Dude, Bungie has never once stopped tweaking anything. It's all in flux. I for one always have too many parts, so this hardly bothers me. You're not alone in your opinion, but neither am I. Let them do their thing, they're catering to a huge base.
Your telling me you don't want weapon parts? Because if this lasts longer enough you could run out and be in the same boat as the majority.
I'm saying I'm in no danger of losing weapon parts. My play is a mix of patrol, strikes, and crucible. I love to stock up on bounties. All these things give me plenty of green and blue weapons/armor, be they from chests, engrams, or post-game rewards. And I work the gunsmith and align with a faction, so those packages net me even more materials. But here's maybe the kicker: I am always leveling up a weapon or armor, when I can. If my legendary/exotic gear is maxed out and I have nothing but blues or greens on hand, then I equip them, cash in some bounties, and discard for even more parts/glimmer. If they're legendary I'll even get more marks. Truthfully, I don't see myself falling short on any materials. Maybe I'm in the sweet spot Bungie is looking for? Not casual but not hard core? No clue.