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Edited by AttilaTheNvn: 2/12/2016 8:13:39 AM

Give me a single good reason why we can't Infuse Year 1, Bungie.

-Don't compare it to other "MMOs." -Don't compare it to other Shooters. -Simply approach the issue within the confines of [i]this[/i] game, and this game [i]alone[/i], and try to find a good argument. It doesn't matter what OTHER games do, because this isn't OTHER games; this is [b]Destiny[/b]. ____________________________________ The #1 reason I hear as to why Year 1 should be left behind seems to be this: [b]"Year 1 is too powerful to compete with Year 2."[/b] Now, I see this posted [i]endlessly[/i] on the forums, despite these two problems with it: [b]1. It's a glaring, unfounded overgeneralization. 2. It implies that (assuming Year 1 gear [i]is[/i] overpowered) capping Light Levels will actually [i]fix that[/i].[/b] With these two points, I'm going to show exactly why cries of "overpowered gear" have no facts to support them, and how leaving Year 1 behind does nothing to address the issue [i]either way[/i] [b](TL;DR at the end)[/b] ____________________________________ [u][b]Point #1- Is Year 1 [i]actually[/i] overpowered?[/b][/u] -The Devil You Know -Murmur -The Scholar -Low-Grade Humility -Praetorian Foil -Fang of Ir Yut -Vanquisher VIII -Atheon's Epilogue -Against All Odds -Gheleon's Demise -The Infinite Theorem Read through that list. Have you ever heard the term "overpowered" associated with any of them? Because, in full confidence, I'm willing to bet that you haven't, nor have you heard it associated with any of the [i]other 95% of the weapons in Year 1.[/i] Sure, many people swear by some of those weapons, and would even call them "great," but never [i]overpowered[/i]. In addition, if you still think Year 1 [i]perks[/i] are still to powerful to be brought forward, you should read the [url=]extensive nerfing Bungie did to them in 2.0[/url] When people refer to "Year 1" as overpowered, I imagine these are usually the weapons they have in mind: -Fatebringer -The Last Word -Thorn -Felwinter's Lie/Matador 64/Etc. -The Messenger/Hopscotch Pilgrim/Etc. -Gjallarhorn Now, lets look at the state of these weapons as they exist after the 2.0 patch: [quote][b]Fatebringer:[/b] |NERFED| While still one of the best [i]handcannons[/i] for PvE, the overall HC nerf has brought it down to be more in line with other primaries [i]in general[/i]. And, let's be honest; it was [i]never[/i] viewed as being OP in PvP, and that hasn't changed. [b]TLW:[/b] |NERFED| Specifically addressed with a SEVERE nerf to stability, range, and accuracy in 2.0, it's still a capable weapon in skilled hands, but not at all on the level it was before. [b]Thorn:[/b] |NERFED| Also addressed with substantial nerf, leaving its DOT ability substantially re-tooled, which makes it a more standard 3-shot-kill, and prevents players from relying solely on poison damage. Still great, but no longer the ubiquitous choice for PvP that it was before. [b]Felwinter:[/b] |NERFED| As with all high-impact shotguns, the general consensus has been that the gun itself wasn't the underlying issue; the [i]perks[/i] were. With 2.0, Rangefinder's effectiveness was substantially reduced, and 2.0.1 straight-up removed Shotpackage [i]entirely[/i]. Because of that, the high-impact archetype is much more balanced across the board, with the low ROF becoming a more noticeable drawback in exchange for stopping power. [b]The Messenger:[/b] |NERFED| While not as glaringly "OP" as the other entries on this list, high-impact PRs were generally viewed as being slightly too capable in the HoW Meta. In 2.0, they received a slight, universal decrease in stability to help keep them from dominating PvP going forward, and have since been nerfed [u]even harder[/u]. [b]Gjallarhorn:[/b] |NERFED| Arguably the most notoriously "overpowered" weapon in any game [i]ever[/i], Ghorn's signature "Wolfpack Rounds" perk was given a noticeable damage decrease in 2.0, bringing it [i]somewhat[/i] in line with other Rocket Launchers. It's still arguably the hardest hitting launcher in the game, but it's no longer the boss-melter that it once was. [/quote] There are other examples, but, [i]again[/i], these are generally the most widely-accepted "overpowered" weapons in the game; however, as you can see, they've [i]already been balanced in 2.0.[/i] Not only has the [i]majority[/i] of Year 1 gear been perfectly balanced [i]to begin with[/i], but the small subset that [i]was[/i] overpower has, in large part, [i]already been dealt with.[/i] [b]Saying that "Year 1 is too powerful to compete with Year 2" is not only a glaring, unfounded overgeneralization, but is [i]demonstrably untrue [u]altogether[/u][/i] in the post-2.0 Meta.[/b] [i]Also, there are still SOME Year 1 weapons and armor that continue to drop at TTK levels, both as Crucible and Story drops, and in these cases, it [u]literally[/u] only serves as a way to artificially inflate playtimes, with no actual effect on the Meta.[/i] ____________________________________ [u][b]Point #2- Does capping Light Levels actually solve anything?[/b][/u] First off- It should be pointed out that overpowered gear has zero [i]negative effects[/i] on players in [i]Cooperative, PvE environments[/i]. As such, no weapon (such as Fatebringer or Ghorn) should ever be held back purely on the basis of being too good against [b]A.I. COMBATANTS[/b]. If Bungie wants to nerf overpowered PvE weapons, that's fine, but no one is being negatively impacted by them in the [i]mean time[/i]. Second- Given that Light Levels don't affect [i]90% of Crucible[/i], capping Year 1 gear almost [i]exclusively[/i] affects PvE players, which (as stated above) does nothing to [i]improve[/i] PvE players' experiences. Instead, it shits on every [u]minute[/u] of effort players have put into Year 1 by needlessly invalidating every [i]single[/i] piece of gear that they've earned; not just weapons and armor, but freaking ghosts and [i]COSMETIC ITEMS[/i] (seriously, WHY?). The only [i]true[/i] way to balance weapons (across both PvP [u]and[/u] PvE) is via [b]patches[/b], which, as I pointed out in Point #1, Bungie has [i]already done.[/i] As such, why the hell is Year 1 gear (that has already been balanced in 2.0) [i]still being held back?![/i] In the case of guns like Fatebringer and Ghorn (which were only ever OP in [i]PvE[/i], to begin with), capping them at 170 only serves to cripple them in the portion of the game they were [i]meant to shine in[/i]. Even if they WEREN'T nerfed in 2.0, these weapons never harmed anyone's experience [u]in the first place[/u], so what's the point? And, in the case of PvP; in addition to the fact that the MAJORITY of PvP has Light Levels disabled, all the most egregiously overpower PvP weapons have been [i]already been nerfed in 2.0[/i]. Seriously, though; standard PvP is clearly more balanced than it was before, which has EVERYTHING to do with the 2.0 patch, and NOTHING to do with capping Light Levels. So, again, if Year 1 weapons are balanced in regular Crucible [i]at the stat level[/i], there is no discernible reason to keep them out of Endgame PvP, and even LESS reason to keep them out of PvE where they never had any negative effect on players [i]IN THE FIRST PLACE![/i] ____________________________________ [b][u]So, Bungie; what gives?[/u][/b] If the groundwork has already been laid, and it isn't going to harm anyone's experience, [i]why isn't Year 1 Infusable?[/i] Seriously, even a simple confirmation that it's being [i]discussed[/i] would be a start. -[u][b]TL;DR[/b][/u]- [u][b]Point #1- Is Year 1 [i]actually[/i] overpowered?[/b][/u] [quote]1. No matter how many times people claim that Year 1 is "overpowered," that statement is demonstrably, [i]provably[/i] false. Since the 2.0 patch, Year 1 weapons have been thoroughly balanced alongside their Year 2 counterparts (both on the individual level, and by way of nerfs to the [i]entire[/i] Year 1 perk set). One look at the current state of the Crucible (which includes Year 1 [i]and[/i] Year 2, mind you), and it's easily apparent that the PvP meta has [i]never[/i] been more balanced- [i]ever[/i]. And, if it's balanced in PvP, then it's [i]definitely[/i] balanced for [i]co-operative[/i] environments.[/quote] [u][b]Point #2- Does capping Light Levels actually solve anything?[/b][/u] [quote]2. Leaving Year 1 behind by capping Light Levels does [i]nothing[/i] to improve player experience [i]in any way[/i]. And, it almost exclusively harm's [i]PvE[/i] players, because Year 1 gear is still perfectly competitive in 95% of PvP arenas, whereas Year 1 is now entirely [i]non-competitive[/i] for serious PvE environments (which, coincidentally, is the one environment where overpowered gear [i][b]doesn't[/b][/i] harm players... Go figure!). And, again, in that same mindset, regardless of how prevalently Elemental Primaries are used (which seems to be a big part of Bungle's reasoning), did that negatively affect [i]anyone?[/i] [b][u]No, it didn't[/u][/b]. As Endgame rewards, Elemental Primaries were prestigious, and accordingly difficult to obtain. As such, it would be weird if they [b]didn't[/b] offer something special to differentiate them from everything else! If the rewards weren't superior, how as many of us even ran HM Raids, at all? Or Skolas? Or Trials? Seriously, it's not rocket science; it's great game design, and I have no clue why Bungie decided to remove that system. [/quote]

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  • Very upset year 1 guns cannot be infused to year 2 especially with all my pointless etheric light lying around. I mean this isn't even a real MMO. If it was than I could understand but come on bungie, I grinded for that fatebringer didn't get it until august. I played my heart out on VOG since inseption.

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  • If year one weapons were able to be infused then year two weapons would be pointless and Bungie would have to change old weapons to fit in with the new content.

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    4 Replies
    • I agree with you man, they should bring year 1 into year 2. I spent all of year one trying to complete my exotic collection. The only gun I didn't get was the Dregs Promise and there's no point now. I get no compensation for all the time I spent in the raids, nightfalls, pvp, etc. it's ridiculous.

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    • Lol all the year 2 hard work will be no good when year 3 comes out lmao so dumb

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    • Activi$ion said this: [b]F[/b]ine sir, [b]U[/b]sing those words [b]C[/b]an result in [b]K[/b]illing others. [b]Y[/b]ou have already [b]O[/b]verused it for someone like you, so [b]U[/b]se the phrase with caution.

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      4 Replies
      • Atleast the ghost man! I love that thing! I would love to be able to get it up to 310 defense instead of literally 3 defense!

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      • Edited by EntombedDig8: 10/17/2015 5:59:01 PM
        It would litterally be the exact same game with a new patrol

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      • All I know is there's been so many fuk ups with everything bungie touches the last 6 months, I'm not even motivated to play anymore.

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      • There is a good reason. Melk the cow!!!!! That's sounds like a troll post but it is the truth. If they expand the time to reach your personal goal in this game they expand your online time and the chance is higher to sell a micro transaction to you. More money and this is good for the investors. Btw. did I mentioned the stock quote from Activision blizzard is on a all time high? So every decision is not for the player it is for the investors.

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      • Great thought out post. There is NO reason why ALL Y1 items cannot be Infuse-able. Pure laziness on Bungie' part not wanting to nerf/balance certain Y1 items... I will tell you one thing, this is the last chance you have Bungie. IF when Y3 comes around and ALL Y2 exotics cannot be Infused...I'M OUT!

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        4 Replies
        • Well you suck is why

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        • Cuz you suck

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        • 1. Rerolled OP weapons 2. No need to do new content 3. Power creep

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          13 Replies
          • Amen I've invested way too many hours perfecting my no land beyond skills for it all to become irrelevant anyways...

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          • They wanted a new armory system. One that had different options and varied what people used. What the hell was the point of using any other rocket launcher vs gally? Honestly outside of the fact that a change was needed for diversification you have valid points. But. I like the new weapon system.... And frankly don't miss the old at all

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            2 Replies
            • Good points bro

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            • It's ridiculous. They backed off of making the game they have dreamt of making for so long bc a bunch of people got on the forums and complained about everything bc they couldn't have everything all at once immediately after they installed the game and they didn't want to have to keep coming back or actually do something halfway difficult in order to secure a certain weapon. It was actually all of those awesome and different year 1 weapons that made me love Destiny bc they were doing something DIFFERENT, they were giving us stuff we had never seen before and letting us use it in ways we had never been able to before. Of course all of the whiners came right along and just trashed everything though bc they just can't stand someone having something and being more prepared and fit for doing something than they were at that moment in time. It's pathetic😃

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            • Too powerful.

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              1 Reply
              • The devil you know is amazing. It was my go to weapon until the dark below. Once etheric lights came out, my devil made a come back (caveat; I didn't have fatebringer) Don't hate the devil, appreciate. That being said, however awesome it was, the devil you know didn't compare to heroic raid weapons. Now you want your overpowered raid weapons before year twos heroic weapons release? VoG weapons weren't even competitive against heroic Crota weapons until etheric lights. Chill, brosef. Don't be dependent on old heroics so you don't have to earn new ones. They're doing your favor by breaking you from your dependence on your year one crutches.

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                • Edited by MrSkibs: 10/16/2015 6:58:59 AM
                  I don't think any year 1 items should have been transitioned to year two, those are legacy items. They should be left behind to leave an ACTUAL legacy. So players who experienced them could look back on those days and remember the amazing impact they made on their gameplay. But should move on to experience bigger and better things! There have been amazing editions to every gear slot in year two. There is absolutely no reason anyone should need them. They are still viable to most of the game features as is because of the way caps work. And players who didn't play year one can still hope to find them as to experience the guns for themselves, to at least get a glimpse at what the hype was over. Although they will never understand the true legacy! Examples of year two blowing away year two. Exotic swords and a properly used sleeper simulant definitely keep mobs cleared and kill bosses quick. And do the job of making ghorn obsolete. Foundry weapons are INCREDIBLY well designed. Their scopes have great new features like highlighting enemies with supers or high power level. Enemies at low health, enemies in effective target range. Etc. I don't miss fatebringer for a second. The life support perk is without a doubt a life saver! Very useful in every scenario. Especially in situations where your natural healing ability is restricted. Let's not forget Cocoon on the raid weaponry. I don't know about you but the whole cycling weapons to never have to reload is Wonderful!!! Year two has so much going for it. Year one is dead.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Nah, keep the retarded burn weapons in year one thanks

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                    4 Replies
                    • CUZ THEY GONNA SELL IT FOR A LOW PRICE OF 19.95 at the scam trading company Gather your pesos amigos

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                    • I think at least exotics and old raid gear should be infused. I like having options, the option to either shoot at a bullet sponge with any vanguard rifle or the fatebringer. Or I can shoot it with my gjallarhorn or sleeper simulant. If I had my old gear at 280 I would still be using the new gear. I've always went after the new gear. The more options to fight an enemy the better. I think if raid gear would be infused you should still have to play through the new raid first and collect some kind of shard that's randomly dropped which allows you to infuse the old raid gear(like etheric light). That way you still have to play through the new material to be able to infuse the old gear. By that time you would have already tried many new guns and armor.

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                    • RIP year 1..... Maybe they will hype up ghorn in Destiny 2 to attact players back.

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                    • Let it goooo, let it goooooooo! Cant use any of those anymooooore!

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                      • Edited by Sideswipe: 10/16/2015 3:24:45 AM
                        I was going to write a wall of text debating your points, but while doing so I came to realize that no one can give you what you're asking. You, like many others, are so entrenched in your desire for year 1 weapons that [i]any[/i] reason stated, will be met with resistance, bias, ignorance. You have lost what these games are really about. Fun, enjoyment, time sink (something to pass time, not grinding) . Your true desire is that feeling you get when you acquire that awesome new weapon. But you don't a [i]new[/i] feeling, you want the [i]old [/i] feeling, from last year. Like a young adult who refuses to grow up, you can't find the joys of what is around you now. For these reasons, nothing anybody says will satisfy you. Only you can satisfy you, by living in the present.

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