Tittle says it all
*Edit spell error was on mobile and all these butt hurt xurners think being grammar [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] make me cool
[quote][quote]Never in history had Xur sold the perfect inventory. With BO3 and Fallout 4 just around the corner, they sell Alchemists, Tachonaut, and Graviton plus Zhalo at the same time. [u]This is not a coincidence.[/u] Bungie has acknowledged the upcoming threat and after beating everyone down with RNG for a year straight, they are now trying to buy everyone back before its too late. A dollar short and a day late Bungie. GG though, you made my last Xur memorable. I thank you for that :) [b]INB4 morons appear saying just play two games, nowhere in this post did I say Destiny would die or that you couldn't play multiple games. Keep your arrogance to yourself, learn to actually read, and enjoy drinking bleach ya idiots.[/b][/quote][/quote]