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Edited by Kobra: 12/15/2015 11:37:09 AM

Book fixed in 24 hours, yet thorn took 8 months to fix, bungie cares about $ not players- 30 DOLLARS FOR LEVEL UPS ON PSN STORE LOL

Amazing how fast they put out a patch late at night to fix their wallet yet still screw over thousands of players with broken game mechanics. Hell, since TTK released the raid has had multiple bugs yet they go unfixed. Bungie in danger of losing some 10 dollar sales on their TWO MAP, ONE MODE "FREE EVENT"? patch overnight. If you still support them after this you're nothing but a silver sucking desticle. EDIT: let's see you defend bungie now, children. Cosmetics only, right guys? Paying for free dlc, right guys? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Shout out to people who waited months to get all 50 fragments and only got a timegated shader LOL

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  • There's a difference between fixing a gun without upsetting people too much and fixing a glitch that caused people to waste their money

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  • Book= Simple fix Thorn= Paying attention to how it's used, reading opinions and suggestions, comparing statistics to other guns, deciding what's wrong, plan out changes, test changes in private servers, adjust changes to make it right, more testing, more adjusting, etc.

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  • You do realize the difference?

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  • I'm going to bet you have no experience in game programming...yeah?

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  • Two reasons 1: Bills need to get paid, bungie employees from the programer to the cleaner to the secretary all need to get paid. 2: if you were one of the ones that paid silver for it you would understand as its not right for someone to basically steal the items that you had to pay for. InB4:Yes "stealing" is a stretch but it's close . You paid while others just took, I myself have not bought the book I did buy some emotes and some sparrow stuff and am still considering getting the book.

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    4 Replies
    • Setting aside your apparent issues with capitalism, it seems that the major issue for Bungie was people getting rewards they didn't deserve. They also fixed the 3 of coins super quick and that wasn't causing any loss of revenue.

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    • Glad they fixed it ASAP. Can't let those poor plebs get my rewards.

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      • [quote]This is the story of [b]Dave, the bug fixer.[/b] Dave is sitting in his office, coffee warm, knuckles just recently cracked, ready for the inevitable post-patch bug to fix. [b]"Wonder what it will be today!"[/b] Dave contemplates. Dave's door is burst open. In walks Cozmo. [b][i]"Dave, we've another problem with boot engrams!"[/i][/b] "No problem!" shouts Dave. Dave is excited to fix the bug, he's just recently fixed a boot bug, so this is a cinch. [b]*5 minutes pass* [/b] Dave's door, again, is thrown open. This time, more forceful. In struts DeeJ. [b][i]"Dave! Players are getting booted at the end of a race! ...I think. They were vague on the matter."[/i][/b] [b]*sigh*[/b] Dave turns on his second monitor. Dave is now decoding and fixing two bugs at once, he hasn't had this much pressure since Vanilla. His coffee just emptied, he begins to drink an exclusive Red Bull™ (Red Bull gives you wings) [b]*5 minutes pass*[/b] A third time, Dave's door is belligerently thrust open. It's on the hinges now. Luke Smith stands in the opening, panting. [b][i]"Da-Dave. *pant, pant* Ev-*pant* Eververse is B-*panttttt*ugged. Players are get-ting f-*pant*-re-*pant*-e silver items. Please fi-*faints*[/i][/b] Dave is practically steaming now. He hits the primary emergency button. A third monitor, with a foot accessible keyboard rises out of the floor. Dave begins to work on all three bugs at once, the emergency Red Bull™ (Red Bull gives you wings) shower turns on. Dave is covered in the stuff, [b]and he loves it.[/b] Dave's door is completely blown off of the hinges. In walks Jon. [b][i]"Dave, we have forgotten to include the correct sandbox changes. Pl-"[/i][/b] [b]*Dave flips his table, Red Bull and monitors everywhere*[/b] Words are spoken by Dave I couldn't explain even if I wanted to. Cozmo looks to DeeJ, who looks to the fainted Luke, whose foot is touching Jon's leg. DeeJ speaks up: [b][i]"I'll just tell them it was a typo."[/i][/b][/quote] all credit to PONETHEPOON

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        • Lol it takes a lot longer to fix gun dynamics as it usually affects a lot more than the one gun. A add on fix can be done it hours, you're an idiot.

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        • I'm no any game developer or IT expert, but when players reported an exploit used to gain advantage, they took it down and fixed it. Remember Vertigo? Nightstalker Quiever exploit? Sunbreakers with ≥10 hammers? It is unfortunate the log book is bugged, but exploting a bug to a person's advantage is just not acceptable. Thorn is OP and not fixed for 8 months? I don't see it as exploit, it is the way the gun perks works. Take Red Death perk as a comparison. Just my opinion.

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          • Ur mom should've fixed you...................ahh you set me up

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          • I've been summoned.

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            • I just play the game when I feel like it :D

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            • Stop posting this. You are extremely incompetent. They are a business, and that exploit compromised their major funding for the rest of destiny's content and for the paycheck for everyone who works at Bungie. You really think everyone having the ability to rob them of $10 wouldn't be a priority?

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              • [spoiler]desticle[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Cody: 12/11/2015 4:02:31 AM
                I've said it before, and I'll say it again: People that spent money on the books paid for exclusive content, and allowing people to continue exploiting a bug where they got that exclusive content without paying for it would be a disservice to the customers who spent money and acquired the book the proper way. You are, in essence, shoplifting if you exploit that glitch. Now I'll just wait for all of the nonsensical haters to attack me for giving a logical, possible alternative to the "Bungie is Satan" ideology plaguing these forums. People are just complaining to complain now. Complaining over patching a bug in a timely manner is not a valid complaint. Try again. PS: Money makes the world go 'round.

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                • What if I told you that a move that any company makes is to make money

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                • Edited by AscendantBarrin: 12/10/2015 10:34:15 PM
                  [b][u]Funniest thing I take from this situation:[/u][/b] Destiny defenders screaming "This games not dead, 25 million players" Destiny defenders say "Destiny needs to make all this money, they have families and bills to pay" over a book that should be free (a progress tracker - really?) 25 million multiplied by $60 for the base game: I'll let that just sink in. Maybe it's time some of you realize Bungie doesn't care if they can make 900 million and provide an awesome gaming experience, they'd rather make 901 million and screw the players. Edit: I understand the difference between net and gross. I'm using the 900 million as just a number to prove a point.

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                  34 Replies
                  • What did you expect? Sure they want to make money, but it's sad that the motivation for this patch is just that. I seriously doubt that the engram bug alone would have been fixed as quickly. Go ahead and pretend it's about being fair to the people that had purchased the book being screwed. That matters to you and I, I doubt it motivates Bungie. What motivated them was the fact that $10 was slipping through their fingers once the exploit was out. Who is going to buy an way overpriced progress tracker when they didn't need to? Those that have bought it, well thanks for showing Bungie the sky is the limit for transactions. There is absolutely no way this thing should be $10, and even supporters of micros should have pushed back at that price. You have now shown them you ARE willing to pay for armor. You've shown them that they can charge whatever they want. Congrats. Just don't whine later when the packs are $15, then $20. May not be "pay to win" but it's getting there. Personally, I had a choice. Spent my $10 on Final Fantasy 7. Better value than a stat tracker.

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                    • They didn't put the patch in simply "because they were losing money". There were people who had bought the book for $10, and other people who were getting the same rewards for free. I'd be pissed if I spent that money and saw someone riding around on the same sparrow as me when they didn't spend any money to get it. Y'all are a bunch of whining children who need to get over yourselves. Bungie is a company. A company is out to make money. First and foremost. If I get a call from my boss saying there is a bug on our websites that is causing us to lose money and our customers to get stuff "for free", regardless of what time it is i have to fix it. Not because I don't care about the customer, but because it's money flying out the window. Does no one understand this about business? No?

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                      • They made the game to make money.

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                      • True

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                      • Damn Activision

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                      • Year 2 has been a huge disappointment, even more-so than the shell of a game we got for Year 1. Bungie has yet to redeem themselves for that and the amount of Year 2 content only worsened their reputation.

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                      • Will bump this all night long until money hungry bungie devs inevitably delete it

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                        • How about you single handily go fix a weapon that almost 70% of crucible uses and have them not complain

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