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10/29/2015 9:04:23 PM
Signed. If bungie is going to randomize gear stats and light levels, then drop rates need to be increased, or even 100%. If bungie wants to guarantee stats and light levels of gear, then the drop rate needs to be low. Im not sure anyone at Bungie has taken the time to do the math, cause its a nightmare the way the system is currently. Its an honest try to keep things random, but when you get no loot over and over, thats not very random, thats pretty consistent with crappy. Here is some math: Assume a 20% chance at a drop at each boss (sound right?), and the gear has an even chance at between 300 and 310 light level. Chances are 1 out of 10 that you will get an item that is 310. On average, if you have to get a drop 10 times to get a 310, but you only have a 20% chance at a drop, you will have to kill a boss 50 times ( on average ) in order to get that 310. Thats about 17 weeks of running 3 characters to get that max level item. Some people would get it quicker, others... Well... Never. And thats just to get 1. Dont even get me started on infusing >< But this isnt about infusing, its about drops from bosses.

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