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10/18/2015 7:35:19 PM
I would say i "main" a titan. So lets get that out of the way. But i GENERALLY run a striker in PvP (im no PvP god either). If I use sunbreaker, it's normally in mayhem. Personally, I don't think sunbreaker needs to be nerfed as the grenades are horrible. The only decent one is the fusion grenade. Most of the perks in this sub class are not very good, honestly. The overshield you get from sunspots requires you to hop from point to point, so you're much more stationary. Sunbreaker is not quite as geared for PvE as Defender, but the perks synergize very well with PvE play. Most of you are complaining about the health regen, overshield, and speed. Well, enemies dont jump in PvE. This is why it's amazing for PvE. In PvP, people jump. A lot. I've had plenty of people jumping like Mario and Luigi on frog legs. A lot of them survive my onslaught. Maybe I'm just a bad player. But the super is really the only reason to play this class. You nerf the super, you nerf the class. I love simmering flames, but who's going to use that in PvP? Not gonna happen. It fits way better in PvE. Stormcaller is stupid OP. And before you say, "melee range", they can float very very fast in your general direction. And they don't even have to have that good of aim. And they regen health. I don't want to see Sunbreakers nerfed. I love them in PvE just as they are. The PvP tryhards are going to get this nerfed into the ground. And it's going to be a sad day for the PvE crowd. IF YOU MUST: Nerf them, incorporate the health regen into the Sunbreaker super shoulder charge. Make kills from that trigger your health regen. There's your "melee range" contigent. Make thr over shield completely disappear after your step out of a sunspot. There, you're now less mobile by way of necessity to stay in a sunspot for overshield. This will still suck in PvE, but at least it will preserve SOME of the super's usefulness.

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