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originally posted in: Holiday Festival Controversy
10/28/2015 5:26:50 PM
Christmas has nothing to do with religion whereas Ramadan is firmly planted in one. People of all beliefs celebrate Christmas. Anyone who thinks that it has anything to do with Jesus' birthday has been brainwashed because it was moved to coincide with popular [b]pagan[/b] winter solstice festivities. Therefore t really has nothing to do with that at all.

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  • The only part of Christmas that came from a pagan holiday is the tree everything else is definitely a Christian thing

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  • Nope. Gift giving is not Christian. The tradition predates Christianity but quite a while. Santa isnt Christian either.

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  • Nothing to do with religion? It's roots are Pagan, and was then co-opted by the Church. Hence all the nativity scenes on display at Christmas, and yet you actually just said it has nothing to do with a religion? Even acknowledging it's pagan origins is acknowledging it's religious history.

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  • You have it backwards. The roots would be celebrating the birth of Christ, hence Christ Mass. Pagan traditions were adopted by church to make it less secular and more palatable.

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  • Christ was born in september

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  • They believe Him to be born in April, as the anecdotal evidence suggests, such as the shepherd tending the sheep. Yes I'm aware Dec is most likely not the birth month

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  • You are close. And I don't think (most of the) people here dispute there is the religion part here and the... Uh... *Other* religion part here. Only the the mouth-breathers don't get that there are two different things going on here. But the fact is, the "birth" was moved. And it was moved to co-opt a previous celebration by a different religion. It's not "to make pagan traditions less secular and more palatable" (whatever that last part means). True, it does diffuse some of the pagan ritual, but it also adds credence to the religion co-opting it. "That thing all of you are celebrating? Surprise! You are actually celebrating our belief system! See, we even changed the name to prove it!"

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  • Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Check your history.

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  • Jesus wasn't even born on Christmas

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  • You are correct, if you want a history lesson, I'll be glad to oblige, however, it IS his birthday in the eyes of Christians. That's what the celebration is all about. It's irrelevant that it was originally Saturnalia, it's what it represents now.

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  • Oh I really don't care for a history lesson and I couldn't care less about religion or Christmas especially since Christmas is a consumer holiday that lost it religious roots a long time ago

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  • That's the Christian definition however much of what is modern Christmas has nothing to do with that.

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  • To non-christians. It is more than consumerism and presents to most of us bud.

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  • I'm Jewish, I don't, nor do any of my Jewish friends, celebrate Christmas. Christmas was moves around yes but it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus in the Christian faith, please put a #satire on your post.

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  • I have friends that are Christmas-tree-Jews. (Their term) They don't, obviously, go for the whole Christ part, but rather support the good cheer, spirit of kindness, and the traditions. All of the good parts. I like this idea. In fact, screw the whole "put the Christ back in Christmas" people, as they stole the holiday in the first place. # takeBackChristmas! ;)

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  • Christmas has nothing to do with religion? It's Christ's (the first part of the word) birthday.

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  • If you'll kindly read the post you are replying to, you will see the point was that what we celebrate as Christmas has very little to do with the religion. It is mostly pagan festivities. The fact that the church moved the "birth of Christ" to that time, had more to do with the church trying to co-opt (or minimize) pagan influences. Can't beat them? Pretend that celebrating people are doing is all about YOUR religion, and eventually people will believe that. It worked on you. But that's hardly surprising Christians stole the winter celebration and slapped their name on it. The whole "birth of Christ" in nothing than an amalgam of PRE-EXISTING myth of other religions that were popular prior to it. Virgin birth? Holy insemination? Three wise men? Star hear landing birth? Etc. etc etc. All in the mythology of previous religions that were known about in the "time of Christ", but have been mostly forgotten about in modern times. [SIDENOTE: As most of the scholars during the dark ages were monks, one can see how there would be a vested interest in burrying facts and ideas that one doesn't agree with.] TL:DR- Christians like to steal things and pretend they were theirs all along. "Thou shall not steal" indeed...

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  • Wow you're ignorant

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  • Wow. I'm impressed you know such a big word! But argumentum ad hominem is a fallacious attempt to disguise the fact that someone doesn't actually have any form of a valid point. Honestly, one would hope anyone beyond elementary schooling would see right through that. But the sad fact of the modern era is that, to too many people, possessing a keyboard is felt to be an equal substitute for having intelligence.

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  • Yea, that diety thing you bring up is wild. I remember digging into that and realizing every major religion has the same child of a god and then death to resurrection story in it. In the same order as all others. This is what baffles me as to the hate from some to the other. They share many ideals, but their gods bear different titles, that's about it. Then you get a self proclaimed scholar that steps in and brainwashes a lot of people with their version of the faith. The faith itself is not the problem. The false prophets that push their own agenda taints something that can be pure for a good cause.

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  • Good point about the rest of the myth (not just the birth). The whole thing is lifted from previous religions... As most religions do. In this case, they've just done a better job of hiding that fact. I'm with you on most of your post... Until you get to the whole faith thing. There *IS* something wrong with faith, and that is by its very nature. We are not omniscient. We are not gods. We are fallible. To recognize this fact, acknowledges that there are means by which we validate thought. Anything that short-cut this, ignores our fallibility and claims we have "other access to truth." But we aren't gods. Telling someone that anything they want to think can magically be true is abhorrent and just plain evil. (And the genesis of the vast array of atrocities in history.) Faith is little different than putting a 45 to someone's head and blowing their brains out. Except one is obvious the damage one is doing. The other is insidious.

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