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10/31/2015 1:03:37 PM

Weasel, baboon, centipede: the ultimate annoyance

Some days I can play for hours on end without encountering any errors, some days I get only one or two weasels and baboons and then there's days where I can't even properly boot up destiny on ps4 because of said errors. I need to run it over WLAN and got a repeater for it to see if that was the problem but it isn't. Yesterday I managed to stay in Tower for a solid 10 minutes before being weaseled out. Today I couldn't even get beyond orbit. Also, the game keeps telling me I've got NAT 3, while my ps4 says I've got NAT 2 and I'm encountering nat3 based errors because of that. Like, not able to join fireteams or invite to mine, getting kicked out of party or being 'muted' for this very reason. I love to play destiny very much but if this permanent kicking continues... Idk. I'm also playing on xbox one encountering the very same errors.

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