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Edited by AttilaTheNvn: 2/12/2016 8:13:39 AM

Give me a single good reason why we can't Infuse Year 1, Bungie.

-Don't compare it to other "MMOs." -Don't compare it to other Shooters. -Simply approach the issue within the confines of [i]this[/i] game, and this game [i]alone[/i], and try to find a good argument. It doesn't matter what OTHER games do, because this isn't OTHER games; this is [b]Destiny[/b]. ____________________________________ The #1 reason I hear as to why Year 1 should be left behind seems to be this: [b]"Year 1 is too powerful to compete with Year 2."[/b] Now, I see this posted [i]endlessly[/i] on the forums, despite these two problems with it: [b]1. It's a glaring, unfounded overgeneralization. 2. It implies that (assuming Year 1 gear [i]is[/i] overpowered) capping Light Levels will actually [i]fix that[/i].[/b] With these two points, I'm going to show exactly why cries of "overpowered gear" have no facts to support them, and how leaving Year 1 behind does nothing to address the issue [i]either way[/i] [b](TL;DR at the end)[/b] ____________________________________ [u][b]Point #1- Is Year 1 [i]actually[/i] overpowered?[/b][/u] -The Devil You Know -Murmur -The Scholar -Low-Grade Humility -Praetorian Foil -Fang of Ir Yut -Vanquisher VIII -Atheon's Epilogue -Against All Odds -Gheleon's Demise -The Infinite Theorem Read through that list. Have you ever heard the term "overpowered" associated with any of them? Because, in full confidence, I'm willing to bet that you haven't, nor have you heard it associated with any of the [i]other 95% of the weapons in Year 1.[/i] Sure, many people swear by some of those weapons, and would even call them "great," but never [i]overpowered[/i]. In addition, if you still think Year 1 [i]perks[/i] are still to powerful to be brought forward, you should read the [url=]extensive nerfing Bungie did to them in 2.0[/url] When people refer to "Year 1" as overpowered, I imagine these are usually the weapons they have in mind: -Fatebringer -The Last Word -Thorn -Felwinter's Lie/Matador 64/Etc. -The Messenger/Hopscotch Pilgrim/Etc. -Gjallarhorn Now, lets look at the state of these weapons as they exist after the 2.0 patch: [quote][b]Fatebringer:[/b] |NERFED| While still one of the best [i]handcannons[/i] for PvE, the overall HC nerf has brought it down to be more in line with other primaries [i]in general[/i]. And, let's be honest; it was [i]never[/i] viewed as being OP in PvP, and that hasn't changed. [b]TLW:[/b] |NERFED| Specifically addressed with a SEVERE nerf to stability, range, and accuracy in 2.0, it's still a capable weapon in skilled hands, but not at all on the level it was before. [b]Thorn:[/b] |NERFED| Also addressed with substantial nerf, leaving its DOT ability substantially re-tooled, which makes it a more standard 3-shot-kill, and prevents players from relying solely on poison damage. Still great, but no longer the ubiquitous choice for PvP that it was before. [b]Felwinter:[/b] |NERFED| As with all high-impact shotguns, the general consensus has been that the gun itself wasn't the underlying issue; the [i]perks[/i] were. With 2.0, Rangefinder's effectiveness was substantially reduced, and 2.0.1 straight-up removed Shotpackage [i]entirely[/i]. Because of that, the high-impact archetype is much more balanced across the board, with the low ROF becoming a more noticeable drawback in exchange for stopping power. [b]The Messenger:[/b] |NERFED| While not as glaringly "OP" as the other entries on this list, high-impact PRs were generally viewed as being slightly too capable in the HoW Meta. In 2.0, they received a slight, universal decrease in stability to help keep them from dominating PvP going forward, and have since been nerfed [u]even harder[/u]. [b]Gjallarhorn:[/b] |NERFED| Arguably the most notoriously "overpowered" weapon in any game [i]ever[/i], Ghorn's signature "Wolfpack Rounds" perk was given a noticeable damage decrease in 2.0, bringing it [i]somewhat[/i] in line with other Rocket Launchers. It's still arguably the hardest hitting launcher in the game, but it's no longer the boss-melter that it once was. [/quote] There are other examples, but, [i]again[/i], these are generally the most widely-accepted "overpowered" weapons in the game; however, as you can see, they've [i]already been balanced in 2.0.[/i] Not only has the [i]majority[/i] of Year 1 gear been perfectly balanced [i]to begin with[/i], but the small subset that [i]was[/i] overpower has, in large part, [i]already been dealt with.[/i] [b]Saying that "Year 1 is too powerful to compete with Year 2" is not only a glaring, unfounded overgeneralization, but is [i]demonstrably untrue [u]altogether[/u][/i] in the post-2.0 Meta.[/b] [i]Also, there are still SOME Year 1 weapons and armor that continue to drop at TTK levels, both as Crucible and Story drops, and in these cases, it [u]literally[/u] only serves as a way to artificially inflate playtimes, with no actual effect on the Meta.[/i] ____________________________________ [u][b]Point #2- Does capping Light Levels actually solve anything?[/b][/u] First off- It should be pointed out that overpowered gear has zero [i]negative effects[/i] on players in [i]Cooperative, PvE environments[/i]. As such, no weapon (such as Fatebringer or Ghorn) should ever be held back purely on the basis of being too good against [b]A.I. COMBATANTS[/b]. If Bungie wants to nerf overpowered PvE weapons, that's fine, but no one is being negatively impacted by them in the [i]mean time[/i]. Second- Given that Light Levels don't affect [i]90% of Crucible[/i], capping Year 1 gear almost [i]exclusively[/i] affects PvE players, which (as stated above) does nothing to [i]improve[/i] PvE players' experiences. Instead, it shits on every [u]minute[/u] of effort players have put into Year 1 by needlessly invalidating every [i]single[/i] piece of gear that they've earned; not just weapons and armor, but freaking ghosts and [i]COSMETIC ITEMS[/i] (seriously, WHY?). The only [i]true[/i] way to balance weapons (across both PvP [u]and[/u] PvE) is via [b]patches[/b], which, as I pointed out in Point #1, Bungie has [i]already done.[/i] As such, why the hell is Year 1 gear (that has already been balanced in 2.0) [i]still being held back?![/i] In the case of guns like Fatebringer and Ghorn (which were only ever OP in [i]PvE[/i], to begin with), capping them at 170 only serves to cripple them in the portion of the game they were [i]meant to shine in[/i]. Even if they WEREN'T nerfed in 2.0, these weapons never harmed anyone's experience [u]in the first place[/u], so what's the point? And, in the case of PvP; in addition to the fact that the MAJORITY of PvP has Light Levels disabled, all the most egregiously overpower PvP weapons have been [i]already been nerfed in 2.0[/i]. Seriously, though; standard PvP is clearly more balanced than it was before, which has EVERYTHING to do with the 2.0 patch, and NOTHING to do with capping Light Levels. So, again, if Year 1 weapons are balanced in regular Crucible [i]at the stat level[/i], there is no discernible reason to keep them out of Endgame PvP, and even LESS reason to keep them out of PvE where they never had any negative effect on players [i]IN THE FIRST PLACE![/i] ____________________________________ [b][u]So, Bungie; what gives?[/u][/b] If the groundwork has already been laid, and it isn't going to harm anyone's experience, [i]why isn't Year 1 Infusable?[/i] Seriously, even a simple confirmation that it's being [i]discussed[/i] would be a start. -[u][b]TL;DR[/b][/u]- [u][b]Point #1- Is Year 1 [i]actually[/i] overpowered?[/b][/u] [quote]1. No matter how many times people claim that Year 1 is "overpowered," that statement is demonstrably, [i]provably[/i] false. Since the 2.0 patch, Year 1 weapons have been thoroughly balanced alongside their Year 2 counterparts (both on the individual level, and by way of nerfs to the [i]entire[/i] Year 1 perk set). One look at the current state of the Crucible (which includes Year 1 [i]and[/i] Year 2, mind you), and it's easily apparent that the PvP meta has [i]never[/i] been more balanced- [i]ever[/i]. And, if it's balanced in PvP, then it's [i]definitely[/i] balanced for [i]co-operative[/i] environments.[/quote] [u][b]Point #2- Does capping Light Levels actually solve anything?[/b][/u] [quote]2. Leaving Year 1 behind by capping Light Levels does [i]nothing[/i] to improve player experience [i]in any way[/i]. And, it almost exclusively harm's [i]PvE[/i] players, because Year 1 gear is still perfectly competitive in 95% of PvP arenas, whereas Year 1 is now entirely [i]non-competitive[/i] for serious PvE environments (which, coincidentally, is the one environment where overpowered gear [i][b]doesn't[/b][/i] harm players... Go figure!). And, again, in that same mindset, regardless of how prevalently Elemental Primaries are used (which seems to be a big part of Bungle's reasoning), did that negatively affect [i]anyone?[/i] [b][u]No, it didn't[/u][/b]. As Endgame rewards, Elemental Primaries were prestigious, and accordingly difficult to obtain. As such, it would be weird if they [b]didn't[/b] offer something special to differentiate them from everything else! If the rewards weren't superior, how as many of us even ran HM Raids, at all? Or Skolas? Or Trials? Seriously, it's not rocket science; it's great game design, and I have no clue why Bungie decided to remove that system. [/quote]

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  • If all the year one guns are bad then why even infuse them up?

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    3 Replies
    • Stopped reading when you asked people not to relate to other MMOs and shooters. The entire process is void if you choose to ignore opinions you don't like. Anyway, Year 1 had perks and guns that were poorly balanced and they chose not to carry them over for that reason. A clean slate on which to renew the sandbox, this time with balance.

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      5 Replies
      • The excuse is Activision Bungie stating: Give me money pleebs!

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        2 Replies
        • This is a well thought out and written post. Here is my take, and it is very simple. I will except the removal of all weapons for all new ones when Destin 2 comes out. That means an entire new game with all new story, weapons, armor, and destiny 2 disc. All the dlc is a continuation of the first disk and should in no way bar or restrict any weapon. Again DESTINY 2. Not new dlc, that is still just Destiny 1. I hope I have been clear.

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        • Bumping for great justice. There really is no reason not to let us infuse our Year 1 gear except to make us grind for the new stuff. Which is still quite a grind, btw; sad when I get rares that are more powerful than some exotics and most legendaries (which go into them, I know, that's the point of the system I guess). Having to pay money and materials to put a [better thing with shitty perks] into a [shitty thing with better perks] to make it a [slightly-less-shitty thing with good perks] is a needless hassle. I guess it might have been supposed to give us more versatility, in a way , but since most of the gear seems to share the same handful of perks, that kind of takes away from such a purpose.

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        • I miss my Icebreaker ....

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by Valek27: 10/15/2015 12:21:03 PM
            Good points other than one thing. Tlw was not nurfed it was fixed. The gun was broken. The perk gives bonus critical damage [i]when firing from the hip[/i] was also giving the same bonus when ads. So many people abused this broken perk and then complained that the gun was nurfed when the fixed it. Tlw is finally what it should absolute nightmare for people in close range combat, but severely lacking at medium and long range. Oh and to answer your original's about the money. If year 1 could compete with year 2 less people would buy the expansions. That's why every game shooter, mmo, etc does not carry over old content/gear. They want you to buy the expansions. It's that simple.

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by LoneWolf12923: 10/15/2015 10:56:34 PM
              Exactly. I don't even get why Bungie did all those nerfs to our guns if we can't even use them in Y2 anyways. There is NO reason for this. It doesn't even make sense in terms of company profit.

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            • I don't know why people still asking for it, I don't need any Y1 weapons. Besides they already said all Y1 exotics will be available eventually in Y2.

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              • They want you to use year 2 weapons that are BETTER

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                2 Replies
                • I at last did the exotic sword strike mission to actually obtain the weapon and I was so happy. The guy who joined with us through matchmaking had only 90 hours in the game and didn't even have his Defender class leveled up enough to help us stay alive during the boss battle. It just feels like all these people that bought the Taken King can fast forward right where I am now.

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                  • No year one infusion needed - we have put out old guns above the fire place and moved on.

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                    3 Replies
                    • You left some things off the list -Ghorn -Thorn -Felwinter's -Mythoclast -All op guns that people whine about in year 1

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                      2 Replies
                      • Just because you can't infuse it doesn't mean you can't use it. The trend of limiting old gear/weapons to be useful per expansion has always been selective. Why are you making this an issue in year 2? You should've known better.

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                        • Edited by CitrusTheNile: 10/15/2015 3:30:47 PM
                          Bump. The only bad part about Ghorn was that people wouldn't let you join raid groups if you didn't have one. However, I am so sure that would be the case now, since the mechanics of the game are not geared towards rocket launchers anymore. #saveyear1gear

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                          4 Replies
                          • How about no because then we will have all the crybaby jellyhorn crutch users ruling the boards again no need for that crap just accept the raze lighter sleeper simulant touch of malice and black spindle as your new overlords in year 2 and get good

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                            6 Replies
                            • The whole point is to move forward with the game, not stay with the same weapons for two years...

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                              • Edited by Kbo000: 10/15/2015 10:09:56 PM
                                You're going to get new versions of Y1 gear, at 280 light, with moderate (read crap) perks, so you can grind them again, keep playing and buying dlc. Or, last Y2 dlc will bring "whateveryoulike" light, which upgrades Y1 to Y2, just before Destiny 2. Game is out of content, as you can notice, new stuff is poorly designed, some assets are even not finished (remember hunter osiris gear), so they're going to reuse old ones. Way too expensive for me. Lesson learned. Good luck guys.

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                              • Because it needed to happen

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                              • Because black spindle would be obsolete. Oh. Yeah. They could just upgrade black hammer to spindle and have it drop from the mission, not the raid. Problem solved, give me my ghost angel cloak back.

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                                1 Reply
                                • Bungie is gay for being a constant fegit

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                                • Edited by xKCBx Phoenix: 10/15/2015 9:48:33 AM
                                  Well maybe you needed to ask as well why the hell are perks like field scout broken yet still on year 2 guns? why did our over all ammo cap get dropped? what was the real reason nerfing year 1 weapons if in year 2 they are all basically useless. Or how does the attack values on our guns mean a damn thing for our defense level, that alone makes no -blam!-ing sense. what logic this game MIGHT have had, is gone...

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                                  6 Replies
                                  • Good post, I’m glad someone else noticed what I did this past week...I miss my old weapons. I’ve exercised patience and used several of the new weapons, but nothing feels as effective as my old gear. I posted several times about how the only thing that makes us legend is the gear we collect. And unless you got 200,000+ subs on youtube, the only person we’re going to “Become Legend” to is ourselves, and those we assist. Just look at the vanguard, they have a unique look to them: that gear tells a story. Thats what I want. And the funny part is that I don’t expect this from other games, just Destiny. Bungie earned my expectation, but thats starting to fade.

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                                  • Because bungie says so

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                                  • How about this, you should be able to buy something from xur that enables you to make your favorite year one Legendary weapon a 280 attack weapon so you can infuse it more and not end up dismantling it like many already have done.

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • They wont let you even infuse the new exotic class items. Talk about a cheep game. Gee, let sell the new items for $20 but we wont tell them they are worthless.

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