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originally posted in: Double barrel shotgun
10/23/2015 3:55:09 AM
You know what this game doesn't have? A solid PvE Shotgun. A Shotgun you could use on a Boss. A Shotgun you would want to use on a boss. Introducing, the Snake's Bite. Its a sawed-off double barrel shotgun that fires two shots at once. It fires Flechette ammunition (look it up). The perks are Snake Charmer (fires both shots at once); Venom (Flechette Rounds cause lingering damage over time, and increase the damage done to the target); Hipfire (bonus accuracy when firing from the hip). The Impact would be mediocre. The Range would be somewhat long. The Reload would be very slow. The idea behind the weapon is to get close and pop an Ultra once and reap the benefits. The Reload speed and low magazine size limit the weapon to a PvE Debuff weapon as opposed to close range DPS as well as limiting the PvP effectiveness. This could be seen as a Thorn type weapon, but with out being a "weapon of sorrow".

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