originally posted in:XB1 Casual Players
I finally bit the bullet and picked up an Xbox one (after guitar hero red ringed 3 360's I've been on pc for a couple years), and decided to start afresh with a new GT so my friends list is rather empty right now. I saw a few twitch streams of destiny and thought that looks fun and I'm now looking for a decent, friendly group of people to fight beside who are in it for fun and laughs and won't mind if I make a few mistakes while I learn (only had destiny now for 3 days).
Currently building my hunter who's now at lvl 37 and about 180 light, will be making one of each class eventually. Hoping to find some help doing the raids and getting some better gear right now as the only legendary stuff I have are from story rewards.
I have a mic and I'm pretty much always willing to help out where I can, My GT is Belarin420 feel free to add and call on me for support.
Welcome Belarin. if you want to go through the story mission, I could do it with you with my Warlock. GT : GalaxyWander
Welcome to the group! If you have any questions just let us know. Add me gt is MasterKad