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Edited by Sideswipe: 10/16/2015 3:24:45 AM
I was going to write a wall of text debating your points, but while doing so I came to realize that no one can give you what you're asking. You, like many others, are so entrenched in your desire for year 1 weapons that [i]any[/i] reason stated, will be met with resistance, bias, ignorance. You have lost what these games are really about. Fun, enjoyment, time sink (something to pass time, not grinding) . Your true desire is that feeling you get when you acquire that awesome new weapon. But you don't a [i]new[/i] feeling, you want the [i]old [/i] feeling, from last year. Like a young adult who refuses to grow up, you can't find the joys of what is around you now. For these reasons, nothing anybody says will satisfy you. Only you can satisfy you, by living in the present.

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  • You are very off base with that opinion. Its not about wanting the old feeling and not wanting the new one. Its also not about being "attached" to the old stuff, either. You really don't understand any of this and that is why you don't agree with the notion. So then the question I have is...can you comprehend it? The reason why people want this is because they want choices. Instead of being forced to do things a certain way, people would rather have options. The freedom to decide what they want to use. To fully customize their experience. These people didn't spend hours upon hours farming Vault of Glass for things that would ONLY be for VOG. They did so with the idea that they were unlocking more options. It would be like in any other Shooter where you spend a long time unlocking the various weapons and armor, only for them to put out a new expansion and then have all of those unlocks get replaced by new things that are once again locked. In that situation, you are faced with a problematic choice. [b]1: Accept the fact that all of your hard work from the past year was a waste and that anything else you unlock going forward can and most likely will get replaced as well. (So there is no real reason to grind anymore to get weapons or armor, even from the raid) 2: Refuse to waste anymore of your time on the game and look towards something else that promises to actually respect the time you invest.[/b] People WANT to enjoy this game and they WANT it to be something that they feel they can trust putting the hard work into. But with how its being handled, this just isn't possible. And at the end of the day, there is literally no reason for why bringing the old weapons forward would be a bad thing. Anyone who says otherwise just really have no clue what they are talking about. Either that or they are apart of the "Nerf Brigade" because they suck in PvP and die all the time and their first thought is never "man I suck" but rather to blame the weapons instead. That's all this really is about. The only argument anyone ever gives for this is that the Year 1 stuff is "too powerful" which is entirely a false statement. But its a statement that proves that people are horrible and think keeping these weapons out will give them a better win streak. Nevermind the fact that all the Year 1 weapons can still be used in the Crucible anyway, so people being opposed to the idea of Infusion For All have even less of a reason to be objecting.

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  • As usual, I totally agree, Mal. But, then again, everyone should expect that from me, at this point. XD

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  • the problem is that there is barely ANY content in this game as of now, that is why we want year 1 back so we have so much shit to do that we cant finish it all

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  • I would love nothing more than to have VoG and Crota be challenging again. But that is how these games work. Loot based. Each expansion has its own content, level caps, and loot tables. Expansions are like "games within a game."

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  • [quote]But that is how these games work. Expansions are like "games within a game."[/quote] What do you mean "these games?" You mean the other games like Destiny that [i]don't exist, yet?[/i] Also, I don't think I've ever played an expansion for a single game in a [i]series[/i] (aka, a game with regular sequels, not an MMO with a single ecosystem that lasts 5-10 years) that even remotely fit that description. Expansions [i]add[/i] to a game, not take away.

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  • Guess you should play some PC MMOs - of which Destiny is heavily influenced. This business model is quite common. PC gamers know this all too well, and are prepared for the costs and consequences associated with these persistent online games. Expansions do expand the game, similar to sequels. They've added more missions for your character to do, new subclass(es) to level, new gear to find, new places to explore. The only difference is you dont have to re-level your character - you don't reset back to level 1. It feels like it shrunk, but it hasn't. You've just moved past some of the content, as you would with a standard sequelized franchise. Its still there to do. And Bungie has used a capping system to ensure that despite your level, it will still [i]feel[/i] like a challenge.

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  • Edited by Malphisto: 10/17/2015 6:06:15 AM
    Yes, we know a lot. Obviously far more than you. Hi. PC Gamer here. And I'm telling you that you really don't know what all you're talking about. The vast majority of MMOs have actually adopted a Free to Play business model. Expansions add new weapons and armor, but they don't render the older content obsolete. Generally speaking, everything remains relevant. In fact, MMOs center around having everything be all inclusive. Its all centered around the content itself and the various things you can do. Mabinogi ( ) Vindictus (*Points up at the video*) TERA ( ) AIKA ( ) Planetside 2 ( ) Rust Legacy ( ) ARK: Survival Evolved ( ) World of Warcraft and other games like it are old and outdated. They are just all about grinding with horrible combat mechanics. So many games tried to copy WoW and the PC Gaming Community typically calls those cookie cutters. WoW Clones. The PCMR cares not for nonsense such as Destiny nor do they support or encourage Destiny's game design.

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  • I may not be as well versed as you on PC games, but the ones you listed have had their issues with power creep, among other things. While you may get more choices than should ever need, to me its not worth gambling the future health of this game ...

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  • [quote]issues with power creep[/quote] [quote]not worth gambling the future health of this game ...[/quote] This game has maybe [u][i]1 year left[/i][/u] in it's ecosystem. I'm genuinely not trying to berate you, here, but I seriously have [i]no[/i] idea why you keep getting so hung up on "Power Creep." In this case, that's like thinking a terminally ill child should worry about his retirement fund, man.

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  • Really? Do tell. No, really. I'd love for you to try explaining your logic to the PCMR. They have all had their issues with Power Creep? Go ahead, prove your point. Elaborate if you think yourself to still be correct. You JUST acknowledged that you aren't as well versed in this subject as me, and yet you're going to still stick to your guns about this? Really? Power Creep is not something you need to be concerned with in this situation. If this cause is that important to you, then I invite you to prove it here and now. [b]Prove. Me. Wrong.[/b]

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  • [b]Prove. Me. Wrong.[/b][/quote] A simple Google search will yield results of people complaining and upset about power creep - and how the game boring after items, classes, and such became [i]too[/i] powerful. Destiny has its own set of issues, it doesn't need this too.

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  • Edited by Malphisto: 10/17/2015 7:48:43 PM
    And another example of how "Power Creep" is such a flawed argument. [quote]Power creep is the gradual unbalancing of a game due to successive releases of new content. The phenomenon may be caused by a number of different factors and, in extreme cases, can be damaging to the longevity of the game in which it takes place.[/quote] This is the definition for Power Creep. Now let me explain to you what this means and why its not actually a problem. It boils down to simple mathematics. It is the notion that new expansions of any kind for a game will introduce new elements that will make certain things more powerful than others. Weapons or Classes that are just more powerful than others that they give the players using them an edge over others in the game, creating a mentality that the rest of the community needs to use the same things in order to compete or be just as good. The video above is a series of dueling matches from TERA between a Berserker and an Archer. For a long time in the TERA Community, Zerkers were considered the weakest of all the classes. Though they have the ability to block using their massive axes and deal immense damage, they are the slowest class in the game. Meanwhile, Archers are the total opposite. Given their design, an Archer should "technically" always win out against them. However, this is where Player Skill comes into play. A SKILLED player can draw out the full potential of the Zerker class, revealing just how devastating they really are in battle. A prime example of this can be seen here: Now? Last time I checked, the opinion of Zerkers has changed. Generally speaking, only the highly skilled use them.

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  • Edited by Sideswipe: 10/17/2015 9:26:58 PM
    [quote][quote]And another example of how "Power Creep" is such a flawed argument. [quote]Power creep is the gradual unbalancing of a game due to successive releases of new content. The phenomenon may be caused by a number of different factors and, in extreme cases, can be damaging to the longevity of the game in which it takes place.[/quote] This is the definition for Power Creep. Now let me explain to you what this means and why its not actually a problem. It boils down to simple mathematics. It is the notion that new expansions of any kind for a game will introduce new elements that will make certain things more powerful than others. Weapons or Classes that are just more powerful than others that they give the players using them an edge over others in the game, creating a mentality that the rest of the community needs to use the same things in order to compete or be just as good.[/quote][/quote] Is that all it is? Guess you were right. While reading this I wasn't thinking at all about: 1. Thorn 2. The Last Word 3. Felwinters 4. Sunbreaker - Titan Subclass 5. Bad Juju 6. Red Death 7. Gjallahorn 8. Reforging

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  • Edited by Malphisto: 10/17/2015 9:05:16 PM
    LOL! DUDE! You are just unbelievable. How does any of that even pertain to Power Creep? Thorn? It started off just fine but people complained that it was "under powered" so Bungie buffed it and created a monster, then they had to tweak it again. [quote]Thorn: |NERFED| Also addressed with substantial nerf, leaving its DOT ability substantially re-tooled, which makes it a more standard 3-shot-kill, and prevents players from relying solely on poison damage. Still great, but no longer the ubiquitous choice for PvP that it was before.[/quote] TLW? It gets wrecked all the time. Also, Attila already addressed it as well. [quote]TLW: |NERFED| Specifically addressed with a SEVERE nerf to stability, range, and accuracy in 2.0, it's still a capable weapon in skilled hands, but not at all on the level it was before.[/quote] Felwinter? Not nearly as big a deal as everyone made it out to be. Hell, EVERY Shotgun gets people crying and demanding nerfs. Its like they never played a Halo game before, and many haven't which I'll bet ya odds are THOSE are the people who do the most whining about 'em. Attila addressed the Felwinter too. [quote]Felwinter: |NERFED| As with all high-impact shotguns, the general consensus has been that the gun itself wasn't the underlying issue; the perks were. With 2.0, Rangefinder's effectiveness was substantially reduced, and 2.0.1 straight-up removed Shotpackage entirely. Because of that, the high-impact archetype is much more balanced across the board, with the low ROF becoming a more noticeable drawback in exchange for stopping power.[/quote] Sunbreakers? What the hell is your beef against those? They are the absolute WORST choice for Exotic Armor on Warlocks. Perfect example that people will just complain literally about anything and everything. Bad Juju? Its still garbage. [b]AND YET IT STILL HAS A YEAR 2 VERSION WITH THE EXACT SAME EVERYTHING...[/b] Red Death? Same deal as the Bad Juju, and just like it there is also a Year 2 version of Red Death with the exact same everything with the exception of a SLIGHT reduction to stability which doesn't mean jack shit because anyone who knows what they're doing in a Shooter likewise knows all about recoil control. Which factors into Player Skill. Which once again proves MY point that it has nothing to do with the weapons being OP but that skilled people are using them. And really ANY weapon will be just as deadly in their hands regardless anyways. You will literally need to nerf every single weapon they touch and even then they will STILL be better than everyone else. Gally? I was never a fan of it to begin with. I preferred my rare drop Steel Oracle Z-11 with Cluster Bombs for maximum carnage. Likewise, Attila also spoke on this one too. [quote]Gjallarhorn: |NERFED| Arguably the most notoriously "overpowered" weapon in any game ever, Ghorn's signature "Wolfpack Rounds" perk was given a noticeable damage decrease in 2.0, bringing it somewhat in line with other Rocket Launchers. It's still arguably the hardest hitting launcher in the game, but it's no longer the boss-melter that it once was.[/quote] What do I need to do to get you to finally admit that you're wrong about all this? Do I need to get God himself to appear before you and say so? Will only something that stupidly ridiculous be able to change your perspective? Seriously, I ask again, how does any of this pertain to Power Creep? All this demonstrates is that Bungie fails hard at weapon design and is too lazy to actually do the work required to properly manage their own game.

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  • Especially when your literally grinding your ass off to get an exotic weapon! I'm not a very good Crucible player but I busted my ass off to obtain Thorn (yes I EARNED my Thorn damn it, it wasn't autocompleted) so imagine my silent anger when I log on after dl'ing TTK and see that ALL my exotics been downgraded to 150 min/170 max. Then became even more pissed to discover they're offering 280 attk versions at the kiosk. Wtf would they do that when all they could have done was make what's in my inventory 280? What's worse they have a year 2 version of shit weapons like Bad Juju but not Icebreaker smh

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  • Exactly.

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  • And as for the year 1 raid/prison gear it sucks that it's at the minimum attk/def when they have perks that benefits that particular event. Buff the A.I. nerf the equipment that can give you a little edge. I'm all for balance in PVP but to nerf my gear in PVE too?! Wtf it's not like the COMPUTERIZED enemy is gonna hit the forums up complaining about nerfing my Icebreaker. Yeah, still heartbroken about that!

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  • And every game consists of people who suck that complain about anything whenever they lose. Your idle speculation is all you have. That doesn't prove anything other than there are two types of players; those who are skilled and those who are not. You Console Gamers are spoiled rotten. Nerf this, Nerf that. I never encountered such nonsense on PC. You whine day in and day out about quite literally EVERYTHING in the game. Take Destiny for example. You'll find a Nerf post for Titan Shoulder Charge, Supers, Weapons, Perks, Blink, Hunter Knives, etc. Its ridiculous, and developers cave in all the time with you lot. On the PC? Most of the time you get told to shove off. The whole "Get Gud" phrase actually comes from PC Gaming because instead of people screaming about "Nerfing" they accuse others of being hackers or using third party programs like Aimbot. Though, their nonsense with nerfing has been steadily "creeping" into PC Gaming because you have a lot of console folks who either play both platforms or who have made switch. Point being, its a mentality that is predominate with Console Gaming. The video above details exactly what I'm talking about. I've beaten Dudka in the past back when I used to play Project Blackout. I beat her. I can attest first hand that she does not hack. She even put out this video to SHOW people she doesn't hack. She really is just THAT good. The Skill Divide between players is something developers on consoles try to artificially manipulate. They engineer the design of their Multiplayer/PvP so as to reduce the skill gap so that weaker players have a greater edge and the stronger players become easier to kill. This is the source of all the balancing issues for Destiny's Crucible because they're consistently tweaking the TTK (Time To Kill) in much the same way that COD is designed. But despite this, someone with more skill will always stand out from the rest and the weaker players getting trounced on will blame everything else instead of accepting their own shortcomings. Its very similar to people on these forums refusing to accept that they might actually be wrong about something. I've had a number of debates where even after the other person finally acknowledged that I had a good point, they still disagreed with me. No reason other than that they just simply wanted to keep disagreeing. [b]OUTRIGHT REFUSAL TO ADMIT BEING WRONG.[/b] Totally absurd. I understand its a "free country" and people do or say whatever on this forum. But it gets to the point of insanity sometimes when it comes to these folks. People literally defending their desire to disagree with something even when they have absolutely no reason to NOT agree. And its the same exact situation here as well with regards to people being opposed to Infusion for All. Anyways, yeah. Your argument is invalid. Anything else you want to try and use to prove me wrong or are you going to not be like those others and take back everything you said?

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  • Edited by baby-nics4life: 10/16/2015 12:52:23 AM
    It's funny because he's asking for something to back up the reasoning in why it should be carried over and your dümbass calls him ignorant by saying he's resisting and complaing because they can't use Y1 items .... But that's none of my business

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  • Its funny because you can't comprehend what I told him. But you're comprehensive skills are none of my business - oh wait it is, because you've called out a post that apparently went way over your head. And its sad, because it wasn't a hard premise to grasp...

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  • Damn your right... Tbh I just pulled that outta my äss and gave no thought to what I was saying whatsoever. people like you are what make this a loving community...

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  • I respect you and your post. It takes a big man to admit he was wrong, especially on internet forums. I tip my cap to you, good sir. *bows with respect*

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  • Went from serious to a smile on my face

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  • Edited by kwsyseng: 10/16/2015 12:26:29 AM
    And another one heard from that thinks they are qualified or entitled to tell someone else how to play a game. Jackass.

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  • I understand where you are coming from, but I think the option should still be there. When TTK came out, I was using gear from the original game, TDB, and HoW. Certain pieces had perks that were better than others. I used the gear that went best with my playing style. True I didn't use all the new gear, but when you have stuff that sucks, what is the incentive for me to use it? Then there was gear newer gear that I thought was awesome. The HoW scout rifle was incredible. I used the h*ll out of that weapon. Now from TTK I love dead orbits Hung Jury SR-4. I like it better than the HoW scout. If I had the option to use the HoW scout in certain situations, I would totally use it, but because it is effectively useless, I won't use it. One thing they could do to make it more time consuming to get this stuff back, is to up the old raid levels and up the prison of elders so we could earn this gear again.

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