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10/9/2015 9:55:33 PM
I'm expecting a giant stig next year. That's right guardians, the legend himself is coming. Some say he bitch slapped ol orxy for trying to TAKE his helmet. Some say he had tess, the queen, eris, and banshee 44 in the speakers study while he taped it. We must defeat him and do that we will summon the powers of the only trio capable of this. That's right boys and girls. We will play as hamster, Captain slow and the man with the plan jezza. I for one have jumped on this hype train and riding this bitch till the wheels fall off. I am literally throwing money at the screen. Yes I am. Order the special edition for the low price of $7,777,777.77 and get stigs exotic helmet. Believe me you want this beast. Gives all weapons heat seeking wolf pack rounds, Nova bomb hammer of hell fire blade dance on deez nutts, missing or hitting any target replaces ammo directly so just hold the damn trigger down, unlimited supers plus 1, health regeneration for no reason at all, red bull buff that gives you wings and last but not least good ol shot package. That's all the info I have been able to obtain my friends. Stay tuned for more. Now back to the studio. Pooooweeerrrrr!!

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