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Edited by BlitzyMango: 10/1/2020 6:06:15 AM

Meanest message you ever recieved?

I've personally never received negative messages, but how about you guys? Which was the worst?

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    You s**t final rounder kill yourself [spoiler]from a bladedancer with felwinters during year 1 trials [/spoiler]

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    • Go suck a cactus dick

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    • Suck it you damn dirty scrub Blink shotgunning fgt

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      • Get off f*cking destiny you f*ucking hacker... their team mate kept reviving him while i was hard scoping their orb with ice breaker, this was before revive countdowns existed and before ice breaker had an 8 second ammo recharge, I think this went on for 2-3 minutes, i'd have just left him...

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      • Was on the dreadnaught in the breach just killing and collecting and a player sent me a message to 'get out', I just reported him and kept doing my thing...

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      • Had a guy who sent a chain of messages for a raid invite way after I had put the team together. "Inv 295 Titan" "Inv" "WTF MAN F[b]U[/b]CK YOU"

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        • "I am going to take that NLB and shove it up your blam!!! Using a scrub gun POS!!!" when I was play control on Rusted Lands over watching B from A's left flank. Got 9 consecutive kills, 3 from the guy who sent the message.

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        • I was doing a doubles elimination against a team with a random. During the match one of the opponents starting t-bagging and taunting. I said "okay so we're playing that game huh?" So I started doing the same. Eventually my teammate left and one of the guys on the other team sent an audio message saying that I should quit because i was losing anyway (even though my indiviual score was only 200 less than their whole score) and something about a bitch. I told him he can chill and it's just a game then he sent another audio message saying that it wasn't told me I should be doing my homework and that he would see my later tonight. I was cracking up but before I could respond the match ended and he sent one last message saying he was joking and he didn't mean any I'll will

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        • A friend of mine got one on call of duty a few years back that said something along the lines of, "you're the reason why God creates hurricanes, you should go kill your self!" Ive never laughed so hard

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        • Edited by DZero50: 11/17/2015 6:10:09 PM
          I was playing the game mode in reach where its multiple teams of 3 and you ride a rocket hog through areas to score. It was my first time playing that game mode and I kept on spawning as the driver, so we didn't do that good that match. One of my teammates said something like I was terrible and shouldn't be playing. He then got matched up with me in the next 2 matches and I scored 1st on our team while he scored last.

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        • "You're a meanie"

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          • I went like 300 - 15 in nuketown one day. The whole team called me a try hard. Said I was cheating etc. Single greatest accomplishment of my gaming history.

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            • Release notes.

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            • I was playing skirmish with randoms and the heavy came in, one of my team mates was standing next to me at the heavy ammo and two of the other team were coming at us firing so we took the heavy not even thinking about waiting for our third team mate as we were under fire. The third team mate then repeatedly shoots and melees me for about 30 seconds and im thinking what the f**k is this kid doing, then I get this message 'F**k u nobi u takes the heavies before your allies are on place f**k u noob i piss to you mom ass and your bitch too' Couldnt beleive the rage just because he missed out on heavy ammo lol

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              • Edited by Earthern Hunter: 11/17/2015 4:42:58 PM
                I once got a voice mail on Xbox 360 a few years ago and the guy sounded Italian or something he sounded like ezio from assassins Creed and he said what sounded like 'cock-oh-ree-no' (cocorino). I'm guessing he was calling me a cock or something? Or maybe it was something gay?

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              • I was playing elimination and I just picked up the scrubbiest one shot sniper with luck in the chamber maxed it out with motes just wanted to see if it was amazing as people say go on a 15 kill streak with it don't get a single body shot kill all head shots got called a b**ch for using it then I play with the same team again use a different sniper 1000 yard stare finish the game going 20 and 1 with only sniper kill get rage messages from there whole team plus at the end I did t bag them after the first five kill streak I went on

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              • I love getting hate mail from people with atrocious grammar. It's pretty hard to put someone down if you can't even spell things like "you" (u) or "are" (r) all the way through.

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              • In Mayhem I was doing the Chaperone quest I was hiding until I had gotten my Super up and heavy was ready. Killed this kid with a shotgun from point blank range. Then proceeded to get a message. Knew it was from someone who was raging. Proceeded to kill the kid over and over again on purpose(not using a shotgun for any other kill that whole game)..bagging him everytime I did. Read the message afterwards it said "Camping with a shotgun..Git gud" then proceeded to ask him "Which is saltier?..You ,or the balls I dropped in your mouth repeatedly"

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                4 Replies
                • Get the f*ck out of destiny sniper noob go back to cod when you belong. I got this message

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                • Fuel beams can't melt steel jet

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                  • Bought a ps4 (first sony product) when destiny came out, never received hate mail. Hoped on my xbone for blops 3 last week. Already received messages from very salty people

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                    2 Replies
                    • Have only received one hate mail in all my years of playing. I'm the worst pvp player in the world but ventured into the Crucible to do a quest. Had a great round and got a message that said, "Go f$£% your kid you COD b@?#h. Guess he didn't like getting owned by a 60 yr old gamer. Made my day.

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                      • I remember it as if was yesterday. Most clutch thing I did in Trails. It was HoW. Trails map was Widows Court. The sniping was real. We were at 8-0. And of course we burned up our mercy. The opposition was 2 Thorns and 1 Last Word. 2 Bladedancers and a GG. All snipers. It was 4-4. We spawned on Alphas side. I ran left, up the stairs, my teammates close behind. We were all out of super and we heard a dreadful sound. Golden penis. I heard one of my teammates cry. I crouched in a corner as they ran extreme left. The Golden penis, arrogant as ever, rounded the corner. He couldn't detect me through the radar and walked right past me. I stood up and began to charge when he did a 360. The last thing he saw was the barrel of my rifle spewing void as he drifted into dust. My teammates were thanking me as the remaining two attacked us from extreme left. "Guardian Down" "Last Guardian standing" I instantly reacted as the deep cracks of Red Death filled the air and I felt my health return as the Last Word fell. Just me vs a Thorn blinker. My teammates warned me he had reloaded as had I. We both rounded the corner and time slowed down. I charged my trusty Purifier VII and 3 bolts of Void tore into him. I felt a round hit my shoulder. The poison burned and I felt violently sick. But I pressed on. My opponent did not expect this. He panicked and shot twice, hitting not but air. I began to charge again as a round hit my head and my visor shattered. The barrel spewed Void and consumed my opponent as I felt the air on my right heat up with poison. I glanced back and saw the remnants of a Hunter, his armor and cloak turning into a wisp of Void dust. There was a moment of silence. Everything was still. Even the wind had stopped. The world held its breath and I heard Lord Shaxx through my helmet. The voice was scratchy but I later learned he said "all opponents down". The countdown to orbit began as my legs buckled and I fell to my knees. I looked down at my fusion rifle and saw a deep gash along the right side. Green poison danced in the edges. I looked further and saw my bond had lost a fragment. I walked to where it lay on the ground and saw a jagged, angry thorn sticking out of it. Later that day I checked my messages and saw one came from an unknown source. I investigated and it was harsh, angry, and poisonous. Like Thorn. It read "You no skill pig fu[b]c[/b]ker. You should have died. I'm reporting you for cheating and you didn't deserve your flawless. I hope you get a permanent ban after you get ass cancer" I replied simply and matter of factly "you lost a mid range fight... To a fusion rifle. You have the most powerful gun in the game and I'm using one of the worst. You don't deserve to fight in Trails." There was no response. I kept that fusion to this day as well as the bond. It felt so good to destroy the meta. Hope you liked it. Based on real events.

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                        • Edited by Dezzie19: 11/17/2015 3:36:55 PM
                          A friend begging me to do poe level 35. Come on a real friend would never ask you to do that.

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                        • GhostBuster1987... I rest my case

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                          • Never had hat email. The closest thing was someone who disliked my plug.One with 'send it,' but that was a cordial string of messages.

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