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originally posted in: Destiny is too violent
11/26/2015 9:05:23 PM
Hi there, I can see where your coming from, But what most kids forget is that it's game game, it's for entertainment, if you go and do this thing in real life there are real consequences. Most of the kids that head off and kill people in the real world are usually a little unhinged. I have 3 boys, my twins are 11 and they have been gaming since they were 5, I have ALLWAYS taught them that games are for fun and entertainment and that they are not real, my youngest is getting into gaming to and I have stated to him they they are games and there not real, my twins and I used to play borderlands together (which is Violent). If you think Destiny is violent maybe you have not played the God of War series. Just remember gaming is for fun and a hobby. I've been gaming since I was 4 years old I'm now 39, I have a job I support my family, the games I used to play way back when we're worse than what you have today and they were more unforgiving, as long as you remember that video games are entertaining then you have nothing to worry about.

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