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Clan Recruitment

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10/12/2015 6:56:00 AM

[Xbox 360] tFOs Seeking More Pack-Mates

The Feral Ones were going strong at 3 members for Year 1. While we did manage to recruit a few people at the release of TTK, we realized we needed to recruit even more to meet our members playing schedules. Long story short, we're casual and enjoy PvE and PvP (we can get a little aggressive on the latter.) We don't have a lot of rules but there are a few. - [b]MUST HAVE A MIC. [/b]Communication is key. If you don't have an Xbox mic, Skype will do fine.. - [b]Age must be 16+[/b]. Sorry kiddos. - [b]DO NOT INQUIRE IF YOU'RE ONLY SEEKING TO DO THE KINGS FALL RAID[/b]. We have enough people that are inactive because we haven't been doing the raids due to our small pack size or playing schedules. - You're acceptance into the clan is based on your performance; both in-game skill and your attitude...mainly your attitude. - As of now, I (Adala) am the only female in the clan; this does not mean I will tolerate any bull from anyone (thirsty dogs, sexist comments etc.etc... only stating since we've had issues like this in the past.) - MUST HAVE... a sense of humor. We got pretty twisted minds. - Not really a must, but please be somewhat active. I'm personally a night owl and I hate not being on during the day to help everyone run through strikes, raids etc. while we nearly have a full group during the night. Last time I did a recruiting post I got swarmed and couldn't get to everyone; if you're interested either send myself (Adala) or our Team Captains SubArtic Fox and DEAD P00L 1999 a private message. Alternatively you can send any of us a message to our xbox ID's found on our profiles.

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