Pa's Double Barrel
Exotic shotgun
Impact:90 (27x12 aimed) (36x24 hipfired with exotic and intrinsic perk)
Stability: 10
Reload:5 (4 seconds to reload both rounds) (2.5 seconds to reload 1 round) (not effected by reload gauntlets for balance)
Magazine: 2
Capacity: 16 rounds
Intrinsic: This weapon has a wider spread when hipfired but also deals more damage when hipfired.
Perk 1: Reactive reload. 33% bonus damage for a short time when reloading after a kill.
Perk tree:
1.Rifled barrel: +10 range, reload times lengthened by 1 second (5 seconds for both rounds, 3.5 for 1 round)
2. Speed reload: reload speeds increased by .3 seconds (3.7 seconds for both rounds, 2.2 seconds for 1 round)
3. Field scout: (Carry 28 rounds total, pick up 8/9 rounds per ammo drop instead of 5/6)
Exotic perk: This weapon fires both shots at once when hipfired. Next reload time decreased by .05 seconds for every pellet that hits a critical spot (up to a 1.2 second reduction)
It sounds absolutely badass. Reactive reload on a shotgun with both shots being fired while hip firing creates a weapon that has overwhelming damage (which is a good thing). Pve needs more fun weapons and I imagine it could destroy a sunbreaker in pvp.