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Edited by Razzupaltuff: 11/10/2015 11:55:33 PM

Weapon engram drop rate

I have found that weapon vs. gear drop rate is about 1:5 or worse (at least for me). I am also getting a significant amount of weapon engrams decoded to motes of light and strange coins, which increases the problem of not getting enough weapons for weapon parts and even less for infusion. Now Bungie has stated that they are planning to offer weapon parts via a vendor, but are hell bent on leaving everything else as it is. The more I am experiencing this game again after having had dropped it for half a year, the more all the anger about the arrogant a*holes that seem to be in control of it is rising in me again. Add to that things like networking errors that still are a common issue in this game, or daily rewards not being awarded; Things that clearly tell me that some incompetent coding monkey has been tinkering with the code again in a sloppy manner without any decent quality control in place, and I am starting to wish the responsible persons at Bumgie's to break both arms, get fleas and have nobody to scratch them for six weeks. Nothing, really nothing seems to have changed in this game or with its makers since its release.

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