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10/18/2015 3:45:45 AM
Yeah ive always been pretty good at fps games like halo & cod. I took a break from fps when gears of war came out. But I have been told I should start recording and giving tips. I hit a lot of nice clips (thankful for xb1 clip recording). My thoughts on this game's current state of balance (and whining lol). Weapons? I think all of them are pretty good with the exception of pulse rifles & handcannons. I feel pulse rifles need a slight nerf & handcannons need a small buff. Shotguns still shoot a wee bit too far, but they are nothing like before. Supers? EVERY old super needs to be buffed. The 3 new subclasses are so much better than the older ones. Sunbreaker: Every player with a working brain knows that it is OP and it cannot be compared to any other super in the game. It has all the advantages of GG, ArcBlade, & FoH (damage resistance) built in one. What I think needs to be done about it is this: A. Remove Cauterize, keep tank life health. B. Keep cauterize, lose tank life health (on par with other roaming supers). C. The blast radius needs to be toned down AND the tracking hammers should ONLY track. They have some form of proximity detonation on them and that is unfair/unbalanced. People have a right to complain about it but they totally overdid it. It made class wars even worse & more obvious now than before. Nightstalker (needs a buff). A direct impact from the bow should instantly suppress anyone in a super, period. It has a terrible animation (warlocks dealt with this but not as severely) w/ the arrow coming out of the top right of the bow instead of the middle. This leads to hitting walls and ceilings way too often. The arrows should travel faster AND the bow should fire faster instead of both being really slow & the arrow curving. Before they changed it, the bow used to fire 3 explosive shots in rapid succession (I have no clue as to why they would remove this). StormCaller - I think this super is fine where its at now. :p Arcblade- has been nerfed to shit lol. It was fine before it was nerfed in 2.0 imo. It was not hard to shut one down at all. I honestly hate the new addition of little effects on your screen. The lightning bolts covering your entire screen is really stupid and makes it hard to land shots. I also want a Y2 Mida :( Thats all I got for now :p

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