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Edited by BB90-: 11/27/2015 1:08:23 PM

The Chaperone - First Step Guide

hey all iv seen alot threads/posts about people complaing about the quest mainly the first step. it's understandable really, not everyone likes or wants to play pvp and some just arnt great at it. its also quite specific that you have to use the last word and for many since its nerf it can be a rough gun to do well with. im not great at pvp myself. i do ok but im no wizard at it. i got my chaperone in the second week of ttk and iv done the quest 3 times in total. im not bragging but i saw what i had to do, saw it was difficult and figured out a way to make it easier. i thought i would share my methods with the forum and hope it helps some of you complete this first step. firstly you need to stop worrying about dieing. it happens. what you need to do is stop running around like youve got heavey ammo. your gunna get f'd in a if thats what you have been doing. The Last Word got a nerf to range and stability and running around in open long areas isnt gunna do you any favours. you have to think about the map ur on and try to stick to close, closed off areas. a good exapmle of this is on the map pantheon (i think its called) its the one that is split into three long lanes. well i actually do my best with the last word on this map. the trick on this map is to get in the middle where B flag is and camp the stair case where the little bridge is. keep poking out from behind the wall. this is actually perfect gun range for the last word. try not to aim to much with it either and tap the trigger instead of holding it. if you can keep to that area you'll pick up a couple of kills before you kick the bucket. play objective type game modes such as control or rift. camp a flag or the spark or where the other team is going to dunk the spark. you can puck up a fair few kills from people who are focused of getting the objective. it gives you a little jump on them if they are focused on something else other than killing. camp your behind off! get the tent up, marshmellows out the works. if you have to sit behind a rock then do it. no one actually cares and your there to do whatever it takes to finish the quest. you dont need to get the kill with the last word, you only need to have it equipped. if tour sticking to tight areas then use a shotgun or sidearm. if your feeling a but more daring you can go with a sniper rifle. supers. just because you have one doesnt mean charge head first into their spawn. play more resevered with and dont take risks you dont need to. if you think this game isnt going so well or you totally dispise the map your on then take the last word off or leave the game asap. your whole objective in any game while doing this quest is to get a posative k/d. you dont need a 2.0 or 3.0 kd just aim to go posative. just play smart and think about what your doing. you'll find it might take a few games to get used to but once you get the hang of it you'm complete the step in just a couple of games. one last thing. a little later on in quest line your going to have to do the same with a shorgun but this time you wont lose any percentage if you die so dont fret when you get to that stage. in all honestly the chaperone is a great pvp shotgun but its not overpowered. you cant one kill someone if they are full ho unless you land a headshot. its got a nuce rate of fire that makes up for it but you (for the time being) find that you lose out to other shotguns. its ine of my favourite weapons along with the last word. tex mechanica guns are the best, they fun and have so much more character to them. they actually feel and look exotic in comparison to alot of the exotics in the game. i hope this helps some of you complete the this step in quest!! good luck

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