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originally posted in: Bored and need a joke
11/16/2015 3:38:37 PM
How is your face a joke? You look at it every day, you should know, not me. yes I choked, I was gagging all over a cock.

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  • Hmm so your statement is based on the assumption that i am thinking that my face is a joke even though I told you i know i have a good look ... Hmm a mentally challenged person confirmed Advice Think before you write

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  • Edited by kiki: 11/16/2015 11:01:12 PM
    No where in your forum post did you say that you had "good look" (Looks*). I understand wanting to look cool on the off topic forum is your goal for tonight. But that won't happen with me. What was meant as a harmless joke was taken seriously by no one besides you. You didn't have to reply to me, you know that right? You don't have to go out of your way to make me look stupid, because it won't happen here, friend. Another boy with daddy issues confirmed. Think before you >TYPE< not write.

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  • So you didn't see my 1st reply to you ... so you are blind and don't be the dictionay guy I don't want to talk about my looks but when you bring it up i have to What you consider a harmless joke is a stupid repetitive brainless thing that you just spout out .. not even original I don't have to reply to you .. correct but you came to me first and i want to see how do you think .. and let me tell you it's not good Also it's not my fault that you make yourself look stupid .. i didn't go out of my way for that it's just your hands doing On a final note on what basis you made the assumption that i am having "daddy issues" don't go saying stuff .. sorry typing stuff that you can't prove I want to say more but I think that's enough

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  • Sounds like you're salty. Are you okay? You seem real salt-eeeeeee

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  • Again with the assumption If you really want something salty i can give you some ;)

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  • Speaking of that! How do I think? Please tell me your discoveries. How was the dive into the truly disturbed?

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  • I didn't discover anything .. you just reveal what you want .. Also don't twist things when you can't answer

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  • Edited by kiki: 11/16/2015 11:57:35 PM
    But you didn't find out anything~! No one can truly understand the way my mind works. :^) Your name is MD. Doctors usually discover things about their patients. You don't know a single thing about lil' 'ol me~.

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  • Tries to insult me then failed Tries to make it looks like i have issues then failed Tries to make it looks like i failed but 5yen he fails When cornered he start attacking me like a cute little cat Now doctor or i told you before you are mentally challenged kid but i think i was wrong it seems far worse than that

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  • Edited by kiki: 11/17/2015 1:35:10 AM
    I never insulted you o.o you said you needed a joke, and your face was my joke. It made me laugh, it's not my fault you don't have a sense of humor. Also, I understand you think I'm cute, but please save it for the bedroom. I won't argue that I'm messed up In the noggin. Finally, I think you're taking this too seriously. This is offtopic forums, on And in just a harmless little girl trying to play tomb raider that is halfassing her replies. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some tombs to raid c;

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  • [quote]I never insulted you o.o you said you needed a joke, and your face was my joke. It made me laugh, it's not my fault you don't have a sense of humor. Also, I understand you think I'm cute, but please save it for the bedroom. I won't argue that I'm messed up In the noggin. Finally, I think you're taking this too seriously. This is offtopic forums, on And in just a harmless little girl trying to play tomb raider that is halfassing her replies. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some tombs to raid c;[/quote] Again don't assume Who told you I am mad i am just having fun knocking your head every single time As i told you your first post is a joke when you insist on stupid joke with the mirror reference that is insult.. and you don't have to respond to my reply .. And if you really think that this is funny then please become a stand up comedian so you will fail miserably with your sense of humor And [b]Who the -blam!- told you you are cute or how did you conclud that ... you are not .. not even remotely[/b] Alao trying to cover up your mistakes with (i am little gir) .... i don't care who or what the -blam!- you are .. just respect others, don't be a monkey mimicking othersand , think for yourself and recognize your mistakes **final note: I am not angry .. i like to see how people think and respond .. if they become rude i will retaliate If someone was stupid i like to tell them and educate them so they can try to improve Think think think before you talk, write or type .. use the one brain cell you have left don't loose it Last but not least if you did something wrong [b]Apologies[/b] ... i do it all the time and mature people also Now let us see how it is gonna unfold

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  • First. Please capitalize your "I". And you also misspelled Girl. You told me I was cute, a cute little cat c: thank you~ (Also*) Alao isn't a word. C: For someone who tries to educate people, you should at least pass fifth grade first. And you are angry, if you weren't you wouldn't be using profanity, or insulting me so much. [quote]don't be a monkey mimicking othersand[/quote]. That doesn't make sense. I have one last question for you, MD. Out of all these flavors, why'd you choose salty?

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  • For someone who didn't pass 5th grade i am pretty good at teaching you your place Also since you couldn't get back at me you chose to focus on spelling And i used the word i wrote before to emphasize my message but it seems you have thick skull and no brain Also don't flatter yourself because it was mockery And for last did you like my salty ;) [spoiler]i know you like it ;)[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by kiki: 11/17/2015 7:19:43 PM
    You're teaching my place? Last I checked, my place has been unchanged by no one but me. You are just making yourself look dumb, because you're trying to be smart in the offtopic forum. o.o

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  • I am smart and you are stupid that's a fact Also Why do you have to say "offtopic" all the time .. plus spelling correction .. do you have OCD Btw where is your nanny because someone as brainless, irrational, immature with no control of their actions there has to be someone looking after them [spoiler]how is my salty stuff loool [/spoiler]

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  • I'm not going to sit here and listen to a child's ramblings. Your insults are repetitive and aren't amusing at all. Honestly I thought someone such as yourself would come up with a decent argument. I was wrong, this must have been thee most ignorant conversation I've had with someone of the forums. Goodbye, Sir.

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  • God now i am the one who's not providing a good argument .. and you were avoiding it loooool just -blam!-ing loool You are the rambling and i am the one who's bashing you to the ground So you can't take it anymore .. good .. i was thinking to be nasty a little bit loool Go get your diaper kiddo and sleep tight

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  • K bye

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  • Good child

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  • I love you, no matter how salty you are

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  • Thx [spoiler] If you want more salt [/spoiler] [spoiler] just ask i can give you more [/spoiler] [spoiler] if you are still lost as of what salts mean here .. PM me ;)[/spoiler]

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  • You make me so wet in my mouth

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  • Don't worry this is free service

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  • I love hou

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  • Ooh what a loyal dog

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