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Edited by Sora Orth: 10/12/2015 5:34:10 AM
I still think COD is now just being hated for being COD, because it's the cool thing to hate. I rarely see a actual explanation on why they hate it, other then just saying the game is crap and its a waste of space and is destroying the video game industry. I personally don't have that big of a problem with it, yes it's not a great game, yes there are blatant problems with it, but at least there willing to listen to there feed back into a existent. Everyone used to bitch and complain that call of duty never changes and it's a copy paste every year, and when they do try to change it up. (read: Advance warfare and BO3) everyone loses their head about its dumb and was unessasery and that they should make WW2 games again. Because you know, we don't have lots of thouse already. And though the merits of the Exo suit and if it was good or bad is its own discussion, there attempting to change the game at least. I still just don't understand all the crap they give the game, I just find it mindless fun to screw around for a few hours on every now and then, treat it like a arena shooter, which isn't that far off due to the quake engine. Just seems everyone's hopes on the hate train and never seems to see any positive in it.

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