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Edited by Kalliope: 11/10/2015 1:01:36 AM

It's burnout time again, and Bungie is still holding back content.

Ah, yes! 'Tis the season to be burnt out, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la! That's right, Destiny is boring once again. With Halo 5 and Black Ops 3 out, and Fallout 4 not far behind, Destiny is getting stale. This game has run dry of content entirely at this point, or at least what content we have. That 40% of content we got at launch, then the added 15% later on, it's all been seen and completed a million times over. What's left to add, you ask? We've still yet to see: •[b]Nine[/b] Exotic Armor Pieces (10%) •King's Fall Challenge Modes (20%) •Thunderlord Variants (5%) •The Other Y1 Exotics (10%) I don't know why Bungie feels the need to hold all of that back from us, despite the fact that [b]we paid $40 for less than half of what was advertised.[/b] It's all timegated away, waiting to be released. I'm willing to bet that they're waiting for a major game release (I.E. Fallout 4) to drop some content to keep some players around. Shame, Bungie. Shame. If you had made Destiny worth all this time and money in the first place, you wouldn't have to do this! You'd think after a year of mistakes, you would learn your lesson and right the wrong in the next year. Nope. Not at all. In fact, you've f[b]u[/b]cked up just as much as you did last year. Maybe even more! I could go into an entire rant on shit that needs to be fixed or changed, but the post would be massive! Destiny has no shortage of bugs right now, but it no doubt has a shortage of content. It's drought time again, my friends. I don't think I'll make it much longer. I'm saving up to get Halo 5 and a few others, so around December or so, I'll be gone. When this Guardian finally goes down and out, don't touch my ghost until this game sees an improvement. That'll be it for now. You'll be seeing my name a lot until then, and even afterwards. Remember it. Mark my words. This game is going down in flames, and unless Bungie can get their shit together, there's no saving it. Until next time, everyone. [i]~Anarchy[/i] [quote]What's sad is there is a lot of content, but they stopped letting us play half of it. Where are the old Strikes? Where are the old PvP maps? There could be so much variety now, but we're still running the same 5 things ad nausea.[/quote] [i]-Lost Sols[/i]

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  • Wrong - Content was done week one of TKK release, IB's the same, Trials are the same, HM Raid is the same apart form some very minor changes. They are just so bloody lazy, minimal, MINIMAL content and variation for more money, they are just into milking us for as little effort and cost to themselves as possible. Gaming for them is about money not the experience, they hide their true intentions behind showy marketing.

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  • So you want some new content which is to get a year 1 exotic by running backward through an existing area fighting stupid-hard enemies? mmmm sounds like fun ... oh wait ...

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  • I've heard rumors about anyone who bought ttk is getting the next few dlcs for free.

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    • bump!

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      • Yep. I'd much rather play some new games or even ones I missed then grind from 307 up to 3-0-whatever. That light level grind still sucks. #forever3OHsomething

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      • Well it's better to succumbing to the point that they need to release these things in times of crisis... It almost seems as if you wish for Bungie to become this saddened shell so you can prove you were right? (The last part is entirely speculation...)

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      • Bump

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      • They need to hold it so they can release it when the other games come out, that way people will come back to complete those activities and put some time into the servers.

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      • I do agree and I hate how blue and legendary engrams only seem to get 299 below things so I being 308 can never level up unless I get something good from the raid which I can only do once a week bring back the old raids with rewards of getting 310 gear too please just one place where we can get 310 gear is just not worth the grind.

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      • Bump.

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      • Well said. Bye bye destiny. This game makes me feel like a mark and it is downright disrespectful. They don't respect our time or our money. F Bungie.

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      • Whinging aside, there's a logical reason we aren't getting anything more right now. Respect. Now before you scoff and throw some hate at me, hear me out: As we are all gamers, we understand that people generally don't just play one game. Some people rotate per week, some people buy and grind the game out for a weekend for achievements/trophies, some people play once or twice a week, some people play a game for a week straight then don't play for a month, some people get stuck on one game for months on end. There really isn't a set amount of time to play a certain game. Some people who are hugely fans of Destiny might also be a massive fan of Halo or Fallout. Just because they stop Destiny to play Fallout doesn't mean they don't like Destiny, it just means they're playing something else for right now. As people who design games, they're well aware that their players are probably going to be spread thin what with all these new titles coming out. Not to mention a bunch of 360 games being added to Xbox, I'm personally excited for that. There's going to be a DLC update in December, they've said that, why do you think they aren't doing it now to try to compete with these other games? To let their players play these games without being torn between both. So when December hits with their update they'll be hoping that people are going to have played enough of the other games to come back to Destiny and see what's new. Pretty simple, isn't it?

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        21 Replies
        • Not to mention the hamster wheel this game has turned into thanks to the pathetic RNG and light level system. To get to my highest light level I have to equip weapons I don't even like. My highest LL is the raid fusion rifle at 310. If I infuse it into my sniper I'll lose 4 LL points. So I'm waiting for something else to drop at 305 to drop. The new system is junk.

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          • May want to remove BO3 - garbage game.

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            • Black Ops 3 is most likely the reason, till that has run it's course, don't expect anything interesting or good in Destiny... Activision must be fed.

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              • Edited by Comptonburger: 11/10/2015 4:28:29 AM
                [quote]I don't know why Bungie feels the need to hold all of that back from us, despite the fact that we paid $40 for less than half of what was advertised.[/quote] Why, to string you along of course.

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              • What's sad is there is a lot of content, but they stopped letting us play half of it. Where are the old Strikes? Where are the old PvP maps? There could be so much variety now, but we're still running the same 5 things ad nausea.

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                • Bumpfortruth

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                • Make VoG, PoE and CE relevant again. Also give us all the strikes. Make destiny bigger - not smaller when new content comes out.

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                • Bump.

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                • I totally agree with you...I used to play stuff for fun and rewards and for the cool strikes that didn't say -(Player 1) Has departed -(Player 2) Has departed Plus the nightfalls all I get is a crappy 290 or strange coins............ [spoiler]Lol I tried reading the whole thing as a song :D[/spoiler]

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                • I've said this on another thread, but Bungie is taking a huge gamble stretching out the content like this. Once a player tries and likes another game they'll be lost and most likely for good.

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                • I'm done hoping and wishing for Destiny or Bungie employees to change. Now I'm just wishing and hoping this game, "their baby", burns out and dies. I hope they try to implement changes that their players ask for - after all their players have already gone.

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                  • Bump. I've been bored with the game for a few weeks now. I've switched to playing Magicka 2 and Onigiri more than Destiny. I just bought Fallout 4 so in about 6 hours I'll be taking a pretty long break from Destiny. That's what this game is though; It's a grind for gear that becomes very stale very quickly thanks to the terrible RNG and lack of variety in endgame gear. It wants to be a gear grind like Diablo or Borderlands, but it just doesn't do it right. Like most things in Destiny, the game is a great idea, but very poorly executed. It's sad to see all of its potential go to waste.

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                  • bump!! i only come on for the 3 nightfalls.. (waste of time), 3 hard raids and trials. apart from that i don't go on destiny anymore.

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