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Edited by FJFSOM656: 11/26/2015 7:40:41 AM

Future Arc, A Threat to Remember: Subject-Artorias "Arty" #2

[spoiler]As this is a villian chapter, it is a bit more gore themed than the others so be warned. All rights to Dark Souls and any of its contents are made by its creators and not mine.[/spoiler] The side doors slowly creeped open as three large Knights walked out. Their massive armor was much bulkier than most and all of them looked at Artorias and growled. Two held "boomer" cannons while the other sported an enlarged Hive sword. Artorias simply drew his blade and stood perfectly still. He looked at the Wardens and thought of ways to deal with them. Sif was still in his stance but his eyes were alive with the burning fire of battle. Ciaran spoke to Artorias in his comms. "Be cautious. They will fire on a hair trigger and they all have different varients of shields. The one with the sword has Arc and the one just behind him has Void. Be careful of the third." Artorias nodded and watched them closely. The one with the sword growled and stepped forward. It spoke to Artorias in its language, obviously a warning, and pointed at the exit with its free hand. Before anything could happen, Sif bolted forward and rammed his blade into the Knight. It's shields barely gave way but it was sent sprawling onto the ground. The other two Knights roared and shoot at the agile wolf. Artorias reared his blade and charged at the boomer with Solar shields. A quick flick of his wrist sent a suppressor grenade at the other Knight and it exploded, breaking it's shield and making it recoil in pain as Sif pounced on it to finish it off. The Solar Knight paused only briefly before trying to stop Artorias blade with his gun. Hive blood spewed as the remnants of the Knights fingers clunked to the ground. It helped in pain and Artorias broke it's shield and sent his blade into the creatures torso. By now the Arc Knight was getting back up. It roared in anger as it charged at Artorias. He ducked to the side as the massive blade came crashing down upon its dead companion as it sprayed more Hive blood along the walls and floor. Sif drew it's blade out of the dead Warden and growled at the final Knight. The Knight roared and dragged it's blade along with its dead companion at the wolf. Sif hopped to the side as the corpse crashed into the ground. Artorias took this opportunity to jab the Knight in the back. It roared in frustration and swing behind him to take Artorias' head off. Steel rang against bone as the two blades crashed for superiority. The Knight's strength was immense but Artorias' was on par. They struggled to gain the upper hand of the other as each strained with their might. "Come on big guy." Grumbled Artorias with a strained voice. "Just give up." Ciaran suddenly popped up infront of the Knights face. Her shell was more slender and sharper than before. She spun her shell swiftly and a torrent of golden light followed. The Knight roared in agony as its eyes bleed. Artorias pushed the Knight on its back and raised his blade high. A grey and white flash lead to the Knight losing its head. As the sickening green blood oozed from the wound, Artorias blinked and looked at Sif. The wolf simply shook his fur gently from the blood and sheathed the now stained blade. "Kill thief..." Sif snorted in defiance. "That was my kill and you know it." Sif blinked and simply stared at Artorias. Ciaran's shell returned to normal and her eye lower halfway in annoyance. "Actually it was my kill if you had let me finish." "Oh don't even! It was mine!" Sif snorted once again. His ears perked up suddenly. The huge door slowly began to open with several various creaks and groans. Artorias stopped and watched as the door seperated. "Well I guess that's our ticket forward." He wiped his sword with a cloth and sheathed it. "I would disagree but it is the right way in..." Sif started to walk forward and Artorias followed closely. "This isn't a good idea... Do you know what your doing?" "Yea of course I do." Said Artorias over his shoulder. "This is the only way I know." Ciaran simply hovered for a moment. "But is it the right thing?..." link to chapter 1 link to chapter 3

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