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Edited by irishfreak: 11/4/2015 9:07:56 AM


It is really -blam!-ing stupid that I had my hopes up for trials of Osiris, and then everytime you run into a hammer you have NO -blam!-ING CHANCE. I'm pissed off and don't care what you titan main characters have to say about it you WILL be getting a god damn [b]nerf/debuff[/b]! [spoiler]IT'S INEVITABLE THAT YOU'LL BE NERFED VERY SHORTLY. BECAUSE THIS IS -blam!-ING BS. [/spoiler]

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  • I just run around if they don't have the tracking perk.

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  • Necro

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  • I have a great idea seeing certain hunters are crying why don't all titans not help them during raids. The point is if you weaken titans then in pve you suffer or in pvp when they are on your team. Just because your shit at killing them doesn't make them op. So every titan stand up against hunters that are crying for the nerf and do not help them teach the cry babies a lesson

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  • Edited by Halfaxa: 11/30/2015 4:29:34 AM
    Uh oh salt alert,looks like someone lost 8-0 to a team of titans in trials

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  • Does no one realize without the perk titans van only throw 4 hammers with perk it's 6, there's no need to nerd the amount of hammers down to golden gun, because the hammers aren't as powerful as golden gun. Golden gun can one shot any other super, hammers at most two shot

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    • How about kill them before they kill you, that's the point of trials not waiting for your super, end it fast and superior gameplay wins

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    • Nerf titan

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    • Please actually read and leave positive comments other things I may have forgotten and try to get this noticed so they don't completely destroy the class. Titans don't need to be nerfed they need to be rebalanced. They hard to kill because titans have the highest armor of all the classes, mix that with the damage reduction, which is the same as a bladedancer, makes them harder to kill. They can't change the titans armor because that is what the titan specialty is just like warlocks have recovery and hunters agility. The titan can only throw at maximum 7 hammers no matter what build used or how hard the trigger is spammed, without a build the titan can throw only 5 hammers. Add to that the potential time to find enemies and hammers missed the average Titan will only get about 4-5 hammers using the build 2-3 not using. The problem lies within how fast the sunbreaker is, how far the hammers can be thrown, and how wide the splash is, I will admit that the sunbreaker should get a lower agility boost as to move faster but not as fast as a bladedancer. The range of the hammers is ridiculous, being able to throw cross map hammers is broken, I say cut the range by a third making it a mid to close range super and less broken on larger maps. Finally the splash is broken if two enemies are on top of one another by all means double kill but standing next to each other the hammer should not kill them both without explosive pyre active and a hammer not thrown directly at the feet of a Guardian should not kill them with splash. On a side note explosive pyre kills should not trigger their own explosive pyre and grenades should not trigger cauterize, this happens for no other class so it shouldn't happen for the titan. Sunbreaker melee should not burn as long as it does without melting point it should be 3 ticks not 6, titans don't have perks that let things burn longer so they shouldnt.

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      11 Replies
      • They are nerfing it in the December update

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        • I suck at pvp and even I don't really find them op. Strong yeah but not overly. I seem to kill titan hammers about as often as they kill me. We gots lots of lazy egomaniacal guardians. With skillz so great nothing but OP guns and subs can kill them!

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        • Oh all these salty guardians. Listen here, you warlocks and hunters had your time and now its the titans turn to be the pvp kings (also maybe if you stopped complaining and get used to fighting sunbreakers, you'ld know how to take them down pretty easily)

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        • Stop crying I went flawless in trials and sometimes I didn't even use the hammer if they nerf titan solar then give us blink.

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        • Nerf everything. [u]Titan Defender[/u] Titan Defender: Make the bubble so that it will just kill you instantly once you create it. Titan Defender lift: Instead of going up, you go down. Titan Defender Melee: Make it so weak that it only does 0 Damage. Titan Grenades: When thrown, they don't impact, they just disappear. -------- [u]Titan Striker[/u] Titan Striker: Clicking LB+RB or L3+R3 will just kill you and your corpse does all the work but not killing enemies. Titan Striker lift: You go insanely up, you die by the "TURN BACK" screen. Titan Striker Melee: You punch yourself instead, inflicting damage upon yourself. Titan Striker Grenades: They stick on you, doing damage to yourself. -------- [u]Titan Sunbreaker[/u] Titan Sunbreaker: When using the super: the super will do excessive burn damage to you. Titan Sunbreaker lift: Double clicking the jump button will instantly kill you, no matter the circumstances. Titan Sunbreaker Melee: When you punch someone, the damage to them is shared with you. Titan Striker Grenades: You throw them on yourself. -------------------- Of course, this is only a joke. This is what the nerf babies want.

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        • I can't tell you how many times I've popped my hammers and get sniped in the face. Or had a dude hitting me with heavy from behind, that killed me. I've also taken hammer time Titans out with a shot gun and nade. Learn to adapt to it and stop asking for a nerf

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        • Bahahahhahah. Yours truly, Titan

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        • HoS might get nerfed, but you will always be a whiny little bitch. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

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        • Waaaaahhhhhh!!!

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        • Other supers cancel sunbreakers. If you can hit them first. I've golden gunned a full health sunbreaker.

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          3 Replies
          • Seriously I kill more hammer time titans than I do the OP electric Wizards ...nerf the warlocks first.

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          • Awww someone a it cranky cause they can't kill a Titan, go cry to someone who give a shit We Titans had to put up with golden gun and blade dance for a year

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            • Guess not pal.

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            • I think the problem is the Linear maps that launched with TTK. I mean, Tunnel city with every map it's ridiculous. They seem to like funneling us into a wide area.

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            • Edited by xSebadasstianx: 11/18/2015 12:54:58 AM
              If it's inevitable, then why complain? [spoiler]nerf your potty mouth with an exotic bar of soap[/spoiler]

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            • You have summoned me

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              • Edited by NoHumorMan: 11/17/2015 11:34:47 PM
                No more nerfs because of PvP! PvP should have PvP-only weapons and armor that is separate from anything in the game and which cannot be used in PvE. All PvE armor and weapons and supers should be banned from PvP (only keep supers in the Mayhem playlist). That way PvE players won't have to suffer nerfs because of PvP whiners.

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