7th column is by far the hardest to get. You can be good at PVP but you're still going to need a little bit of luck for this one.
I think it's going to be harder nowadays with the new larger maps.
I'd say the easiest way to get one is as a Sunsinger/Bladedancer/Sunbreaker/Stormcaller in Mayhem Clash.
Nah. People die to fast on mayhem. The only time I've have gotten close was when I nova bombed a team waiting for heavy ammo and one of them self rez. He stuck a fusion grenade before I could get the 7th kill.
Exactly! People die [b]way too fast and respawn even faster![/b] Works best in a CqC map.
Yes. Older small maps like anomaly, asylum, firebase Delphi, etc are not in the new rotation. Have you played Cathedral of Dusk? It's to big/long. (That's what she said).