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11/13/2015 2:49:10 PM

The issues i have with xur

okay, so this is a bit ridiculous with xur. why did he all of a sudden go from bad to worse with ttk? what happened bungie? i made the mistake of being expectant of xur to have something worth my grinding in poe for strange coins (which is another issue in itself) I look to xur, not for a chance at something i want with the engrams, but for a gun that i will want to buy with my strange coins. please bunige. improve xur. at least make it so that we have a way to get our exotics' light levels up to 310. if you wont make it so that xur will sell a weapon every week, do that at least. i dont know about all the other players, but i have a hard time finding higher level loot for many reasons. if anybody reading this agrees with me, please bump this post.

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