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10/17/2015 6:39:16 PM
And every game consists of people who suck that complain about anything whenever they lose. Your idle speculation is all you have. That doesn't prove anything other than there are two types of players; those who are skilled and those who are not. You Console Gamers are spoiled rotten. Nerf this, Nerf that. I never encountered such nonsense on PC. You whine day in and day out about quite literally EVERYTHING in the game. Take Destiny for example. You'll find a Nerf post for Titan Shoulder Charge, Supers, Weapons, Perks, Blink, Hunter Knives, etc. Its ridiculous, and developers cave in all the time with you lot. On the PC? Most of the time you get told to shove off. The whole "Get Gud" phrase actually comes from PC Gaming because instead of people screaming about "Nerfing" they accuse others of being hackers or using third party programs like Aimbot. Though, their nonsense with nerfing has been steadily "creeping" into PC Gaming because you have a lot of console folks who either play both platforms or who have made switch. Point being, its a mentality that is predominate with Console Gaming. The video above details exactly what I'm talking about. I've beaten Dudka in the past back when I used to play Project Blackout. I beat her. I can attest first hand that she does not hack. She even put out this video to SHOW people she doesn't hack. She really is just THAT good. The Skill Divide between players is something developers on consoles try to artificially manipulate. They engineer the design of their Multiplayer/PvP so as to reduce the skill gap so that weaker players have a greater edge and the stronger players become easier to kill. This is the source of all the balancing issues for Destiny's Crucible because they're consistently tweaking the TTK (Time To Kill) in much the same way that COD is designed. But despite this, someone with more skill will always stand out from the rest and the weaker players getting trounced on will blame everything else instead of accepting their own shortcomings. Its very similar to people on these forums refusing to accept that they might actually be wrong about something. I've had a number of debates where even after the other person finally acknowledged that I had a good point, they still disagreed with me. No reason other than that they just simply wanted to keep disagreeing. [b]OUTRIGHT REFUSAL TO ADMIT BEING WRONG.[/b] Totally absurd. I understand its a "free country" and people do or say whatever on this forum. But it gets to the point of insanity sometimes when it comes to these folks. People literally defending their desire to disagree with something even when they have absolutely no reason to NOT agree. And its the same exact situation here as well with regards to people being opposed to Infusion for All. Anyways, yeah. Your argument is invalid. Anything else you want to try and use to prove me wrong or are you going to not be like those others and take back everything you said?

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