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12/5/2015 6:52:35 AM

Cozmo raid reward ruin King Fall experience.

I took a few weeks off from destiny recently, year one I played with all my friends we essentially played for the raids and the elusive exotics that at a small chance could be granted to you. This 10 different light level variation for weapons and armor per mode was just an awful idea to go with. I came back for challenge mode grabbed some checkpoints beat it on all 3 toons in an hour and called it quits. The challenge mode that really wasn't challenging was still very rewarding and my time spent in game was worthwhile. I decided to grab an oryx checkpoint tonight, wanted to beat oryx hardmode atleast with 2 of my character which I did. The second group of randoms had some newer players that were inexperienced with oryx. I don't do it very often because I'm usually working Saturdays but tonight I decided to stay and help them through oryx for there first time. Well both runs for both characters drop nothing but normal mode stuff and mouldering shards reminding me why I won't be wasting my time with this raid anymore with the exception of challenge mode CP's. I'm sure you have noticed I've continually mentioned how I grab checkpoints for the raid. That's a problem kings fall is a great raid which is why I buy destiny content... For the raids mainly. However kingsfall is so unrewarding that I will never enjoy the raid in its entirety again with the rewards in there current state. It doesn't respect our time what so ever and i thought that's one of many things you promised to take care of. Next week I won't run the raid up to golgoroth to do the challenge I'll grab a golgoroth CP because everything prior to that is a waste of my time with usually nothing but a hot plate of garbage as a reward. After I beat golgoroth what will I do? Yep you guessed it, I will leave without hesitation because everything after that is a huge waste of my time. Your raids are the best content your game has to offer in my opinion and yet you guys diminished that with your system in place for what? Just to simply artificially inflate play time with the raid which can already take long enough just to get through one session if you don't hit the LFG jackpot. I'd play with my friends but they played kingsfall once and quit playing altogether. Friends that had been playing and raiding every reset during year one. Does this not raise any red flags in the Dev Teams mind ? Do you not realize this isn't just something you put on a "wishlist" this is something you guys should be fixing right now! Challenge mode rewards are great but its like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound if you catch my drift. I most certainly will not praise you for the challenge mode set rewards with max light because this is how rewards should have been in the raid to begin with. However I'm sure the way you guys see it everyone is thinking well if we did that people would hit max light quicker and our numbers will drop which is true but players would take a break and leave destiny on a positive note. The way your system is now long time players are straight up leaving with a bad taste in there mouths of destiny. Some may come back but there's a lot that probably won't. I'm not sure how the community can delineate this to you guys any better, I've posted constructive solutions regarding this issue along with many others that have presented amazing ideas for this game not just for the raid but for everything. Bungie says this but they do that instead the same old song and dance it seems. I hope you guys are hard at work creating quality content for your community. Seems like your community is always hard at work dedicating time out of there busy lives to provide feedback to make your game better. They don't get a paycheck for it people are just passionate about destiny because they know it can be better a lot better! Show the community the same respect in that aspect that we show you guys.

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  • I would love to see the dropout rate after each of the challenge mode CP. I predicted this would happen the moment they mentioned this. It's like people working for Bungie don't have a brain.

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by Mrjonas7808: 12/5/2015 8:33:02 PM
      Couldn't agree more. I won't quit Destiny at the moment, but the raid drops in KF really bummed me out. Besides today, I haven't been playing that much Destiny since the beginning of November. The sparrow racing and IB might be fun for a while, but I can't see myself play that a lot. For me, the most fun part about the game are the raids, and right now... they aren't worth my time.

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      1 Reply
      • Adequate raid rewards isn't Bungie's dream of how Destiny should be played.

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      • I rarely post or reply in this forum but I could not agree with your opinion any more. I have been saying the same thing to my friends as well watching them slowly but surely progress to other games. We all love Destiny but I can't help but feeling like the grind is not here for your steady progression but more so to buy the company time for their developers lack of ideas. The fix is easy....reward people for their time spent in the raid appropriately with items that will allow them to progress. That has been the topic of discussion for over a year that continues to ring in deaf ears and stubbornness. The focus of the game is unclear and quite confusing. I don't see Destiny competing with the mult-player shooters that are out and on the horizon so why there is so much focus and time spent on the PVP portion of the game? That I will never understand and I believe it's what takes away from the development of the "meat and potatoes" of what we really love about destiny. I have hours upon hours invested in the game but it's disheartening to log on and view a divided friends list that once reigned supreme with.......Destiny......

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      • People complaining about challenge mode when a challenge is relevant to the players skill as well as his/her teams skill. Some people can't stand holding the aura. Some teams literally did 1 aura strat. Seriously people don't understand this.

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      • I'm sure everyone grabs CP's lmao

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      • Good stuff

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      • I am also done with the raid and will only do the challenge. I wish they would make it so you can start at the challenge and not have to waste your time getting to the challenge boss. I think this is very bad for the raid as most people will only do the challenge and not care to go any further they should have scraped challenge mode and fixed the rng and used the time they spent on challenge mode for more productive things like making vog and crota relevant to year 2

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      • Great post.

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      • Proabably 90% of my raid drops are 313 below even the normal drops are 306 below and im seeing more gear drop at 300 more and more!

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      • Bump

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      • Bump. Very well written. I haven't even bothered to complete the raid on hard yet, mainly because by the time I've got past sisters with nothing but a 304 shotgun for my efforts I just leave in disgust. Now I'll just do 3 quick challenge modes each week and get back to having fun in other games. Kind of sad really, especially when you consider that immediately before TTK came out potentially we could do 3 nightfalls, 3 weeklies, 21 dailies, 3 Crota's End, 3 VoG and 9 PoE and get usable rewards, even if they weren't necessarily desirable (shank burn, anyone?). Now the only thing worth doing is challenge mode.

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      • Bump 100 times bump I do the exact same thing I was an every day player redid raids even after I had everything just cuz it was fun . Feels like a choir I now only play Tuesday and Wednesday just for the raid and leave black ops is here don't need to waste my time on crucible anymore loved playing it don't get me wrong but I miss my hopscotch and I'll will stuff that made the game fun is gone the fun factor is just gone they should of made all easy mode stuff drop at 310 and all hard stuff at 320 and this challenge mode should have dropped 320 exotics and burn weapons

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      • What p!sses me off is that the best loot is clearly being saved for the challenges. We were tricked by Bungie again. Plain and simple.

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      • Bump. I couldn't have said it better myself.

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      • I agree with I'm a day one player myself and ever since ttk I've been getting the worst drops in hard mode. The old raid were good at least the level system worked but I agree challenge mode is like a band aid on stab wound but I still play every week for the chance to get better gear. Even though I'm 317 and 3/4 I probably won't get to 318 for another month a few of my friends are already 319 and it's not funny being the butt of my clans jokes.

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      • Bump

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