      • No way.

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      • Having thought on this a little more I think it might be a good compromise to have Bungie cater to those individuals that would nerf everything. Let them have their way but limit the "balancing" to the trials game mode.

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      • Idk trials is like a pvp raid so I'm all for letting the crucible champions have their fun. I'd just like to see the pvp nerfs leave pve unaffected. Separation of the two is possible and I think it's necessary.

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        • Is it possible all of the tinkering to the weapons since day one has made things less balanced?

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        • Or start separating PvE from PvP as far as weapon nerfs go.........BUMP

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        • IOW. The natural history of how communities respond to winner-take-all competitions in their midst. Especially when valued rewards are locked behind the walls of that winner-take-all event. Sadly, NONE of this comes as a suprise to me. In fact, I've largely predicted it would happen. As well as the steady drop off in interest in the play mode. The simple fact of the matter is that such competions ALWAYS have a corrosive effect on the communities which take part in them. WHY? People will accept unequal distribution of resources if they believe that the manner in which that inequality is reeached is (at its foundation) "fair". Trials is competiton that ISN"T fair, and makes a POINT of not being fair. There is no ranking. Only a half-assed effort at matching players of similar skills. Its basically a shark-tank where the biggest, meanest sharks are allowed to feed on everyone and eveything else. Is it any WONDER, that people who "LUNCH" are getting sick and tired of it....and are desperately trying to do SOMETHING to create a more level playing field. I don't think Trials need to be removed from the game. But it DOES need a fundamental re-envisioning. It needs become a RANKED and FLIGHTED competion. With each flight having its own seperate loot stream. THEN if you want to play winner-take-all within a given flight. I think you'd have less tendency for people to want to take out their frustrations on the weapon system when they lose.

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          6 Replies
          • Bump.

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          • Yeah they said over 100k lighthouse trips, I personally saw a particular streamer go Atleast 20x in one weekend.

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          • Oh cry baby 1%ers in PvP breaking the game? Nothing new there. BUMP!!!

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          • I hate trials. I won't do it. But that doesn't mean we should get rid of it for people that want to play it. Its optional for those that do. Similiarly we frequently talk about optional matchmaking were one argument is that it would destroy the community. The counter argument is that it is optional. Sound familiar?

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          • Protip: Just play Halo 5.

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          • Thorn needed that nerf though. And last word being able to snipe across map and kill you in 10 frames is ridiculous

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          • "Go to Chinese hell..." ~Lost Sols

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          • so you're saying that thorn and sunbreakers didn't need to be nerfed?

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            10 Replies
            • It would be a little bit different if bungie didn't prefer to rebalance weapons to make certain weapons have their time in the spot light. I think trials is decently fun when the meta matches the weapon type I prefer, when it's not I don't bother with it much at all. What they really need to do is take a good month with a bunch of destiny players and test the crap out of rebalances, get it right and keep it right. If something feels too OP, tweak it and base everything out. That would create a fun PVP environment.

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            • You realize it doesn't even matter once your 290 light your light doesn't matter bungie made it so the 290 light no matter if your above it or not is the equal playing field. You do the same damage and take the same damage whether your 315 or 290 as long as your not below 290. Trials is broken beyond belief I have went flawless but wasn't worth the time and effort.

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              3 Replies
              • Edited by iim Diz: 12/15/2015 5:29:03 AM
                By the way, I can't help but laugh each time I read this post. Trials! Trials everyone! Trials is what needs to be crucified to cleanse this game! I honestly can't take you seriously Sols. I really can't. You think removing a game type will solve anything? How? Please, tell me. Because all that's going to happen is Trials players will relocate to... Hmm.. Iron Banner.. And Hmmm.. Regular Crucible? New Meta = Expect more Nerfs Whiny community about any little thing when they die = Expect more nerfs Bungie catering to the community on every little thing just so they don't step on toes= Expect more nerfs People claiming to "know the answer to the problem" will influence other players resulting in... You guessed it! More nerfs! So realistically Sols, tell me. How will this game become balanced? Because removing a whole game mode was quite honestly the biggest joke I've ever seen ONLY in the respect that it would solve NOTHING. Are you on the forums at this point just for attention?

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                14 Replies
                • Edited by memba teamwork: 12/15/2015 11:37:52 AM
                  sooooo true without trials their would be wayyyyyyyy lesser server complaints. and people probaly wouldnt care so much to keep asking for dedicated servers.

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                • The problem with this post is that by suggesting that removing trials will solve the nerf problem, you're essentially saying that before May, nerfs weren't a problem. Which is untrue. The auto rifle nerf that spawned the blink/ shotgun and Thorn/Last Word Meta happened in the first quarter of 2015, before trials was even thought. Update 1.1.1 The original fusion rifle nerf that brought them down came before trials. Most of the balancing in this game occured before trials. Sunbreakers weren't nerfed because of trials. Sunbreakers weren't shit in trials. Mayhem and public play is where the Sunbreaker shined because the general population didn't know how to deal with them. Pulses weren't nerfed because of trials, Everyone used pulses in every playlist. Thorn wasn't nerfed because of trials, it was just as played in the banner. And hand cannons fell with Thorn and the other exotics. No one was using other hand cannons during that meta because the exotics were outshining them. Well the Fulcrum was good one but only if perfectly rolled. I also find it problematic that you lump the folks who enjoy trials in with the players crying for nerfs. Trust me, if you're crying for a nerf, you're probably not having fun. If you were having fun, you wouldn't be asking for a change. If they remove trials, Banner will retake its throne as the place to use the Meta, so when that happens should Banner be removed too? Nerfing has nothing to do with what gametypes are in place and who they cater to, but it has everything to do with what type of players ask for nerfs. It's the players who refuse to learn from their losses, and those players will continue to exist whether trials is in the game or not. This game has way too many weapons in it for them to perfectly balance it. It's never going to balanced. And even if they do get it right by some miracle, there's still going to be the vocal minority saying something is over powered, and Bungie will inevitably rebalance the game again. That's the nature of the beast. Once you come to accept that, you'll do what I've been doing since the game came out, riding the waves of rebalances and learning how to play different Metas. There's nothing wrong with that and it makes you a more adaptive player, in both PvE and PvP. And once you figure that out, you'll find it much easier to play outside the meta and continue to succeed. This isn't like you. You're smarter than this Sols.

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