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Edited by freya: 10/28/2015 2:19:44 AM

What if there were a new element, race and fourth character slot?

I did some thinking and what if some Guardians could wield the power of the Darkness? Warlocks- Deathbringer "[i]You don't have to be the only one having fun being dead[/i]" Super "Ultimatum":Sacrifice yourself whilst bringing your foes with you. Titans- Gravekeeper "[i]Sure, you're going to have to dig a few every now and then[/i]" Super "Shadow Crush": Create a wave of shadows to decimate your enemies. Hunters- Darkrobber "[i]Hey, it's called borrowing without asking[/i]" Super "Shadow Copy": Forge a shadow of ultimate destruction, in the form of the weapon you last used. New Race- Wanderers "[i]They came from that place? I thought they were all consumed[/i]" "[i]That's the problem, they were...[/i]" The Wanderers are a race of ancient humans that were transformed and consumed by the Darkness, although the Traveler freed their minds from its enslavement, their bodies remained with them granting a few of them the power to wield the Darkness against itself, [i]Fighting Fire with Fire[/i]. [spoiler]What do you think?[/spoiler]

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  • I think that and ice and poison sub class would be pretty cool, especially poison since it can be added on previous guns that fit it. As for a race I believe Bungie was going to add an animal race, hence my avatar even being on this website. They took out the idea though. Anyways cool ideas!

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  • Hmmmmm... Sounds awesome! Then it'd almost be like Transformers Fall Of Cybertrons online multiplayer with 4 specific class characters.

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  • Darkness class

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  • I did see something they talked about before I don't have the link but they said they wanted to have a forth class before for warlock being able to raise dead enemies to help you fight. Sounded awesome, said wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

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  • Edited by AvienalDisonance: 10/28/2015 7:11:55 AM
    Yeaaaah, ironically i mingled with the idea a bit in my own head cannon practically months ago but i would say your subclass are a bit too restrictive, seriously its pretty much like your using the dark and gloom n doom sort of stereotype then how destiny sort of portrays the "Darkness" in general. Try to remember it does not just encompass the "Hive", "Crota" and "Oryx" in general. You still have Cabal, Vex and Fallen to work with. For example, if you were making 'sub classes that make use of the darkness', it would be better to play them off of match up sort of classes, for example: Warlocks with Vex. Titans with Cabal. Hunters with Fallen. When you think of it in a general sense those 3 "Darkness" races match well with the respective guardian 'types', so having them adopt new 'subclasses' based on them would fit. For example: Hunter- The Survivor "Use whatever means necessary to live another day." How the abilities should revolve: Trap based abilities (undetectable proximity bombs, trip wire mines, etc, basically tactical ambush sorta abilities) and weapon based augument abilities made for leading enemies into ambushes or dispatching them with precision. Likely similar to Gunslinger but more oriented to working to your equipment to bring out further potential over precision kill finesse. [b]Super:- Limiter removal[/b]: For a short period of time, improves the damage, stability, firing rate, reload speed of all weapons, in addition to extra perks based on weapon load out by overclocking your weapons (before you ask, just call it some kind of energy overclocking by using light, darkness or whatever you want to use for explaining this). (likely should be tweaked but basically a super oriented around the weaponry for hunters then relying on gimmick based abilities for melting enemy groups, precise major damage golden bullet shots or a debuff shadow shot). Titan- The Soldier "Pave the way to claim victory in this war." How the abilities should revolve: Just like how most of the Titan sub classes work, it would be a sub class that would work for front line combat, but instead would have gimmicks to make them much tankier compared to the rest and is made to effectively bullet sponge thru enemy fire alot better then the other classes. Its grenades and abilities would also be more oriented for disabling targets and set up the prime opportunity to mow them down(sort of like how shadow stalker hunter is more around setting up opportunities, this Titan idea would be more like forcing those ops instead by being the 'supposed pigeon' to focus on), probably even have its own 'unique grenade' temporarily disabling the 'booster jump ability' and reduce the movement speed of effected enemies, maybe a few other things, kind of just coming up with these ideas on a whim currently. [b]Super:- Stand strong[/b]: Grant damage reduction from all weapon/ability based damage sources (melee too maybe? probably not to avoid cheap'ness) and continue to regenerate health and shields even while under enemy fire in addition to various perks based on loadout. (Guess this one might seem overpowered, but it would be a slow regeneration and likely would have a few 'loopholes' like preventing stacking health recoveries such as red death, but would allow health recovery from say an effect that heals health when you pick up orbs, also maybe it could reduce the movement speed of the Titan to compensate a bit, Basically just like hunter would be another 'super' that auguments the basic idea of the class and breaks the mold of what the current 3 sub classes operate as, such as being a 'buff' that does not override the weapons/abilities of the guardian with special temporary ones). Added Note: Probably made the "Idea" overlap a bit with Defenders and Strikers a bit, but was aiming more for the niche of being a frontlines sort of Defender that would get things primed for the rest of the force to basically "Win the war", less someone has a better saying for that idea. Instead of thinking of a fortress bunker-down or bum rush sort of titan. Course probably like the Hunter idea i threw up, would be more reliant on weaponry, but also be the kind of sub-class that slowly encroach on a enemy force then just pick them off one by one or just yolo melt them, in terms of how i was thinking of this one. Warlock- Chrono'meddler "Even fleeing thru the ages won't save you this time" How the abilities should revolve: This one i'm pretty much just going to have fun with since "Vex" are heavily oriented around time and systematic gimmicks. So having grenades and abilities that can be nasty time based or gags that are useful in systematic like approaches would be neat. Such as maybe a grenade that could stick to surfaces, and when a enemy comes close by it would not only do a bit of damage but with also a short delay create a 'past' representation of where the grenade was damaged which could allow you to shoot the past version to deal damage, though slightly reduced. As for other gimmicks, basically around taking advantage of future positions and past positions, maybe things such as an ability which where you slide, you also get slide further and simply appear where you would of ended up at from the slide instead of going thru the entire motion? Maybe even a gimmick to reset your health to the highest value it was a few seconds ago upon killing a target with your melee ability as one of the 'melee ability modifiers', either way lots of fun i can think of on these ends. [b]Super:- Possibility Sharing [/b]: Name probably is a bit weird but felt like the best i could think of. Was thinking of a ultimate that could let you rewind your position to several seconds back, effectively negating while you are dead or damage you took in the 'present', but that felt a bit too copy'cat of Radiance-Self revive along with a bit too cheap. So the idea of creating an idea where a past version of you from where you were at say a second ago would be created and automatically attack any nearby enemies, acting similar to a AI controlled character. Probably limited to just your primary weapon, melee and other abilities, but could be pretty nasty super that makes use of 'bringing another you into a fight', but could probably have a extra ability where even if your character dies, you would take the place of the created past version of yourself instead and effectively 'avoid' your death. Either way most of this was just some fun-head cannon stuff, not really wanted to use the "Hive" as a reference material because over'all none of them fits the niches of the guardian types. You could have Wizards that match "Warlocks", Knights that match "Titans" and Thralls(They basically are scavengers who rush enemies to overwhelm and eat them basically similar to blade dancers if you know what i mean) that sort of match "Hunters". But besides the evil'like mystic'ism and most similar to the 'darkness niche idea' itself, the Hive don't exactly match up to any of the guardians in general i would say. Though your idea on the new race is kind of neat, the name and backstory of how you portray'm makes it feel like your making it seem more like some MMORPG where some races have exclusive classes or get first call on them. Might be a better idea to make them match up more along the lines of how Destiny's plot has progressed so far and fit them into the lore that way. For example: Race name: The Unchained Backstory: A race of beings that appear to have originally been subjected to being slaves of the Hive before they were eventually shattered both mentally and physically for whatever rituals and materials they were used for. It was not until Oryx's defeat that they were able to be completely freed from whatever prevented them from recovering from what could of been countless years of torture. Though they bear features similar to the hive (rocky like chitin protrusion or parts of the skin being chitin like) as if they were slowly being turned into chitin, it only acts as a reminder of what they have escaped from and the ones who became Guardians, another reason to push back the darkness from all it has stolen from them and the light itself.

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    4 Replies
    • A poison DoT class would be what I'd want.

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      • Worst supers ever lol but I like everything else

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        • New class, new race and new supers. That might make me reconsider buying back into destiny.

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        • What? Why can't we just play as Jovians like Xur?

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          • Edited by Atlanticus: 10/28/2015 4:02:56 AM
            Hahaha, okay for Warlock do you mean like if you die and whatever enemy or enemies Highlighted Red, Die or Take damage depending on level and enemy type?:D

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            4 Replies
            • I like it. Write more about the supers to tell more about it and if there are any special perks (e.x, Sunsinger, Self Res)

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