Oh no! Now everyone can level up their weapons super quick because no one has 500,000 motes of light to do so! Oh and don't get me started on the fact that we have 2 million glimmer generating consumables! Because God forbid I wanted to eat a damn salty engram candy.... not that I can't get a daily dose of salt from the forums. Come back when they start making exclusive exotic weapons/three of coins/Strange coins for sale. Then, and only then should we bitch.
... you don't seem to understand what pay to win means.
Neither do you, apparently. "Pay to Win" and "Pay for Convenience" are two different things, especially considering as everything being complained about being "Pay to Win" here can already be bought in-game through other means without real money (and typically with other items that most players have too much of already). I was strongly against microtransactions initially because I was worried about "Pay to Win" as well, and this is nothing to worry about. Earning glimmer at a slightly increased rate, or earning experience on a weapon at a slightly increased rate doesn't give that player a distinct advantage over anyone. They will not be doing significantly more damage on a raid, or killing you easier/faster in Crucible. No one ever sees a post looking for just one more person for a hard-mode raid but they MUST have a buff giving extra glimmer from Hive kills. If you could buy a consumable that lets you use a second Exotic weapon/armor, or increased your damage for 10 minutes, or something like that, then you would have a valid complaint.
Lol this.