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Edited by Paradox1055: 3/31/2016 12:36:58 PM

An Upcoming Threat: Jared Barnes Hunt for the Truth pt. 2

Jared sat in the dark handcuffed to the table. He had fallen asleep staying in solitude. A loud noise outside the door jarred him awake. "Huh?! Oh, still locked up." Soon, the door opened and the bright light blinded Jared. He looked away until his eyes adjusted. "Hello, Barnes." the iconic voice echoed in the room. "Commander Zavala. It's been too long." said Jared Barnes squinting. "We have checked the recordings of the guardians you killed-" "It was self-defense. They attacked me." interupted Jared. "Of the guardians you killed. The recordings show that, yes, they attacked you first. With some, 'debate' the Speaker has agreed to let you go. However, you are on strict watch!" Commander Zavala unlocked the cuffs, which left some impressions in Jared's wrist. Jared rubbed his wrists when two frames walked in and put Jared's gear on the table. He searched through the pile making sure everything was there. A bandolier that went over his left shoulder and under his right arm. It also connected to his belt. He had two stainless steel hand cannons, Truth and Seeker. He put them in his two holsters on his belt. Jared grabbed his two knifes. He hooked his cloak onto his chest plate. Jared grabbed his helmet and put it on, he them raised the hood on his cloak. "I'll be leaving now. Caves to search, evidence to find." "Evidence of what, Guardian?" "Don't call me a guardian." Jared walked out the door. Jared walked across the courtyard to the hanger. "Barnes! I beg you to connect back to the Light. Your knowledge and research could be useful in our fight against the Darkness." said the Speaker. "Now why would I do that? All my knowledge and research is of something else. And I have collected too much to lose." said Jared crossing his arms. "Bring your trinkets to me, and I will pay you handsomely for them." "My wealth means nothing to me! No gold of the human, no husk of the Hive, no tech of the Vex is worthy in my eyes if cursed by the so called 'Light and Darkness'! And what are you hiding, that YOU want my research?" "I hide nothing, but what you know may help end this war." the Speaker spoke softly. "Okay, Speaker. Who's the enemy here? The Darkness? I want something better. Why are we fighting the so called 'Darkness'?" "We fight them because they attacked us!" "They want the Traveler! Don't you see? The Traveler is setting us up! It is conquering the universe by being the last one standing in this self destruction!" "What of the Cabal, Barnes? They have no quarrel with the Traveler." "What of the ancient Romans? The Cabal are merely making an empire, but I think we could have done better than piss them off." "So, where is your evidence of which you speak?" asked the Speaker. "The Traveler visited the Fallen, now they want it back. The Traveler visited the Hive, now they want it back... but maybe for other reasons. Now that we have it, we fight to keep it, thus fighting a war to take the Traveler. That Traveler is making us kill each other for its pleasure." "The Hive are killing to spread their religion, so are the Cabal, and-" "And so are we, Speaker! How are we better than the Hive if we are doing the same?!" The Speaker propped himself against the railing. "Believe as you wish, and I will believe as I wish. But you will start a new war if you send anyone to come find me!" Jared put his helmet back on and boarded his ship. Jared traveled to the Hell Mouth on the moon. He was transmatted to the bridge at the end of the abyss. "Let's see. Hive husks, any written records of before the golden age, and maybe a sword." Jared wrote down notes on his pad. The gate had opened and the bridge had formed. Jared ran across and straight into a bright light. On the other side of the blinding portal, he saw knights, ogres, and much more! "Well, s***. I did say I wanted a sword." Jared walked down the stairs. At first, the Hive did not notice him sneaking around. "Oooh! Husk."Jared took a husk off a pedestal. The bridge formed, and everyone noticed! "Uh oh." Jared ran across the bridge, knights and thrall were on his tail! He got to the other side of the bridge and stopped! He drew out his Truth and Seeker! He fired four shots at the closest thrall, but he switched what weapon he fired after each pull: one then the other, one then the other. He lowered his right arm and shot four thrall coming from his left. He then switched arms, shooting four acolytes coming from his right. He spun around shooting two thrall coming from behind him, then with his other hand cannon, he shot two acolytes coming across the bridge! He raised both his weapons at the sword knight, but they both started clicking! "Uh oh." Jared turned around, the gate was closing! He holstered his hand cannons and ran! The knight followed! If that knight caught him, he would die without a ghost! He felt the knight's foot stomp shake the floor under him, and the gate was almost closed! He ran up the stairs with the knight right behind him! "Almost there!... Wait." Jared turned around, grabbed the knight's sword arm and pulled it with him through the gate! The knight screamed in pain as the gate pressed on its arm. The gate crushed the knight's arm in half and closed completely. Jared took deep breaths and picked up his new sword. "Can't believe that worked." Jared put the sword across his back, just above his waste. "Husk, check. Sword, check. Ancient records, next." Jared followed the curving path to a circular hole in the floor. He jumped down walked down a hallway. The walls were covered with the symbol of Crota. "Here we go!" Jared jotted down the Hive runes to take back. He walked into the courtyard of Crota to see a giant ship above, and two wizards moving a giant tomb into place. "What have I gotten myself into?!" The wizards pointed to Jared and hundreds of Taken spawned. "S***! S***! S***!" Jared ran back to the circular hole that he had jumped down! He tried to double jump out, but he couldn't make it! "D*** it!" Jared pulled out his hand cannons and fired! He killed sixteen Taken. He pulled out his sword and slayed several more! It was like the sword was gaining strength as he killed. Fifty Taken surrounded Jared, so he raised the sword in the air and smashed it into the ground! All of the Taken close to him were killed with the Shockwave! A foggy face rose from the shockwave. First, it was Crota, then it switched to Oryx. "You have took the sword of my son! It was his downfall, but it does not compare to me!" the mist disappeared, and in its place were thousand of Taken! An ogre took the lead as they marched towards Jared! The ogre tried to smash Jared, but he jumped on the ogre, allowing him to reach the hole in the roof. His foot slipped, but he was able to pull himself up! Jared escaped the temple and left the moon! "Next is Venus. I bet some data storage in those precursor Vex might hold some secrets." Jared pretended to talk to his dead ghost, Crede. "A Vex sniper would be cool, but will I call you?" Jared held up his sword. "This is the sword of Crota. Um, King's Blade? No. Blade of the King? Too wordy. Blade of Kings? Closer. Sword of Kings? Bingo! Sword of Kings and my Truth and Seeker."

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