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Edited by bip: 11/27/2015 9:55:59 PM

College girl finds most stupid solution ever to student loans [quote]College students across the country are protesting student loan debt, arguing that public university tuition should be free. Organizers of the Million Student March argue that students today are taking on “crippling” debt in order to obtain a degree, calling for outstanding loans to be forgiven. [/quote] My dad dealt with a huge student loan debt. Wanna know how? [b]He worked hard at college in order to attract the interest of employers who were willing to give him high-paying jobs. He then worked hard in those jobs in order to make more money.[/b] [quote]Cavuto pointed out that in recent years the one percent has seen their taxes go up to between 40 and 50 percent. “How much more should they pay?” he asked. Mullen countered that the one percent should be taxed until all of it is paid and families aren’t living in poverty. [/quote] Yes, because people who are poor are the problem of the rich people for some reason. [quote]He then asked what would happen if the wealthy responded by leaving the United States. “There’s always gonna be a one percent in the U.S.,” Mullen answered, adding that the one percent can “absolutely” afford it. Mullen said she and her friends would “absolutely” be OK with paying a 90 percent tax rate if they someday earn $250,000 a year or more.[/quote] I'm just gonna let that sink in. [quote]An astonished Cavuto joked that one would have to be “high as a kite” to want to pay that amount to the government. [/quote] I think you'd have to be as high as a kite to even consider wanting to pay that much. [quote]Cavuto said that even if there was a 100 percent tax on the most wealthy, it wouldn’t even be enough to cover Medicare for three years. “I don’t believe that. That sounds completely ludicrous to me,” Mullen said, bringing up how much was spent to bail out the banks in 2008. Cavuto said that the hypothetical 100 percent tax wouldn’t bring in close to enough revenue to cover the costs of the students’ demands. [/quote] I...I don't...what...I...*Brain breaks* And finally we have this beautiful quip from the site that posted the article I linked. [quote]Wait is this how ideas work? I want to do this. I want all my student debt gone. I want free healthcare. I want my bank account to double every month. I want a Chipotle in the lobby of my apartment. Oh yeah that apartment, I don’t want to pay rent on it anymore. Can I keep going? This is awesome. Is that a hand raised in the back…what…who is going to pay for all that? Ummm I don’t know. Rich people. What? Rich people don’t have enough to cover all that even if you took 100% of all their money? Ok well who gives a -blam!- then. Nobody told me I had to come up with a way to pay for it. I thought we were allowed to just say awesome ideas that made us really happy? Is that not the game? [/quote] I know this happened a few weeks ago, but I just had to post it. Also, can Fox please slam stupid people more often? It's fun to watch.

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  • If you base the validity of an issue based on the responses of stupid people then no issue is worth discussing.

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    31 Replies
    • Maybe people shouldn't be majoring in -blam!-ing psychology and absolute joke classes and actually buckle down for a career that pays off your college education.

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      • Oh god, I couldn't watch more than half of that, that guy was just too f*cking annoying. But how about this? I know we don't like him but this is actually something that Donald trump proposed a few years back... Create a one time special tax of 14% for everyone worth a certain amount of money or more - the top 1% of wealthy Americans - and then that money would be used to clear the national debt, that'd be so much money that the US could have reduced it current debt, at the time, of around 3 trillion to less than a few hundred million. That's ridiculous - no one should have that amount of money for themselves... I mean I know I'd like to have a lot of money but Jesus Christ... Only problem is, is people are greedy - there's pretty much no way that those with that much money are ever going to step forward and willingly pay for something like that. But (again) how about this? Why isn't the budget for [i]war[/i] cut? The US has the largest military force in the world and spent over $900 billion on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan... That's just stupid. Even a tenth could pay to cover the cost of a free college system.

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        5 Replies
        • Why not go to a cheaper school?

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          • The costs of tuition in America is just a sign of the false elitism that has taken place in America.. At one point of time you could join a company at the bottom, and work your way up to the top learning as you go, just like an apprenticeship. But at some point people decided that wasn't good enough, and having a Collage or University degree meant you were able usurp the hard work of others and start at the top without any experience. I don't feel it's not a coincidence that's when the American economy started to decline. Suddenly you have all these people trying to get degree's and top jobs, so how do you usurp them as well? You make it that a degree from a high priced University is better than a economical one. Instead of looking at individual factors like if the person is suited for the job, or has a drug addiction. Again the economy declines. Now the economy has crashed, there's too many at the top of the economic pyramid, and not enough worker bee's at the bottom... Suddenly trades people are earning far more then Collage grades as there isn't enough of them. So how do the false elite they fix this? 1) They try to force people to take a wishy washy Collage program under the guise of "Pre-trades" Now to be a mechanic you suddenly need a 2 year course, in order to get your foot in the door. 2) They keep jacking up the tuition... That way if your slightly poorer, you'll opt for the Pre-Trade course and be the good little worker bee that you were always supposed to be.

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            7 Replies
            • Frannie Mac an Sallie Mae Sound familiar? If they do its because those 2 companies coupled with AIG and Leeman Brothers crashed the US economy in 2008 from [b][i][u]MAKING PREDATORY LOANS THEY NEW THE LENDIE'S WOULD NOT PAY BACK THEN DOUBLE TRADED THOSE LOANS AND MADE LOANS TO NON EXISTENT PEOPLE[/u][/i][/b] Frannie Mac; largest home loan provider company in USA pre 2008 Sallie Mae; largest student loan provider company in USA pre 2008 So yea [b][i][u]STFU[/u][/i][/b] [b][i][u]STUDENT AND HOME LOANS DESTROYED THE US ECONOMY[/u][/i][/b]----> thats a flipping fact.

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            • Fox news? Move along folks nothing to see here.

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              10 Replies
              • Tldr Guess what: Student loans since 1970 have gone up over 1000% in amount of money. A 4,000$ loan in 1976 woulda got you a 40,000$ degree equivalent today And thats just [b][i][u]ON AVERAGE[/u][/i][/b] Also in the 70s and prior [b][i][u]MOST STATE UNIVERSITY CLASSES WERE FREE TO RESIDENTS OF THAT STATE[/u][/i][/b] (in most cases only things you paid for; room an board, text books and school supplies/materials) So yea The fact that a BACHELORS DEGREE can cost from 80,000$ to 250,000$ pending field and school [b][i][u]IS FLIPPING RIDICULOUS [/u][/i][/b]

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              • Soi soi soi

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              • You could you know cut down a little on the military and bring the price of education down significantly.

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              • So your dad worked hard at college? This is where all your wisdom is coming from? Cool story bro.

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              • Just go to college in Europe if the debt is too much a full time student in most European countries has low tuition costs and gets free Healthcare. Also the fact that if you die with student loans you still need to pay for them and yet corporations like GE can not pay a cent in taxes and then get government benefits is super fun

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              • Here's an idea: [spoiler]we print more money[/spoiler]

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                18 Replies
                • I saw this on the Ol'Cringe Channel.

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                • I'll pay for it! Everybody thank me, I paid the debt!

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                • When you forgive in business. World flips apart.

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                • She must be going to one desperate ass college Because what college accepts someone so stupid ?

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                  • Edited by AEnathemaDevice: 11/28/2015 7:51:49 AM
                    The thing is that she's an idiot. Fox news purposefully targeted her for interview because she's an idiot. When you talk about this with an intelligent and reasonable person, it becomes quite apparent that something needs to change in secondary education. The colleges know people can't afford it, so they bring credit into it so people can't afford it for the rest of their lives.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Umm. I don't see how one girl can lead that. A leader? Plz. And even the slightly competent would know to never do anything with fox and the propaganda machine. Nice try but if this wasn't on fox I'd have a little more time buying it.

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                      11 Replies
                      • Edited by BlearyYeti9: 11/27/2015 11:22:50 PM
                        That was pretty bad to watch, but some issues do need to be discussed: 1)Reason the prices go up is because people pay for it. Eventually we are going to hit a point where people aren't going to be able to afford it and prices will come sinking back down. 2)Traditionally with college up until about the 80s-90s you would make the amount of money it cost to go to college in your first year of work. Not saying you would have it paid off in the first year, but you wouldn't have a bad situation. To do that today you would have to make approximately 200k a year right off the bat, which no one is doing, whereas back in the 70s you could make 20k your first year out when prices where 5k a year. 3) Public University prices shouldn't be free, because if you have any understanding of economics, you'll realize the slew of problems it will cause. However, prices should be cheaper because of this ridiculous college inflation loop we are in. (And if you want to attack me for free community college prices for those who can't afford it, look up how many people actually can't afford it vs how much money they receive, you might be shocked by what you find)

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                      • LOL Wow what socialists. They lie when they say they would be fine paying all their monmey to the government So these are the people who support bernie

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                        4 Replies
                        • The greatest trick the conservatives have played on their constituents is the false hope they might be rich and this might someday affect them. It's like greed without anything actually in their hand. Brilliant really.

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                        • .05% Wallstreet speculation tax, anyone?

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                          • My confirmation bias is really going now It feels great!

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                          • Edited by Negative: 11/28/2015 7:52:18 PM
                            This bitch knows jack shit about economics. Maybe, these people could just work on campus, and the student debt would decrease by 15$ per hours. My nephew is 14, and he know more than she does about this shit.

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                          • The army is paying for mine

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