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10/14/2015 4:24:45 AM

Raid drops/Lack of weapons/You just charged us for a game with little new content and now you want us to pay for emotes too?

It's hard to see a game that I had such massive hopes for going down the path this seems to be going. When destiny first came out we new it was going to be a massive 10 year long project and for months my friends and I talked about all the different possibilities. Things like wow can you imagine the next game we're probably going to go to new galaxies and follow the path of the traveller on it's way to earth, get to see the darkness from the inside as we fight back to the source of this darkness. Imagine all the new public events, worlds, galaxies that are going to come out if this is what came out in the first game. It has been a year since the first one came out, and after a fairly disappointing set of DLC's only having 1 raid and POE as any real new content. Now i've brought taken kings and yeah I was pretty excited at first, but it has only taken a few weeks and I literally have everything except for a few pointless guns from bosses that don't even have very good perks. It seems the actual number of new exotic items is extremely limited, most of them are just year 2 versions of guns we've already had. The long drawn out jump mazes in a raid is a stupid idea, there is always one person that isn't very good at jumping so they get stuck and hold the group up for 10 15 minutes trying to do something that gives you no actual reward. If anything it seems it was just put there so the raid couldn't be done in 20 minutes once people were good at it. The drops in the raid are ridiculous, I've got 2x310 pieces from 3 characters doing the raid 7 times and i have had basically all the gear already, it just getting it again and again hoping for higher level. Just disappointed all round considering how much content came with the first game and I worry that too much time is being spent on things like emotes and dlc's when really all that you should be focusing on is building the next game. If the next thing you release doesn't have atleast half as much content as the original game I won't be buying it

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